Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
- Day 8 -
Administering Redo Logs, Control Files, and Rollback Segments
In the last few days you saw how to create a database and how to add datafiles
and tablespaces to customize that database for your own use. Remember, the instance
is made up of the files used by Oracle, the processes or threads, and the memory
used by Oracle. The files used by the database are made up of the following:
- The datafiles. These are the actual files that are used to store tablespaces.
- The redo log files (sometimes just known as the redo log). This is where
all redo information is kept. Without the redo log files you would not be able to
recover from a system failure.
- The control files. These files contain information vital to the Oracle database.
The information that is used to tell the instance where the datafiles and log files
reside is stored in the control file.
- The parameter file. This file contains tuning information that is used by Oracle
at startup. This is commonly referred to as the init.ora file.
There are also the RDBMS binaries and other files such as backup files, archive
log files, and so on, but they are not really part of the database itself, even though
they are essential to the RDBMS.
As you saw on Day 7, "Administering Tablespaces," a tablespace can hold
four different types of segments:
- Data segment--Used to hold tables and clusters
- Index segment--Used to hold indexes
- Rollback segment--Special types of segments that are used to store undo information
- Temporary segment--Used for storing temporary data
Today you will look at the rollback segments. Data segments, index segments, and
temp-orary segments are covered on Days 12-15. The rollback segment is not only important
to the basic function of the Oracle RDBMS, but it has performance implications as
Redo Log Files
The redo log files are used to store redo information. Each time data is changed
in the database, a log record is written describing the change(s). With this information
the database can be recovered in the event of a system failure.
If a catastrophic system failure occurs, such as a power failure, component failure,
or similar occurrence, the Oracle instance will be aborted. The instance will be
cut off immediately or, in the event of a disk failure, the instance might crash.
If this occurs, all changed data in the buffer cache will be lost; only changes that
have been written out to disk will be saved.
New Term: When Oracle is restarted,
the information in the redo log file will be used to reproduce changes that have
been made to the database, thus saving as much work as possible. All previously committed
transactions will be recovered; this is also known as being rolled forward.
All transactions that had modified data but had not been committed will be backed
out; this is known as rolling back.
The redo log file is necessary for proper recovery. If this file is lost due to
a disk failure, you will not be able to recover in the event of a system failure;
therefore, you must protect the redo log file against this kind of failure. I recommend
you use disk mirroring or RAID-1 on all redo log files.
Because the redo log files are so critical to the recoverability of the system,
it is recommended that you do not use a caching disk controller with write-caching
unless that cache is backed up with a battery. In the event of a power failure, you
must make sure that no redo information is lost. It is often recommended that write-caching
not be used at all on the redo log, but I feel that if you have a battery back-up
your risk is reduced.
WARNING: If you use a write-caching on
the controller that has the redo log files and it is not backed up with a battery,
you are in danger of losing data. In the event of a power failure, you will lose
redo information and might not be able to recover.
How Does the Redo Log Work?
Each change to the database is logged into the redo log. Because of this, in the
event of a failure all changes made since the last backup can be recovered with the
use of these redo log files. If the instance should fail due to a power failure or
other system failure, the redo log files can recover all changes done since the last
NOTE: A checkpoint causes all in-cache
data blocks that have not been written out to disk to be written out to disk. These
unwritten, changed buffers are called dirty buffers. These dirty buffers are
what cause the system to need to be recovered. If there are no dirty buffers when
the system fails, recovery time will be instantaneous.
When a COMMIT operation is performed, the redo information is written
into the redo log buffers. The LGWR process writes the redo log files with the information
in the redo log buffer. The COMMIT operation is not completed until the
redo log has been written. After that has occurred, that transaction is irrevocable
and will be recovered in the event of a system failure. You can see how important
the redo log file really is.
The redo log is made up of two or more redo log files or log file groups. A log
file group is a set of files that Oracle automatically mirrors. In this manner
the redo log is protected against disk failure. A redo log group is made up of one
or more redo log files and must be protected against disk failure. If you are using
disk mirroring to protect the redo log, it is not necessary to use log file groups;
because the disk is protected, single log files are sufficient.
New Term: The redo log has two or more
log files or log file groups that are used in an alternating fashion. When the first
log file has filled up, the logging operation moves to the next redo log file in
the chain. If archiving is enabled, when it fills up and the log switch occurs, this
file is copied to an archive log file. These archive log files are very important
for the recoverability of the system in the event of a catastrophic failure.
Operations on the redo log files are done with the ALTER DATABASE command
that was described on Day 6, "Administering Databases and Datafiles." Using
the ALTER DATABASE command you can add redo log groups, add redo log files,
rename redo log files, and so on.
Log Switches and Checkpoints
New Term: Each time a redo log file
or log file group fills up, it switches to the next redo log file in the sequence.
This switch, called the log switch, causes several automatic events to occur:
- Checkpointing--A log switch always causes a checkpoint to occur. The checkpoint
flushes all dirty buffers from the Oracle buffer cache. This reduces the amount of
time a recovery will take, if needed.
- Archiving--If archiving is turned on (and it should be), the log switch causes
the redo log file that was just active to copy its contents to an archive log
file. This archive log file is used in recovery if needed.
- Log Sequence Number--Each time a redo log file is reused, it is given a log
sequence number. This log sequence number is also given to the associated archive
log file. By having this number, the RDBMS can keep track of which log file and archive
log files have been used.
Archiving and checkpointing are covered on Days 16 and 17, "Understanding
Effective Backup Techniques" and "Recovering the Database," where
backup and recovery are covered in detail.
Log Switch and Checkpoint Intervals
initialization parameters to control the checkpoint interval. LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL
The LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL parameter is set by the administrator to a number
of operating system blocks that are used before the log switch occurs. For most operating
systems, the size of the operating system block size is 512 bytes, so this parameter
will define the number of 512-byte blocks that are used in the redo log before a
checkpoint occurs.
If your redo log files are 10MB in size and you want the checkpoint interval to
be one tenth of the redo log file or 1MB, use the following formula to determine
LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = 1MB / 512 (bytes/block)
= 2,048 blocks
To accomplish this, set LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = 2048 in the parameter
file. To have the checkpoint occur only at log switches, set the value of LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL
to be larger than the size of your redo log files. LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT The parameter
LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT specifies a time interval, in seconds, at which the
checkpoint will occur. This will automatically run the checkpoint process at this
interval. To set the checkpoint to occur every 10 minutes, for example, set LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT
= 600. By setting the checkpoint interval on a timer, you can be assured that
checkpoints will happen regularly, even if there is not much activity at the time.
Forcing a Checkpoint
A checkpoint can be forced by hand. If you want to force a checkpoint, you can
do it with the following command:
You might want to do this if you think that your system is at risk of some sort
of failure, such as from a thunderstorm or other phenomenon that might cause a power
outage or similar situation.
Forcing a Log Switch
As with the checkpoint, a log switch can be forced by hand. If you want to force
a log switch, you can do it with the following command:
It is only in rare circumstances where you will need to switch log files. This
may happen when you want to force an archive before some system maintenance or other
occurrence where the system may be at risk, or you may want to do this before your
regular backup of archive log files.
Sizing the Redo Log Files
Typically the size of the redo log file is based on the capability of the medium
that will contain the archive log files. If the archive log files will be written
out to cartridge tape that can hold 525MB, you should consider making the redo log
files 520MB. This will allow you to copy one archive log file to tape and have a
little space left over for a margin of error.
If you do not have a particular medium in mind for archiving, or if the space
is unlimited, you should make the redo log file a manageable size. A very large redo
log file, say 2GB in size, might be a little unmanageable. Copying such a file can
take quite some time.
There is no rule of thumb for the size of the redo log files. Your own preference
should help you decide on it. Remember, if you make them too big you could potentially
go all day without performing a checkpoint. This can be dangerous because the longer
you go without checkpointing, the longer the recovery interval would be in the event
of a system failure.
Archiving the Redo Logs
When a log switch occurs, the log records in the filled redo log file are copied
to an archive log file if archiving is enabled. This archiving is usually done automatically.
Because the redo log file cannot be reused until the archive process has completed,
you should make sure that you will not try to reuse that log file before the operation
is complete. There are several ways to make sure that the archiving process happens
- Archive to disk. You can archive to disk and then copy those archive log files
to tape later. This will prevent the archiving process from waiting for a tape drive
or other, slower medium to complete.
- Use multiple log files. By having more than two redo log files, you can simultaneously
archive two or more log files while a third is being used for logging.
Archiving is very important to maintain recoverability in the database. Archiving
and backups are covered in more detail on Day 16.
Adding Redo Log Files and Groups
As with many of the functions that you have seen in this book, there are several
ways to add to the redo log. Most of these utilities have the option of using either
a graphical or a command-line utility.
Using the Enterprise Manager
If you choose, you can add log files to the redo log via the Enterprise Manager.
To do so, drill down into the database that you want to modify using the Navigator
pane and right-click the Redo Log Groups icon. You will see the Create option. Select
the Create option and you will see the Create Redo Log Group screen (see Figure 8.1).
From here you fill in the size of the new redo log file that you want to create,
specify a name under the New Members label, and click Add to add the redo log member.
After you have clicked Add, that member will appear in the Current Members list,
as shown in Figure 8.2.
NOTE: In this example I have closed all
panes except for the Navigator pane.
After you have entered all the filenames for the redo log group members, click
OK to create the log group. To add a member to an already existing group, right-click
on the Redo Log Group icon. This will bring up the Create Redo Log Member screen,
as shown in Figure 8.3.
Figure 8.1.
The Create Redo Log Group screen.
Figure 8.2.
The name of the new member of the redo log group appears in the Current Members
list after you add it.
Figure 8.3.
The Create Redo Log Member screen.
Here you type the name of the redo log group member and click OK to create that
member. To create a redo log group member with the same characteristics as an existing
redo log group member, right-click the redo log group member that you want to duplicate
and select the Create Like option. You will then see the Create Log Group Member
screen, as shown in Figure 8.4. Simply type the new log group member's name and click
the OK button to create the redo log group member.
Figure 8.4.
You can base a new log group member on an existing member after clicking Create
The options for the redo log group creation is somewhat limited in the Enterprise
Manager. It is not possible to add redo log group members and groups from the Storage
Using the ALTER DATABASE Command
Log files or log file groups can be added or modified with the ALTER DATABASE
command, as shown on Day 6. I prefer the command-line utilities because they can
be scripted, and as such are a permanent record that can be used over and over again.
An example of how to use the ALTER DATABASE command to add a log file is
shown here:
ADD LOGFILE ( `log3a', `log3b' ) SIZE 10M;
To add a new log file to an already existing group, you can use this command:
If you don't know the group name, you can use the same command and specify the
other members of the log file group, as in
ADD LOGFILE MEMBER `log3c' TO GROUP ( `log3a', `log3b');
As I have said before, by using a SQL script and the ALTER DATABASE command,
you can preserve a permanent record of the change and then use the file as a template
for other, similar operations.
Modifying Redo Log Files and Groups
As with many functions you have seen in this book, there are several ways to add
to the redo log. Most of these utilities have an option of using either a graphical
or a command-line utility.
Using the Enterprise Manager
To modify a redo log group member, right-click that member via the Enterprise
Manager's Navigator pane and choose the Quick Edit option. From here you will see
the Quick Edit Redo Log Member screen, as shown in Figure 8.5. In this screen you
can change the name of the redo log group member, thus causing the ALTER DATABASE
RENAME FILE command to be run. As you can see here, the options for modifying
the redo log via the Enterprise Manager are very limited. I prefer to use the ALTER
DATABASE command because of its flexibility and options.
Figure 8.5.
The Quick Edit Redo Log Member screen.
Using the ALTER DATABASE Command
You can modify log files or log file groups with the ALTER DATABASE command,
as shown earlier today and on Day 6. Again, I really prefer the command-line utilities
because they can be scripted, and as such are a permanent record that can be used
over and over again. For example, a redo log file can be renamed with the command
RENAME LOGFILE `log1' TO `log2';
Or you can delete a rollback segment with this command:
You can drop an entire log file group with the following command:
If you don't know the number of the log file group, you can drop it by specifying
the names of the log file group members:
DROP LOGFILE GROUP (`log3a', `log3b');
If necessary, you can drop just a log file group member with this syntax:
Characteristics of the Log Files
The redo log files are one of the few files in the Oracle database that are always
written to in a sequential manner. Because redo records are only read during recovery,
they are write-only files during normal operations.
Because of the sequential nature of the redo log files, by isolating these files
onto separate disk volumes you can take advantage of the fact that sequential I/O
is much faster than random I/O. Keep in mind that the archival operation reads from
the redo log file, so if you have two redo log files on the same disk volume, the
archive process in conjunction with the redo log operation will cause random I/O.
NOTE: I use the term disk volume
to refer to either a disk drive or set of disk drives in a RAID array.
In most cases, the performance of the redo log operation is not usually a problem.
If you are running in a high transaction rate environment, you might need to separate
each redo log file on its own disk volume.
TIP: The redo log files should be protected,
either by using log file groups or with a RAID array. When using a RAID array (either
hardware or software), use RAID-1 for the redo log files. RAID-1 offers the most
protection and the fastest write performance.
The performance of the archive log volume is not as important as that of the redo
log volume, but it is still fairly important. It is necessary that the archival operation
be completed before you need to reuse the redo log file.
In many cases, archival information can be kept on another system and restored
when necessary. If you are doing this, or are keeping your archive log files on tape,
you might want to archive to disk first and then copy to tape or to the network so
you can restore the data more quickly. If you are copying your data to a backup system,
you can use RAID-5, which is slower but less costly. In any case, by archiving to
a temporary area first, you free up the redo log file in the fastest possible time.
This is covered in more detail on Day 16.
Control Files
Control files are used to keep information critical to the operation of the RDBMS.
The control file (or files) resides on the operating system file system. These files
are used in the startup of the instance to identify where the datafiles and redo
log files are in the system. The loss of a control file can be devastating to the
operation of the RDBMS. It is always a good idea to have multiple control files on
different disk volumes so that a failure does not cause the loss of all the control
files. You can add an additional control file after the database has been created
by following these steps:
- 1. Shut down the Oracle instance.
2. Copy the control file to another location on another disk volume.
3. Edit the parameter file to include the new file name in the CONTROL_FILES
4. Restart the Oracle instance.
The control file can also be created using the CREATE CONTROLFILE command.
This creation of the control file should be done only in extreme situations, such
as when you need to rename a database or reproduce a control file because all control
files are damaged and you don't have backups.
The best way to save and protect your control files is to use the ALTER DATABASE
database BACKUP CONTROLFILE command. The options to the ALTER DATABASE
database BACKUP CONTROLFILE command are as follows:
- TO `filename'--Creates a new control file with the name specified
as filename. If the file already exists, the optional REUSE qualifier must
be used.
- TO TRACE--This optional parameter writes SQL to a trace file that can
be used to re-create the control files. Optionally you can specify the qualifiers
RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS, which will add additional SQL to open
the database with these options. The SQL statements are complete enough to start
the database, re-create the control files, and recover and open the database appropriately.
TIP: Any time you make changes to the
structure of the database by adding datafiles, redo log files, and so on, run the
doing this you will have a method of re-creating the control files if necessary.
This will save you a lot of work if you have to recover the entire system.
The control files are an important part of your system, although they rarely require
any maintenance. As long as you do a backup after you make any major changes, you
should be in pretty good shape.
Rollback Segments
New Term: Rollback segments
record transactional information that will be used in the event that the transaction
is rolled back. They also provide read consistency and are used for database recovery.
Rollback segments keep the undo information that is used in rollback operations.
Remember, a transaction can be finished by issuing either a COMMIT or
a ROLLBACK statement. These statements perform completely opposite operations.
A commit operation finishes a transaction by finalizing all the changes that have
been made. When the commit operation has finished, the changes cannot be undone.
In the event of a system failure, all changes made in this transaction will be recovered.
A rollback operation causes all the changes made during the transaction to be undone.
When the rollback operation has finished, you must resubmit the transaction to reproduce
the changes that were made. After a rollback, it is as if the transaction never occurred.
New Term: Read consistency allows
a long-running transaction to always obtain the same data within the query. During
the transaction, the data is consistent to a single point in time and does not change.
Even though the data might have been changed by another user and the DBWR might even
have written it out, other transactions do not see those changes until a COMMIT
has occurred. In fact, only transactions that start after this transaction has been
committed see those changes.
Rollback segments can be either public or private. A private rollback segment
can be used only by the instance that opened the database, and a public rollback
segment can be used by any instance. If you are not running Oracle Parallel server,
the private and public rollback segments are identical. Rollback segments must be
carefully watched and can be tuned in several ways. It is important not only to size
the rollback segments correctly but also to create the proper number of rollback
segments and properly distribute them according to the number of user processes that
require them.
Understanding How Rollback Segments Work
As a transaction is being processed, information relating to changes made to the
datafiles by that transaction is constantly being written to the rollback segments.
It is important that this information be saved because a rollback would require that
all data be restored to its original condition.
The information written by the transaction to the rollback segments is held in
rollback entries. Depending on the length of the transaction and the number
of changes to data, there might be more than one rollback entry for each transaction.
These entries are linked together so that they can easily be used in the event of
a rollback.
This information stored in the rollback segments include block information about
what blocks have been modified and the data as it was before the change occurred.
Remember that the redo log also records information about changes in the database.
The redo log, along with the rollback segments, can restore your data up to the point
of failure.
Rollback segments are used concurrently by one or more transactions. You can tune
the rollback segments to provide for optimal efficiency and space usage. Having more
transactions sharing rollback segments causes more contention and uses space more
efficiently. Having fewer transactions per rollback segment causes less contention
and wastes more space.
New Term: Oracle maintains what is
called a transaction table for each rollback segment. The transaction table
stores information about what transactions use that rollback segment and the rollback
entries for each change done by those transactions.
Each time a new transaction begins, it is assigned to a rollback segment. This
can happen in one of two ways:
- Automatically--Oracle automatically assigns the transaction a rollback segment.
The assignment takes place when the first DDL or DML statement is issued. Queries
are never assigned rollback segments.
- Manually--The application can manually specify a rollback segment by using the
SET TRANSACTION command with the USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT parameter.
This allows the developer to choose the correct size of rollback segment for a particular
task. The rollback segment is assigned for the duration of the transaction.
At the end of each transaction, when the commit operation has occurred, the rollback
information is released from the rollback segment but is not deleted so as to maintain
read-consistent views for other queries that started before the transaction was committed.
To retain this information as long as possible, the rollback segments are written
as a circular buffer.
You can think of rollback segments as a sort of circular buffer: A rollback
segment must have at least two extents (usually more). When a transaction fills up
one extent, it starts using the next extent in sequence. When it gets to the last
extent, the transaction continues with extent 1 again if it is available, as shown
in Figure 8.6.
Figure 8.6.
A logical representation of a rollback segment.
If the transaction uses the last extent in the segment, it looks to see whether
the first extent is available. If it is not, another extent is created, as shown
in Figures 8.7 and 8.8. The number of extents used for rollback segments is determined
in the definitions of the rollback segments when you create them.
Figure 8.7.
A rollback segment with all extents used.
Figure 8.8.
A rollback segment showing dynamic growth.
Creating Rollback Segments
Rollback segments are created graphically with Enterprise Manager or Storage Manager
or on the command line with the CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT command. Although
all three of these are functional, some have more functionality than others, as you
will learn in the following sections.
Using the Enterprise Manager
To create a rollback segment with Enterprise Manager, drill down through the database
that you will be operating on until you get to the Rollback Segment entry. When you
right-click this icon you are given a list of options.
NOTE: For this example I have chosen to
display only the Navigator pane.
After you have selected Create from the options you will see the Create Rollback
Segment screen. Type a name for the rollback segment and choose a tablespace in which
you want to create the rollback segment.
TIP: I have clicked the Show SQL button
to display the SQL used to create the rollback segment.
If you click the Online button, the SQL statement will be altered to put the rollback
segment online after it is created, as shown in Figure 8.9. As you can see, there
are not a whole lot of options available when creating rollback segments with the
Enterprise Manager. It is also possible to create rollback segments with the Storage
Manager, which gives you more flexibility and options.
Using the Storage Manager
The left side of the Storage Manager is similar to the Enterprise Manager, as
shown in Figure 8.10.
Click on the Rollback Segment icon, and the tree in the left side of the Storage
Manager will expand to show the existing rollback segments. The right side of the
Storage Manager shows the name, tablespace name, status, size, and high water mark
of the rollback segments. (The high water mark indicates how much rollback
data can be used in that extent before a new one is allocated.)
Figure 8.9.
Clicking the Online button puts the rollback segment online after you create
Figure 8.10.
The Storage Manager.
By right-clicking on the Rollback Segment icon you will see a menu that includes
an option to create a rollback segment. By clicking the Create button you will see
a screen that is identical to the Create Rollback Segment screen used by the Enterprise
Manager. This is shown in Figure 8.11.
Figure 8.11.
The Create Rollback Segment dialog box in the Storage Manager.
As you can see, with both the Enterprise Manager and the Storage Manager, the
options available when creating rollback segments are very limited. To create rollback
segments with more options, use the CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT command.
If you create a rollback segment with the CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT command,
you have two advantages: the ability to create the rollback segments with more options
and the advantage of using cut and paste in your editor to create multiple rollback
segments. If you are adding 50 or 100 rollback segments, using Enterprise Manager
and Schema Manager can become quite tedious. By using cut and paste in your editor
and just changing the rollback segment name, you can more easily create a large number
of rollback segments. An example of creating a rollback segment with the CREATE
ROLLBACK SEGMENT command is shown here:
INITIAL number K or M
NEXT number K or M
OPTIMAL number K or M
The parameters of CREATE PUBLIC ROLLBACK SEGMENT are as follows:
- rsname--The name of the rollback segment you are creating.
- TABLESPACEtsname--Specifies the name of the tablespace where that rollback
segment will be created.
- INITIALnumber K or M--The initial extent size in K (kilobytes)
or M (megabytes).
- NEXTnumber K or M--The size of the second extent in K (kilobytes)
or M (megabytes). With rollback segments, it is always a good idea to make all extents
the same size because there is no distinction between different extents.
- OPTIMALnumber K or M--Specifies the size that you would like
the rollback segment to try to stay, in K (kilobytes) or M (megabytes). When extents
are no longer needed, they are eliminated until this size is reached.
- MINEXTENTSnumber--The minimum number of extents. This is also the number
allocated when the segment is created.
- MAXEXTENTSnumber--The maximum number of extents that can be dynamically
Initially, there are MINEXTENTS number of extents in the rollback segment.
As extents fill up, they are used in a circular fashion, returning to the first extent
when all others are filled. If a rollback segment has used all the space in all the
extents and MAXEXTENTS has not been reached, another extent is created.
If the size of the rollback segment is larger than OPTIMAL and there are
unused extents, the unused extents are dropped from the rollback segment.
Both the creation and destruction of a rollback segment extents cause overhead
in the system. In addition to the overhead created by the addition of extents to
a rollback segment, the transaction needing to write into that rollback segment must
wait for the extent to be created before it can continue. The following sections
explain how to tune your rollback segments.
Tuning Rollback Segments
To properly configure a system's rollback segments, you must create enough rollback
segments, and they must be of a sufficient size. That seems fairly simple, but it
is not. You can observe how the rollback segments are being used, and from that determine
what needs to be done.
Determining the Number of Rollback Segments
The number of rollback segments should be determined by the number of concurrent
transactions in the database. Remember--the fewer transactions per rollback segment,
the less contention. A good rule of thumb is to create about one rollback segment
for every four concurrent transactions.
Rollback contention occurs when too many transactions try to use the same rollback
segment at the same time, and some of them have to wait. You can tell whether you
are seeing contention on rollback segments by looking at the dynamic performance
table, V$WAITSTAT. Following is the data contained by V$WAITSTAT
that is related to rollback segments:
- UNDO HEADER--The number of waits for buffers containing rollback header
- UNDO BLOCK--The number of waits for buffers containing rollback blocks
other than header blocks.
rollback segment.
rollback segment.
The system rollback segment is the original rollback segment that was created
when the database was created. This rollback segment is used primarily for special
system functions but is sometimes used when no other rollback segment is available.
Typically the SYSTEM rollback segment is not used, and you do not need to
be concerned about it.
You can view these values with the SQL statement shown in Listing 8.1.
Listing 8.1. Rollback segment waits.
SQL> SELECT class, count
3 WHERE class IN
4 (`undo header', `undo block', `system undo header', `system undo block');
------------------ --------
system undo header 0
system undo block 0
undo header 0
undo block 0
Compare these values with the total number of requests for data. Remember (from
earlier in the chapter) that the number of requests for data is equal to the sum
Also remember that you can extract that information with the query shown in Listing
Listing 8.2. Total number of rollback requests.
SQL> SELECT SUM(value) "Data Requests"
2 FROM v$sysstat
3 WHERE name IN (`db block gets', `consistent gets');
OUTPUT:Data Requests
If the number of waits for any of the rollback segment blocks or headers exceeds
more than 1% of the total number of requests, you should reduce the contention by
adding more rollback segments.
In this example the total number of requests is 5,105, as shown in Listing 8.2,
whereas the number of waits were all 0, as indicated in Listing 8.1. This indicates
that there was no contention.
Determining the Size of Rollback Segments
The advantage of small rollback segments is that they tend to remain cached, but
roll- back segments that are too small will grow and shrink unnecessarily. Long-running
transactions tend to like larger rollback segments because they usually generate
more rollback information.
It is possible to create several different sizes of rollback segments. Each type
of rollback segment should be used by the application developer based on the type
and length of the transaction (see the following).
- OLTP--OLTP transactions are characterized by many concurrent transactions, each
modifying perhaps only a small amount of data. These types of transactions benefit
from a reduction of contention and quick access from cached rollback segments. Try
to create many small rollback segments of perhaps 10KB to 20KB in size, each with
2 to 4 extents (optimally with a rollback segment available for each transaction).
- The small size of the rollback segments provides for a better chance of being
cached in the SGA. There is probably very little dynamic growth of the extents.
- Long Queries--For long queries where read consistency calls for quite a bit of
rollback information to be accessed, use a larger rollback segment. A good rule of
thumb is to create rollback segments approximately 10% the size of the largest table
(most SQL statements affect only about 10% of the data in a table).
- Large Updates--For transactions that update large amounts of data, you should
also use a larger rollback segment. As is the case with the long queries, it is appropriate
to create rollback segments approximately 10% the size of the largest table.
Determining the Size and Number of Extents
In general, the best performance of rollback I/O performance can be obtained when
there are approximately 10 to 20 extents of equal size per rollback segment. To determine
the size and number of extents, use the following formula:
Rollback segment size = Rsize = Size of largest table / 10
Number of extents = NE = 10
Size of extents = Esize = Rsize / NE
When creating the rollback segments, use the value of Esize for INITIAL
and NEXT; use the value of NE for MINEXTENTS. Even when
using these rules, you might not achieve the most effective size for your rollback
segments. If dynamic growth is occurring, you might be losing performance.
Avoiding Dynamic Growth
As stated earlier, you want to avoid the dynamic space management that causes
additional overhead and transactional delays. To determine whether rollback segments
are a problem, look in the dynamic performance table, V$ROLLSTAT. The following
columns are of particular interest:
- EXTENTS--Number of rollback extents.
- RSSIZE--The size (in bytes) of the rollback segment.
- OPTSIZE--The size to which OPTIMAL was set.
- AVEACTIVE--The current average size of active extents. Active extents
are defined as extents with uncommitted transaction data.
- AVESHRINE--The total size of free extents divided by the number of shrinks
(see the second item following).
- EXTEND--The number of times the rollback segment added an extent.
- SHRINK--The number of times the rollback segment shrank. Each shrink
may be one or more extents at a time.
- HWMSIZE--The high water mark of rollback segment size. This is the largest
that the segment size ever grew to be.
You can look at these statistics by using a SQL statement like the one shown in
Listing 8.3.
INPUT: Listing 8.3. Check statistics.
SQL> SELECT substr(name,1,40), extents, rssize, aveactive,
aveshrink, extends, shrinks
2 FROM v$rollname rn, v$rollstat rs
3 WHERE rn.usn = rs.usn;
---------------------- ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- -------
SYSTEM 4 202752 0 0 0 0
RB_TEMP 53 540672 23929 0 0 0
RB1 2 202752 0 0 0 0
RB2 2 202752 55193 0 0 0
If the average size is close to the size set for OPTIMAL, OPTIMAL
is set correctly. If either extends or shrinks is high, you must
increase the value for OPTIMAL.
You have now seen all the basic files that are used by Oracle. The Oracle instance
is made up of the Oracle files, the processes, and the memory used by Oracle. The
Oracle files are made up of the datafiles, the redo log files, the control files,
and the parameter file. There are more files used in your day-to-day operations such
as archive log files, export files, and so on, but they are not critical to the operation
of the Oracle instance.
This chapter covers the redo log files, control files, and rollback segments.
The redo log files are used to store system redo information, which is used to recover
the database in the event of a catastrophic system failure. The redo log, in conjunction
with the archive log files, enables Oracle to recover transactions that were committed
before the failure.
The control file is used to keep internal Oracle control information. This file
is used to tell Oracle where the data and redo log files are in the operating system.
The control files are critical to the operation of the instance.
Finally, you learned about rollback segments. Rollback segments keep undo information
that is used to roll back transactions and for read consistency. The rollback segments
have a lot of tuning options, which you learned about in this chapter.
What's Next?
In tomorrow's lesson, "Managing Data," you will learn how to use several
of the data-manipulation tools that come with your server: Export, Import, and the
SQL*Loader. Export and Import are used to move data in and out of the database. The
SQL*Loader utility is just used for loading data into the database.
- Q What files are used in the Oracle instance?
A There are several different files used in the Oracle instance. There
are one or more datafiles, two or more redo log files, the control files, and the
parameter file.
Q What Oracle object is used for recovery operations?
A The redo log files and the archive log files are used for database recovery.
Q What Oracle object is used for read consistency?
A The rollback segments are used for read consistency.
Q What is read consistency?
A Read consistency allows a long-running transaction to always obtain the
same data within the query.
The workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of
the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using what you've
learned. For answers to quiz questions, see Appendix A, "Answers."
- 1. How many redo log files do you need?
2. What is a log group?
3. What is a control file used for?
4. Can you have more than one control file?
5. Can the instance be started without a control file?
6. What can you do to help re-create the control file?
7. Does a log switch force a checkpoint?
8. Does a checkpoint force a log switch?
9. What is a rollback segment used for?
10. How big is a rollback segment?
- 1. Back up your control file to trace.
2. Use the Storage Manager to determine how much space your rollback segments
3. Add another control file to your system.
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