Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
- Week 1 In Review -
You spent Days 1-4 in the introductory section of this book. These chapters are
designed to give you an idea of how Oracle works and how to work with Oracle. On
Days 1-3, you learned the basics of how Oracle works as well as some of the history
of Oracle, and you did a tutorial on how to install Oracle8 on NT. On Day 4, you
learned about sizing and capacity planing from Steve DeLuca of Oracle. The end of
this week and the beginning of the second week were spent learning about Oracle data
Managing Database Storage
You spent the last three days of week 1 and the first two days of week 2 learning
about advanced topics such as database creation, tablespace creation, the Oracle
redo logs, checkpointing, and rollback segments. This section covers some of the
core concepts of the Oracle DBMS.
On Day 5 you learned about managing the Oracle RDBMS using both the Enterprise
Manager and the more traditional command-line utilities. Finishing up the week, you
learned about managing databases and datafiles on Day 6 and tablespaces on Day 7.
The remainder of the discussion about managing database storage continued into week
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