Maximum Security:
A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
Birth of a Network: The Internet
Readers already familiar with the Internet's early development may wish to bypass
this little slice of history. The story has been told many times.
Our setting is the early 1960s: 1962, to be exact. Jack Kennedy was in the White
House, the Beatles had just recorded their first hit single (Love Me Do),
and Christa Speck, a knock-out brunette from Germany, made Playmate of the Year.
Most Americans were enjoying an era of prosperity. Elsewhere, however, Communism
was spreading, and with it came weapons of terrible destruction.
In anticipation of impending atomic disaster, The United States Air Force charged
a small group of researchers with a formidable task: creating a communication network
that could survive a nuclear attack. Their concept was revolutionary: a network that
had no centralized control. If 1 (or 10, or 100) of its nodes were destroyed, the
system would continue to run. In essence, this network (designed exclusively for
military use) would survive the apocalypse itself (even if we didn't).
The individual largely responsible for the creation of the Internet is Paul Baran.
In 1962, Baran worked at RAND Corporation, the think tank charged with developing
this concept. Baran's vision involved a network constructed much like a fishnet.
In his now-famous memorandum titled On Distributed Communications: I. Introduction
to Distributed Communications Network, Baran explained:
- The centralized network is obviously vulnerable as destruction of a single central
node destroys communication between the end stations. In practice, a mixture of star
and mesh components is used to form communications networks. Such a network is sometimes
called a `decentralized' network, because complete reliance upon a single point is
not always required.
Cross Reference: The RAND Corporation
has generously made this memorandum and the report delivered by Baran available via
the World Wide Web. The documents can be found at http://www.rand.org/publications/electronic/.
Baran's model was complex. His presentation covered every aspect of the proposed
network, including routing conventions. For example, data would travel along the
network by whatever channels were available at that precise moment. In essence, the
data would dynamically determine its own path at each step of the journey. If it
encountered some sort of problem at one crossroads of the Net, the data would find
an alternate route. Baran's proposed design provided for all sorts of contingencies.
For instance, a network node would only accept a message if that node had adequate
space available to store it. Equally, if a data message determined that all nodes
were currently unavailable (the all lines busy scenario), the message would
wait at the current node until a data path became available. In this way, the network
would provide intelligent data transport. Baran also detailed other aspects of the
network, including
- Security
- Priority schemes (and devices to avoid network overload)
- Hardware
- Cost
In essence, Baran eloquently articulated the birth of a network in painstaking
detail. Unfortunately, however, his ideas were ahead of their time. The Pentagon
had little faith in such radical concepts. Baran delivered to defense officials an
11-volume report that was promptly shelved.
The Pentagon's shortsightedness delayed the birth of the Internet, but not by
much. By 1965, the push was on again. Funding was allocated for the development of
a decentralized computer network, and in 1969, that network became a reality. That
system was called ARPANET.
As networks go, ARPANET was pretty basic, not even closely resembling the Internet
of today. Its topology consisted of links between machines at four academic institutions
(Stanford Research Institute, the University of Utah, the University of California
at Los Angeles, and the University of California at Santa Barbara).
One of those machines was a DEC PDP-10. Only those more mature readers will remember
this model. These are massive, ancient beasts, now more useful as furniture than
computing devices. I mention the PDP-10 here to briefly recount another legend in
computer history (one that many of you have never heard). By taking this detour,
I hope to give you a frame of reference from which to measure how incredibly long
ago this was in computer history.
It was at roughly that time that a Seattle, Washington, company began providing
computer time sharing. The company reportedly took on two bright young men to test
its software. These young men both excelled in computer science, and were rumored
to be skilled in the art of finding holes within systems. In exchange for testing
company software, the young men were given free dial-up access to a PDP-10 (this
would be the equivalent of getting free access to a private bulletin board system).
Unfortunately for the boys, the company folded shortly thereafter, but the learning
experience changed their lives. At the time, they were just old enough to attend
high school. Today, they are in their forties. Can you guess their identities? The
two boys were Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
In any event, by 1972, ARPANET had some 40 hosts (in today's terms, that is smaller
than many local area networks, or LANs). It was in that year that Ray Tomlinson,
a member of Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc., forever changed the mode of communication
on the network. Tomlinson created electronic mail.
Tomlinson's invention was probably the single most important computer innovation
of the decade. E-mail allowed simple, efficient, and inexpensive communication between
various nodes of the network. This naturally led to more active discussions and the
open exchange of ideas. Because many recipients could be added to an e-mail message,
these ideas were more rapidly implemented. (Consider the distinction between e-mail
and the telephone. How many people can you reach with a modern conference call? Compare
that to the number of people you can reach with a single e-mail message. For group-oriented
research, e-mail cannot be rivaled.) From that point on, the Net was alive.
In 1974, Tomlinson contributed to another startling advance. He (in parallel with
Vinton Cerf and Robert Khan) invented the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This
protocol was a new means of moving data across the network bit by bit and then later
assembling these fragments at the other end.
NOTE: TCP is the primary protocol used
on the Internet today. It was developed in the early 1970s and was ultimately integrated
into Berkeley Software Distribution UNIX. It has since become an Internet standard.
Today, almost all computers connected to the Internet run some form of TCP. In Chapter
6, "A Brief Primer on TCP/IP," I closely examine TCP as well as its sister
By 1975, ARPANET was a fully functional network. The groundwork had been done
and it was time for the U.S. government to claim its prize. In that year, control
of ARPANET was given to an organization then known as the United States Defense Communications
Agency (this organization would later become the Defense Information Systems Agency).
To date, the Internet is the largest and most comprehensive structure ever designed
by humankind. Next, I will address some peripheral technological developments that
helped form the network and bring it to its present state of complexity. To do this,
I will start with C.
What Is C?
C is a popular computer programming language, often used to write language
compilers and operating systems. I examine C here because its development (and its
relationship to the UNIX operating system) is directly relevant to the Internet's
Nearly all applications designed to facilitate communication over the Internet
are written in C. Indeed, both the UNIX operating system (which forms the underlying
structure of the Internet) and TCP/IP (the suite of protocols used to traffic data
over the Net) were developed in C. It is no exaggeration to say that if C had never
emerged, the Internet as we know it would never have existed at all.
For most non-technical users, programming languages are strange, perplexing things.
However, programming languages (and programmers) are the very tools by which a computer
program (commonly called an application) is constructed. It may interest you
to know that if you use a personal computer or workstation, better than half of all
applications you now use were written in the C language. (This is true of all widely
used platforms, including Macintosh.) In this section, I want to briefly discuss
C and pay some homage to those who helped develop it. These folks, along with Paul
Baran, Ken Thompson, and a handful of others, are the grandparents of the Internet.
C was created in the early 1970s by Dennis M. Ritchie and Brian W. Kernighan.
These two men are responsible for many technological advancements that formed the
modern Internet, and their names appear several times throughout this book.
Let's discuss a few basic characteristics of the C programming language. To start,
C is a compiled as opposed to an interpreted language. I want to take a moment to
explain this critical distinction because many of you may lack programming experience.
Interpreted Programming Languages
Most programs are written in plain, human-readable text. This text is made up
of various commands and blocks of programming code called functions. In interpreted
languages, this text remains in human-readable form. In other words, such a program
file can be loaded into a text editor and read without event.
For instance, examine the program that follows. It is written for the Practical
Extraction and Report Language (Perl). The purpose of this Perl program is to get
the user's first name and print it back out to the screen.
NOTE: Perl is strictly defined as an interpreted
language, but it does perform a form of compilation. However, that compilation occurs
in memory and never actually changes the physical appearance of the programming code.
This program is written in plain English:
print "Please enter your first name:";
$user_firstname = <STDIN>;
print "Hello, $user_firstnamen"
print "Are you ready to hack?n"
Its construction is designed to be interpreted by Perl. The program performs five
- Start the Perl interpreter
- Print a message to the user, asking for his or her first
- Get the user's first name
- Remove the carriage return at the end of the user input
- Print a new message to the user, identifying him or her
by name
Interpreted languages are commonly used for programs that perform trivial tasks
or tasks that need be done only once. These are sometimes referred to as throwaway
programs. They can be written quickly and take virtually no room on the local
Such interpreted programs are of limited use. For example, in order to run, they
must be executed on a machine that contains the command interpreter. If you take
a Perl script and install it on a DOS-based machine (without first installing the
Perl interpreter), it will not run. The user will be confronted with an error message
(Bad command or file name). Thus, programs written in Perl are dependent
on the interpreter for execution.
Microsoft users will be vaguely familiar with this concept in the context of applications
written in Visual Basic (VB). VB programs typically rely on runtime libraries such
as VBRUN400.DLL. Without such libraries present on the drive, VB programs
will not run.
Cross Reference: Microsoft users who want
to learn more about such library dependencies (but don't want to spend the money
for VB) should check out Envelop. Envelop is a completely free 32-bit programming
environment for Windows 95 and Windows NT. It very closely resembles Microsoft Visual
Basic and generates attractive, fully functional 32-bit programs. It, too, has a
set of runtime libraries and extensive documentation about how those libraries interface
with the program. You can get it at ftp://ftp.cso.uiuc.edu/pub/systems/pc/winsite/win95/programr/envlp14.exe
The key advantages of interpreted languages include
- Their programs are easily altered and edited.
- Their programs take little disk space.
- Their programs require little memory.
Interpreted languages are popular, particularly in the UNIX community. Here is
a brief list of some well-known interpreted languages:
- Perl
- Forth
- Python
The pitfall of using an interpreted language is that programs written in interpreted
languages are generally much slower than those written in compiled languages.
Compiled Languages
Compiled languages (such as C) are much different. Programs written in compiled
languages must be converted into binary format before they can be executed. In many
instances, this format is almost pure machine-readable code. To generate this code,
the programmer sends the human-readable program code (plain text) through a compilation
process. The program that performs this conversion is called a compiler.
After the program has been compiled, no interpreter is required for its execution.
It will run on any machine that runs the target operating system for which the program
was written. Exceptions to this rule may sometimes apply to certain portions of a
compiled program. For example, certain graphical functions are dependent on proprietary
graphics libraries. When a C program is written using such graphical libraries, certain
library components must be shipped with the binary distribution. If such library
components are missing when the program is executed, the program will exit on error.
The first interesting point about compiled programs is that they are fast. Because
the program is loaded entirely into memory on execution (as opposed to being interpreted
first), a great deal of speed is gained. However, as the saying goes, there is no
such thing as a free lunch. Thus, although compiled programs are fast, they are also
much larger than programs written in interpreted languages.
Examine following the C program. It is identical in function to the Perl program
listed previously. Here is the code in its yet-to-be-compiled state:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char name[20];
printf("Please enter your first name: ");
scanf("%s", &name);
printf("Hello, %sn", name);
printf("Are you ready to hack?n");
return 0;
Using a standard C compiler, I compiled this code in a UNIX operating system environment.
The difference in size between the two programs (the one in Perl and the one in C)
was dramatic. The Perl program was 150 bytes in size; the C program, after being
compiled, was 4141 bytes.
This might seem like a huge liability on the part of C, but in reality, it isn't.
The C program can be ported to almost every operating system. Furthermore, it will
run on any operating system of a certain class. If compiled for DOS, it will work
equally well under all DOS-like environments (such as PC-DOS or NDOS), not just Microsoft
Modern C: The All-Purpose Language
C has been used over the years to create all manner of programs on a variety of
platforms. Many Microsoft Windows applications have been written in C. Similarly,
as I will explain later in this chapter, nearly all basic UNIX utilities are written
in C.
To generate programs written in C, you must have a C compiler. C compilers are
available for most platforms. Some of these are commercial products and some are
free to the public. Table 7.1 lists common C compilers and the platforms on which
they are available.
Table 7.1. C compilers and their platforms.
Compiler |
Platform |
GNU C (free) |
UNIX, Linux, DOS, VAX |
Borland C |
DOS, Windows, Windows NT |
Microsoft C |
DOS, Windows, Windows NT |
Watcom C |
DOS, Windows, Windows NT, OS/2 |
Metrowerks CodeWarrior |
Mac, Windows, BeOS |
Symantec |
Macintosh, Microsoft platforms |
Advantages of C
One primary advantage of the C language is that it is smaller than many other
languages. The average individual can learn C within a reasonable period of time.
Another advantage is that C now conforms to a national standard. Thus, a programmer
can learn C and apply that knowledge on any platform, anywhere in the country.
C has direct relevance to the development of the Internet. As I have explained,
most modern TCP/IP implementations are written in C, and these form the basis of
data transport on the Internet. More importantly, C was used in the development of
the UNIX operating system. As I will explain in the next section of this chapter,
the UNIX operating system has, for many years, formed the larger portion of the Internet.
C has other advantages: One is portability. You may have seen statements on the
Internet about this or that program being ported to another operating system
or platform, and many of you might not know exactly what that means. Portability
refers to the capability of a program to be re-worked to run on a platform other
than the one for which it was originally designed (that is, the capability to take
a program written for Microsoft Windows and port it to the Macintosh platform).
This aspect of portability is very important, especially in an environment like the
Internet, because the Internet has many different types of systems running on it.
In order to make a program available networkwide, that program must be easily conformable
to all platforms.
Unlike code in other languages, C code is highly portable. For example, consider
Visual Basic. Visual Basic is a wonderful rapid application development tool that
can build programs to run on any Microsoft-based platform. However, that is the extent
of it. You cannot take the raw code of a VB application and recompile it on a Macintosh
or a Sun Sparcstation.
In contrast, the majority of C programs can be ported to a wide variety of platforms.
As such, C-based programs available for distribution on the Internet are almost always
distributed in source form (in other words, they are distributed in plain text code
form, or in a form that has not yet been compiled). This allows the user to compile
the program specifically for his or her own operating system environment.
Limitations of C and the Creation of C++
Despite these wonderful features, C has certain limitations. C is not, for example,
an object-oriented language. Managing very large programs in C (where the code exceeds
100,000 lines) can be difficult. For this, C++ was created. C++ lineage is deeply
rooted in C, but works differently. Because this section contains only brief coverage
of C, I will not discuss C++ extensively. However, you should note that C++ is generally
included as an option in most modern C compilers.
C++ is an extremely powerful programming language and has led to dramatic changes
in the way programming is accomplished. C++ allows for encapsulation of complex functions
into entities called objects. These objects allow easier control and organization
of large and complex programs.
In closing, C is a popular, portable, and lightweight programming language. It
is based on a national standard and was used in the development of the UNIX operating
Cross Reference: Readers who want to learn
more about the C programming language should obtain the book The C Programming
Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. (Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-110370-9).
This book is a standard. It is extremely revealing; after all, it is written by two
men who developed the language.
Other popular books on C include
C: A Reference Manual. Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. Steele. Prentice-Hall.
ISBN 0-13-109802-0. 1987.
Teach Yourself C in 21 Days. Peter Aitkin and Bradley Jones. Sams Publishing.
ISBN 0-672-30448-1.
Teach Yourself C. Herbert Schildt. Osborne McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-881596-7.
The UNIX operating system has a long and rich history. Today, UNIX is one of the
most widely used operating systems, particularly on the Internet. In fact, UNIX actually
comprises much of the Net, being the number one system used on servers in the void.
Created in 1969 by Ken Thompson of Bell Labs, the first version of UNIX ran on
a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-7. Of course, that system bore no resemblance
to modern UNIX. For example, UNIX has been traditionally known as a multiuser system
(in other words, many users can work simultaneously on a single UNIX box). In contrast,
the system created by Thompson was reportedly a single-user system, and a bare bones
one at that.
When users today think of an operating system, they imagine something that includes
basic utilities, text editors, help files, a windowing system, networking tools,
and so forth. This is because the personal computer has become a household item.
As such, end-user systems incorporate great complexity and user-friendly design.
Alas, the first UNIX system was nothing like this. Instead, it was composed of only
the most necessary utilities to operate effectively. For a moment, place yourself
in Ken Thompson's position. Before you create dozens of complex programs like those
mentioned previously, you are faced with a more practical task: getting the system
to boot.
In any event, Thompson and Dennis Ritchie ported UNIX to a DEC PDP-11/20 a year
later. From there, UNIX underwent considerable development. Between 1970 and 1973,
UNIX was completely reworked and written in the C programming language. This was
reportedly a major improvement and eliminated many of the bugs inherent to the original
In the years that followed, UNIX source code was distributed to universities throughout
the country. This, more than any other thing, contributed to the success of UNIX.
First, the research and academic communities took an immediate liking to UNIX.
Hence, it was used in many educational exercises. This had a direct effect on the
commercial world. As explained by Mike Loukides, an editor for O'Reilly & Associates
and a UNIX guru:
- Schools were turning out loads of very competent computer users (and systems
programmers) who already knew UNIX. You could therefore "buy" a ready-made
programming staff. You didn't have to train them on the intricacies of some unknown
operating system.
Also, because the source was free to these universities, UNIX was open for development
by students. This openness quickly led to UNIX being ported to other machines, which
only increased the UNIX user base.
NOTE: Because UNIX source is widely known
and available, more flaws in the system security structure are also known. This is
in sharp contrast to proprietary systems. Such proprietary software manufacturers
refuse to disclose their source except to very select recipients, leaving many questions
about their security as yet unanswered.
Several years passed, and UNIX continued to gain popularity. It became so popular,
in fact, that in 1978, AT&T decided to commercialize the operating system and
demand licensing fees (after all, it had obviously created a winning product). This
caused a major shift in the computing community. As a result, the University of California
at Berkeley created its own version of UNIX, thereafter referred to as the Berkeley
Software Distribution or BSD. BSD was (and continues to be) extremely
influential, being the basis for many modern forms of commercial UNIX.
An interesting development occurred during 1980. Microsoft released a new version
of UNIX called XENIX. This was significant because the Microsoft product line
was already quite extensive. For example, Microsoft was selling versions of BASIC,
COBOL, Pascal, and FORTRAN. However, despite a strong effort by Microsoft to make
its XENIX product fly (and even an endorsement by IBM to install the XENIX operating
system on its new PCs), XENIX would ultimately fade into obscurity. Its popularity
lasted a mere five years. In contrast, MS-DOS (released only one year after XENIX
was introduced) took the PC world by storm.
Today, there are many commercial versions of UNIX. I have listed a few of the
them in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2. Commercial versions of UNIX and their manufacturers.
UNIX Version |
Software Company |
SunOS & Solaris |
Sun Microsystems |
Hewlett Packard |
Silicon Graphics (SGI) |
Digital Equipment Corporation |
These versions of UNIX run on proprietary hardware platforms, on high-performance
machines called workstations. Workstations differ from PC machines in several
ways. For one thing, workstations contain superior hardware and are therefore more
expensive. This is due in part to the limited number of workstations built. PCs are
manufactured in large numbers, and manufacturers are constantly looking for ways
to cut costs. A consumer buying a new PC motherboard has a much greater chance of
receiving faulty hardware. Conversely, workstation buyers enjoy more reliability,
but may pay five or even six figures for their systems.
The trade-off is a hard choice. Naturally, for average users, workstations are
both impractical and cost prohibitive. Moreover, PC hardware and software are easily
obtainable, simple to configure, and widely distributed.
Nevertheless, workstations have traditionally been more technologically advanced
than PCs. For example, onboard sound, Ethernet, and SCSI were standard features of
workstations in 1989. In fact, onboard ISDN was integrated not long after ISDN was
Differences also exist depending upon manufacturer. For example, Silicon Graphics
(SGI) machines contain special hardware (and software) that allows them to generate
eye-popping graphics. These machines are commonly used in the entertainment industry,
particularly in film. Because of the extraordinary capabilities of the SGI product
line, SGI workstations are unrivaled in the graphics industry.
However, we are only concerned here with the UNIX platform as it relates to the
Internet. As you might guess, that relationship is strong. As I noted earlier, the
U.S. government's development of the Internet was implemented on the UNIX platform.
As such, today's UNIX system contains within it the very building blocks of the Net.
No other operating system had ever been so expressly designed for use with the Internet.
(Although Bell Labs is currently developing a system that may even surpass UNIX in
this regard. It is called Plan 9 from Bell Labs; Plan 9 is covered in Chapter 21,
"Plan 9 from Bell Labs.")
Modern UNIX can run on a wide variety of platforms, including IBM-compatible and
Macintosh. Installation is typically straightforward and differs little from installation
of other operating systems. Most vendors provide CD-ROM media. On workstations, installation
is performed by booting from a CD-ROM. The user is given a series of options and
the remainder of the installation is automatic. On other hardware platforms, the
CD-ROM medium is generally accompanied by a boot disk that loads a small installation
routine into memory.
Likewise, starting a UNIX system is similar to booting other systems. The boot
routine makes quick diagnostics of all existing hardware devices, checks the memory,
and starts vital system processes. In UNIX, some common system processes started
at boot include
- Sendmail (electronic mail services)
- RPC (remote procedure calls)
- TCP/IP (networking protocols)
After the system boots successfully, a login prompt is issued to the user. Here,
the user provides his or her login username and password. When login is complete,
the user is generally dropped into a shell environment. A shell is an environment
in which commands can be typed and executed. In this respect, at least in appearance,
basic UNIX marginally resembles MS-DOS. Navigation of directories is accomplished
by changing direction from one to another. DOS users can easily navigate a UNIX system
using the conversion information in Table 7.3.
Table 7.3. Command conversion table: UNIX to DOS.
DOS Command |
UNIX Equivalent |
cd <directory> |
cd <directory> |
dir |
ls -l |
type|more |
more |
help <command> |
man <command> |
edit |
vi |
Cross Reference: Readers who wish to know
more about basic UNIX commands should point their WWW browser to http://www.geek-girl.com/Unixhelp/.
This archive is one of the most comprehensive collections of information about UNIX
currently online.
Equally, more serious readers may wish to have a handy reference at their immediate
disposal. For this, I recommend UNIX Unleashed (Sams Publishing). The book
was written by several talented UNIX wizards and provides many helpful tips and tricks
on using this popular operating system.
Say, What About a Windowing System?
UNIX supports many windowing systems. Much depends on the specific platform. For
example, most companies that have developed proprietary UNIX systems have also developed
their own windowing packages, either partially or completely. In general, however,
all modern UNIX systems support the X Window System from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT). Whenever I refer to the X Window System in this book (which
is often), I refer to it as X. I want to quickly cover X because some portions
of this book require you to know about it.
In 1984, the folks at MIT founded Project Athena. Its purpose was to develop a
system of graphical interface that would run on workstations or networks of disparate
design. During the initial stages of research, it immediately became clear that in
order to accomplish this task, X had to be hardware independent. It also had to provide
transparent network access. As such, X is not only a windowing system, but a network
protocol based on the client/server model.
The individuals primarily responsible for early development of X were Robert Scheifler
and Ron Newman, both from MIT, and Jim Gettys of DEC. X vastly differs from other
types of windowing systems (for example, Microsoft Windows), even with respect to
the user interface. This difference lies mainly in a concept sometimes referred to
as workbench or toolkit functionality. That is, X allows users to control
every aspect of its behavior. It also provides an extensive set of programming resources.
X has often been described as the most complex and comprehensive windowing system
ever designed. X provides for high-resolution graphics over network connections at
high speed and throughput. In short, X comprises some of the most advanced windowing
technology currently available. Some users characterize the complexity of X as a
disadvantage, and there is probably a bit of merit to this. So many options are available
that the casual user may quickly be overwhelmed.
Cross Reference: Readers who wish to learn
more about X should visit the site of the X Consortium. The X Consortium comprises
the authors of X. This group constantly sets and improves standards for the X Window
System. Its site is at http://www.x.org/.
NOTE: Certain versions of X can be run
on IBM-compatible machines in a DOS/Windows Environment.
Users familiar with the Microsoft platform can grasp the use of X in UNIX by likening
it to the relationship between DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.11. The basic UNIX system
is always available as a command-line interface and remains active and accessible,
even when the user enters the X environment. In this respect, X runs on top of the
basic UNIX system. While in the X environment, a user can access the UNIX command-line
interface through a shell window (this at least appears to function much like the
MS-DOS prompt window option available in Microsoft Windows). From this shell window,
the user can perform tasks, execute commands, and view system processes at work.
Users start the X Window System by issuing the following command:
X can run a series of window managers. Each window manager has a different
look and feel. Some of these (such as twm) appear quite bare bones and technical,
while others are quite attractive, even fancy. There is even one X window manager
available that emulates the Windows 95 look and feel. Other platforms are likewise
emulated, including the NeXT window system and the Amiga Workbench system. Other
windowing systems (some based on X and some proprietary) are shown in Table 7.4.
Table 7.4. Common windowing systems in UNIX.
Window System |
Company |
OpenWindows |
Sun Microsystems |
AIXWindows |
Hewlett Packard |
Indigo Magic |
Silicon Graphics |
What Kinds of Applications Run on UNIX?
Many types of applications run on UNIX. Some of these are high-performance applications
for use in scientific research and artificial intelligence. I have already mentioned
that certain high-level graphics applications are also common, particularly to the
SGI platform. However, not every UNIX application is so specialized or eclectic.
Perfectly normal applications run in UNIX, and many of them are recognizable names
common to the PC and Mac communities (such as Adobe Photoshop, WordPerfect, and other
front-line products).
Equally, I don't want readers to get the wrong idea. UNIX is by no means a platform
that lacks a sense of humor or fun. Indeed, there are many games and amusing utilities
available for this unique operating system.
Essentially, modern UNIX is much like any other platform in this respect. Window
systems tend to come with suites of applications integrated into the package. These
include file managers, text editors, mail tools, clocks, calendars, calculators,
and the usual fare.
There is also a rich collection of multimedia software for use with UNIX, including
movie players, audio CD utilities, recording facilities for digital sound, two-way
camera systems, multimedia mail, and other fun things. Basically, just about anything
you can think of has been written for UNIX.
UNIX in Relation to Internet Security
Because UNIX supports so many avenues of networking, securing UNIX servers is
a formidable task. This is in contrast to servers implemented on the Macintosh or
IBM-compatible platforms. The operating systems most common to these platforms do
not support anywhere close to the number of network protocols natively available
under UNIX.
Traditionally, UNIX security has been a complex field. In this respect, UNIX is
often at odds with itself. UNIX was developed as the ultimate open system (that is,
its source code has long been freely available, the system supports a wide range
of protocols, and its design is uniquely oriented to facilitate multiple forms of
communication). These attributes make UNIX the most popular networking platform ever
devised. Nevertheless, these same attributes make security a difficult thing to achieve.
How can you allow every manner of open access and fluid networking while still providing
Over the years, many advances have been made in UNIX security. These, in large
part, were spawned by governmental use of the operating system. Most versions of
UNIX have made it to the Evaluated Products List (EPL). Some of these advances (many
of which were implemented early in the operating system's history) include
- Encrypted passwords
- Strong file and directory-access control
- System-level authentication procedures
- Sophisticated logging facilities
UNIX is used in many environments that demand security. As such, there are hundreds
of security programs available to tune up or otherwise improve the security of a
UNIX system. Many of these tools are freely available on the Internet. Such tools
can be classified into two basic categories:
- Security audit tools
- System logging tools
Security audit tools tend to be programs that automatically detect holes within
systems. These typically check for known vulnerabilities and common misconfigurations
that can lead to security breaches. Such tools are designed for wide-scale network
auditing and, therefore, can be used to check many machines on a given network. These
tools are advantageous because they reveal inherent weaknesses within the audited
system. However, these tools are also liabilities because they provide powerful capabilities
to crackers in the void. In the wrong hands, these tools can be used to compromise
many hosts.
Conversely, system logging tools are used to record the activities of users and
system messages. These logs are recorded to plain text files or files that automatically
organize themselves into one or more database formats. Logging tools are a staple
resource in any UNIX security toolbox. Often, the logs generated by such utilities
form the basis of evidence when you pursue an intruder or build a case against a
cracker. However, deep logging of the system can be costly in terms of disk space.
Moreover, many of these tools work flawlessly at collecting data, but provide no
easy way to interpret it. Thus, security personnel may be faced with writing their
own programs to perform this task.
UNIX security is a far more difficult field than security on other platforms,
primarily because UNIX is such a large and complicated operating system. Naturally,
this means that obtaining personnel with true UNIX security expertise may be a laborious
and costly process. For although these people aren't rare particularly, most of them
already occupy key positions in firms throughout the nation. As a result, consulting
in this area has become a lucrative business.
One good point about UNIX security is that because UNIX has been around for so
long, much is known about its inherent flaws. Although new holes crop up on a fairly
regular basis, their sources are quickly identified. Moreover, the UNIX community
as a whole is well networked with respect to security. There are many mailing lists,
archives, and online databases of information dealing with UNIX security. The same
cannot be so easily said for other operating systems. Nevertheless, this trend is
changing, particularly with regard to Microsoft Windows NT. There is now strong support
for NT security on the Net, and that support is growing each day.
The Internet: How Big Is It?
This section requires a bit more history, and I am going to run through it rapidly.
Early in the 1980s, the Internet as we now know it was born. The number of hosts
was in the hundreds, and it seemed to researchers even then that the Internet was
massive. Sometime in 1986, the first freely available public access server was established
on the Net. It was only a matter of time--a mere decade, as it turned out--before
humanity would storm the beach of cyberspace; it would soon come alive with the sounds
of merchants peddling their wares.
By 1988, there were more than 50,000 hosts on the Net. Then a bizarre event took
place: In November of that year, a worm program was released into the network. This
worm infected numerous machines (reportedly over 5,000) and left them in various
stages of disrupted service or distress (I will discuss this event in Chapter 5,
"Is Security a Futile Endeavor?"). This brought the Internet into the public
eye in a big way, plastering it across the front pages of our nation's newspapers.
By 1990, the number of Internet hosts exceeded 300,000. For a variety of reasons,
the U.S. government released its hold on the network in this year, leaving it to
the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF had instituted strong restrictions
against commercial use of the Internet. However, amidst debates over cost considerations
(operating the Internet backbone required substantial resources), NSF suddenly relinquished
authority over the Net in 1991, opening the way for commercial entities to seize
control of network bandwidth.
Still, however, the public at large did not advance. The majority of private Internet
users got their access from providers like Delphi. Access was entirely command-line
based and far too intimidating for the average user. This changed suddenly when revolutionary
software developed at the University of Minnesota was released. It was called Gopher.
Gopher was the first Internet navigation tool for use in GUI environments. The World
Wide Web browser followed soon thereafter.
In 1995, NSF retired entirely from its long-standing position as overseer of the
Net. The Internet was completely commercialized almost instantly as companies across
America rushed to get connected to the backbone. The companies were immediately followed
by the American public, which was empowered by new browsers such as NCSA Mosaic,
Netscape Navigator, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The Internet was suddenly accessible
to anyone with a computer, a windowing system, and a mouse.
Today, the Internet sports more than 10 million hosts and reportedly serves some
40 million individuals. Some projections indicate that if Internet usage continues
along its current path of growth, the entire Western world will be connected by the
year 2001. Barring some extraordinary event to slow this path, these estimates are
probably correct.
Today's Internet is truly massive, housing hundreds of thousands of networks.
Many of these run varied operating systems and hardware platforms. Well over 100
countries besides the United States are connected, and that number is increasing
every year. The only question is this: What does the future hold for the Internet?
The Future
There have been many projections about where the Internet is going. Most of these
projections (at least those of common knowledge to the public) are cast by marketeers
and spin doctors anxious to sell more bandwidth, more hardware, more software, and
more hype. In essence, America's icons of big business are trying to control the
Net and bend it to their will. This is a formidable task for several reasons.
One is that the technology for the Internet is now moving faster than the public's
ability to buy it. For example, much of corporate America is intent on using the
Internet as an entertainment medium. The network is well suited for such purposes,
but implementation is difficult, primarily because average users cannot afford the
necessary hardware to receive high-speed transmissions. Most users are getting along
with modems at speeds of 28.8Kbps. Other options exist, true, but they are expensive.
ISDN, for example, is a viable solution only for folks with funds to spare or for
companies doing business on the Net. It is also of some significance that ISDN is
more difficult to configure--on any platform--than the average modem. For some of
my clients, this has been a significant deterrent. I occasionally hear from people
who turned to ISDN, found the configuration problems overwhelming, and found themselves
back at 28.8Kbps with conventional modems. Furthermore, in certain parts of the country,
the mere use of an ISDN telephone line costs money per each minute of connection
NOTE: Although telephone companies initially
viewed ISDN as a big money maker, that projection proved to be somewhat premature.
These companies envisioned huge profits, which never really materialized. There are
many reasons for this. One is that ISDN modems are still very expensive compared
to their 28.8Kbps counterparts. This is a significant deterrent to most casual users.
Another reason is that consumers know they can avoid heavy-duty phone company charges
by surfing at night. (For example, many telephone companies only enforce heavy charges
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) But these are not the only reasons. There are other
methods of access emerging that will probably render ISDN technology obsolete. Today's
consumers are keenly aware of these trends, and many have adopted a wait-and-see
Cable modems offer one promising solution. These new devices, currently being
tested throughout the United States, will reportedly deliver Net access at 100 times
the speed of modems now in use. However, there are deep problems to be solved within
the cable modem industry. For example, no standards have yet been established. Therefore,
each cable modem will be entirely proprietary. With no standards, the price of cable
modems will probably remain very high (ranging anywhere from $300 to $600). This
could discourage most buyers. There are also issues as to what cable modem to buy.
Their capabilities vary dramatically. Some, for example, offer extremely high throughput
while receiving data but only meager throughput when transmitting it. For some users,
this simply isn't suitable. A practical example would be someone who plans to video-conference
on a regular basis. True, they could receive the image of their video-conference
partner at high speed, but they would be unable to send at that same speed.
NOTE: There are other more practical problems
that plague the otherwise bright future of cable modem connections. For example,
consumers are told that they will essentially have the speed of a low-end T3 connection
for $39 a month, but this is only partially true. Although their cable modem and
the coax wire it's connected to are capable of such speeds, the average consumer
will likely never see the full potential because all inhabitants in a particular
area (typically a neighborhood) must share the bandwidth of the connection. For example,
in apartment buildings, the 10mps is divided between the inhabitants patched into
that wire. Thus, if a user in apartment 1A is running a search agent that collects
hundreds of megabytes of information each day, the remaining inhabitants in other
apartments will suffer a tremendous loss of bandwidth. This is clearly unsuitable.
Cross Reference: Cable modem technology
is an aggressive climate now, with several dozen big players seeking to capture the
lion's share of the market. To get in-depth information about the struggle (and what
cable modems have to offer), point your Web browser to http://rpcp.mit.edu/~gingold/cable/.
Other technologies, such as WebTV, offer promise. WebTV is a device that makes
surfing the Net as easy as watching television. These units are easily installed,
and the interface is quite intuitive. However, systems such as WebTV may bring an
unwanted influence to the Net: censorship. Many of the materials on the Internet
could be characterized as highly objectionable. In this category are certain forms
of hard-core pornography and seditious or revolutionary material. If WebTV were to
become the standard method of Internet access, the government might attempt to regulate
what type of material could appear. This might undermine the grass-roots, free-speech
environment of the Net.
NOTE: Since the writing of this chapter,
Microsoft Corporation has purchased WebTV (even though the sales for WebTV proved
to be far less than industry experts had projected). Of course, this is just my personal
opinion, but I think the idea was somewhat ill-conceived. The Internet is not yet
an entertainment medium, nor will it be for some time, largely due to speed and bandwidth
constraints. One wonders whether Microsoft didn't move prematurely in making its
purchase. Perhaps Microsoft bought WebTV expressly for the purpose of shelving it.
This is possible. After all, such a purchase would be one way to eliminate what seemed
(at least at the time) to be some formidable competition to MSN.
Cross Reference: WebTV does have interesting
possibilities and offers one very simple way to get acquainted with the Internet.
If you are a new user and find Net navigation confusing, you might want to check
out WebTV's home page at http://www.webtv.net/.
Either way, the Internet is about to become an important part of every American's
life. Banks and other financial institutions are now offering banking over the Internet.
Within five years, this will likely replace the standard method of banking. Similarly,
a good deal of trade has been taken to the Net.
This chapter briefly examines the birth of the Internet. Next on the agenda are
the historical and practical points of the network's protocols, or methods of data
transport. These topics are essential for understanding the fundamentals of Internet
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