Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
- Week 2 At a Glance -
Week 2 begins by finishing up topics related to managing database storage. On
Days 8 and 9, you learn how to create and manage the Oracle redo log files, control
files, and rollback files. You also finish the topic of Oracle storage by learning
how to manage data by using the SQL*Loader, Export and Import utilities.
Managing Users and Processes
Days 10 and 11 teach you how to create and alter user accounts in the Oracle database
as well as how to manage the various Oracle processes. You will also learn how to
manage the Oracle job queues and how to schedule jobs for later execution.
Managing the Database Schema
Days 12-14 cover topics that are typically outside of the responsibilities of
the Oracle administrator. The database schema is typically the responsibility of
the application developer. It is, however, very important that the Oracle DBA be
familiar with these concepts and able to assist the application developer when required.
These topics include table and index creation as well as clusters and views.
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