Maximum Security:
A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
A Brief Primer on TCP/IP
This chapter examines the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet
Protocol (IP). These two protocols (or networked methods of data transport) are generally
referred to together as TCP/IP.
You can read this chapter thoroughly to gain an in-depth understanding of how
information is routed across the Internet or you can use this chapter as an extended
glossary, referring to it only when encountering unfamiliar terms later in this book.
The chapter begins with fundamental concepts and closes with a comprehensive look
at TCP/IP. The chapter is broken into three parts. The first part answers some basic
questions you might have, including
- What is TCP/IP?
- What is the history of TCP/IP?
- What platforms support TCP/IP?
The second portion of the chapter addresses how TCP/IP actually works. In that
portion, I will focus on the most popular services within the TCP/IP suite. These
services (or modes of transport) comprise the greater portion of the Internet as
we know it today.
The final portion of this chapter explores key TCP/IP utilities with which each
user must become familiar. These utilities are of value in maintenance and monitoring
of any TCP/IP network.
Note that this chapter is not an exhaustive treatment of TCP/IP. It provides only
the minimum knowledge needed to continue reading this book. Throughout this chapter,
however, I supply links to documents and other resources from which the reader can
gain an in-depth knowledge of TCP/IP.
TCP/IP: The Basics
This section is a quick overview of TCP/IP. It is designed to prepare you for
various terms and concepts that arise within this chapter. It assumes no previous
knowledge of IP protocols.
What Is TCP/IP?
TCP/IP refers to two network protocols (or methods of data transport) used
on the Internet. They are Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, respectively.
These network protocols belong to a larger collection of protocols, or a protocol
suite. These are collectively referred to as the TCP/IP suite.
Protocols within the TCP/IP suite work together to provide data transport on the
Internet. In other words, these protocols provide nearly all services available to
today's Net surfer. Some of those services include
- Transmission of electronic mail
- File transfers
- Usenet news delivery
- Access to the World Wide Web
There are two classes of protocol within the TCP/IP suite, and I will address
both in the following pages. Those two classes are
- The network-level protocol
- The application-level protocol
Network-Level Protocols
Network-level protocols manage the discrete mechanics of data transfer. These
protocols are typically invisible to the user and operate deep beneath the surface
of the system. For example, the IP protocol provides packet delivery of the information
sent between the user and remote machines. It does this based on a variety of information,
most notably the IP address of the two machines. Based on this and other information,
IP guarantees that the information will be routed to its intended destination. Throughout
this process, IP interacts with other network-level protocols engaged in data transport.
Short of using network utilities (perhaps a sniffer or other device that reads IP
datagrams), the user will never see IP's work on the system.
Application-Level Protocols
Conversely, application-level protocols are visible to the user in some measure.
For example, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is visible to the user. The user requests
a connection to another machine to transfer a file, the connection is established,
and the transfer begins. During the transfer, a portion of the exchange between the
user's machine and the remote machine is visible (primarily error messages and status
reports on the transfer itself, for example, how many bytes of the file have been
transferred at any given moment).
For the moment, this explanation will suffice: TCP/IP refers to a collection of
protocols that facilitate communication between machines over the Internet (or other
networks running TCP/IP).
The History of TCP/IP
In 1969, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) commissioned development
of a network over which its research centers might communicate. Its chief concern
was this network's capability to withstand a nuclear attack. In short, if the Soviet
Union launched a nuclear attack, it was imperative that the network remain intact
to facilitate communication. The design of this network had several other requisites,
the most important of which was this: It had to operate independently of any centralized
control. Thus, if 1 machine was destroyed (or 10, or 100), the network would remain
The prototype for this system emerged quickly, based in part on research done
in 1962 and 1963. That prototype was called ARPANET. ARPANET reportedly worked
well, but was subject to periodic system crashes. Furthermore, long-term expansion
of that network proved costly. A search was initiated for a more reliable set of
protocols; that search ended in the mid-1970s with the development of TCP/IP.
TCP/IP had significant advantages over other protocols. For example, TCP/IP was
lightweight (it required meager network resources). Moreover, TCP/IP could be implemented
at much lower cost than the other choices then available. Based on these amenities,
TCP/IP became exceedingly popular. In 1983, TCP/IP was integrated into release 4.2
of Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX. Its integration into commercial forms
of UNIX soon followed, and TCP/IP was established as the Internet standard. It has
remained so (as of this writing).
As more users flock to the Internet, however, TCP/IP is being reexamined. More
users translates to greater network load. To ease that network load and offer greater
speeds of data transport, some researchers have suggested implementing TCP/IP via
satellite transmission. Unfortunately, such research has thus far produced dismal
results. TCP/IP is apparently unsuitable for this implementation.
Today, TCP/IP is used for many purposes, not just the Internet. For example, intranets
are often built using TCP/IP. In such environments, TCP/IP can offer significant
advantages over other networking protocols. One such advantage is that TCP/IP works
on a wide variety of hardware and operating systems. Thus, one can quickly and easily
create a heterogeneous network using TCP/IP. Such a network might have Macs, IBM
compatibles, Sun Sparcstations, MIPS machines, and so on. Each of these can communicate
with its peers using a common protocol suite. For this reason, since it was first
introduced in the 1970s, TCP/IP has remained extremely popular. In the next section,
I will discuss implementation of TCP/IP on various platforms.
What Platforms Support TCP/IP?
Most platforms support TCP/IP. However, the quality of that support can
vary. Today, most mainstream operating systems have native TCP/IP support (that is,
TCP/IP support that is built into the standard operating system distribution). However,
older operating systems on some platforms lack such native support. Table 6.1 describes
TCP/IP support for various platforms. If a platform has native TCP/IP support, it
is labeled as such. If not, the name of a TCP/IP application is provided.
Table 6.1. Platforms and their support for TCP/IP.
Platform |
TCP/IP Support |
Native |
Piper/IP By Ipswitch |
Windows |
TCPMAN by Trumpet Software |
Windows 95 |
Native |
Windows NT |
Native |
Macintosh |
MacTCP or OpenTransport (Sys 7.5+) |
OS/2 |
Native |
AS/400 OS/400 |
Native |
Platforms that do not natively support TCP/IP can still implement it through the
use of proprietary or third-party TCP/IP programs. In these instances, third-party
products can offer varied functionality. Some offer very good support and others
offer marginal support.
For example, some third-party products provide the user with only basic TCP/IP.
For most users, this is sufficient. (They simply want to connect to the Net, get
their mail, and enjoy easy networking.) In contrast, certain third-party TCP/IP implementations
are comprehensive. These may allow manipulation of compression, methods of transport,
and other features common to the typical UNIX TCP/IP implementation.
Widespread third-party support for TCP/IP has been around for only a few years.
Several years ago, for example, TCP/IP support for DOS boxes was very slim.
TIP: There is actually a wonderful product
called Minuet that can be used in conjunction with a packet driver on LANs.
Minuet derived its name from the term Minnesota Internet Users Essential Tool.
Minuet offers quick and efficient access to the Net through a DOS-based environment.
This product is still available free of charge at many locations, including ftp://minuet.micro.umn.edu/pub/minuet/.
One interesting point about non-native, third-party TCP/IP implementations is
this: Most of them do not provide servers within their distributions. Thus, although
a user can connect to remote machines to transfer a file, the user's machine cannot
accept such a request. For example, a Windows 3.11 user using TCPMAN cannot--without
installing additional software--accept a file-transfer request from a remote machine.
Later in this chapter you'll find a list of a few names of such additional software
for those who are interested in providing services via TCP/IP.
How Does TCP/IP Work?
TCP/IP operates through the use of a protocol stack. This stack is the
sum total of all protocols necessary to complete a single transfer of data between
two machines. (It is also the path that data takes to get out of one machine and
into another.) The stack is broken into layers, five of which are of concern here.
To grasp this layer concept, examine Figure 6.1.
Figure 6.1.
The TCP/IP stack.
After data has passed through the process illustrated in Figure 6.1, it travels
to its destination on another machine or network. There, the process is executed
in reverse (the data first meets the physical layer and subsequently travels its
way up the stack). Throughout this process, a complex system of error checking is
employed both on the originating and destination machine.
Each layer of the stack can send data to and receive data from its adjoining layer.
Each layer is also associated with multiple protocols. At each tier of the stack,
these protocols are hard at work, providing the user with various services. The next
section of this chapter examines these services and the manner in which they are
associated with layers in the stack. You will also examine their functions, the services
they provide, and their relationship to security.
The Individual Protocols
You have examined how data is transmitted via TCP/IP using the protocol stack.
Now I want to zoom in to identify the key protocols that operate within that stack.
I will begin with network-level protocols.
Network-Level Protocols
Network protocols are those protocols that engage in (or facilitate) the transport
process transparently. These are invisible to the user unless that user employs utilities
to monitor system processes.
TIP: Sniffers are devices that
can monitor such processes. A sniffer is a device--either hardware or software--that
can read every packet sent across a network. Sniffers are commonly used to isolate
network problems that, while invisible to the user, are degrading network performance.
As such, sniffers can read all activity occurring between network-level protocols.
Moreover, as you might guess, sniffers can pose a tremendous security threat. You
will examine sniffers in Chapter 12, "Sniffers."
Important network-level protocols include
- The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- The Internet Protocol (IP)
- The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
I will briefly examine each, offering only an overview.
Cross Reference: For more comprehensive
information about protocols (or the stack in general), I highly recommend Teach
Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days by Timothy Parker, Ph.D (Sams Publishing).
The Address Resolution Protocol
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) serves the critical purpose of mapping Internet
addresses into physical addresses. This is vital in routing information across the
Internet. Before a message (or other data) is sent, it is packaged into IP packets,
or blocks of information suitably formatted for Internet transport. These contain
the numeric Internet (IP) address of both the originating and destination machines.
Before this package can leave the originating computer, however, the hardware address
of the recipient (destination) must be discovered. (Hardware addresses differ from
Internet addresses.) This is where ARP makes its debut.
An ARP request message is broadcast on the subnet. This request is received by
a router that replies with the requested hardware address. This reply is caught by
the originating machine and the transfer process can begin.
ARP's design includes a cache. To understand the ARP cache concept, consider this:
Most modern HTML browsers (such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer)
utilize a cache. This cache is a portion of the disk (or memory) in which elements
from often-visited Web pages are stored (such as buttons, headers, and common graphics).
This is logical because when you return to those pages, these tidbits don't have
to be reloaded from the remote machine. They will load much more quickly if they
are in your local cache.
Similarly, ARP implementations include a cache. In this manner, hardware addresses
of remote machines or networks are remembered, and this memory obviates the need
to conduct subsequent ARP queries on them. This saves time and network resources.
Can you guess what type of security risks might be involved in maintaining such
an ARP cache? At this stage, it is not particularly important. However, address caching
(not only in ARP but in all instances) does indeed pose a unique security risk. If
such address-location entries are stored, it makes it easier for a cracker to forge
a connection from a remote machine, claiming to hail from one of the cached
Cross Reference: Readers seeking in-depth
information on ARP should see RFC 826 (http://www.freesoft.org/Connected/RFC/826).
Cross Reference: Another good reference
for information on ARP is Margaret K. Johnson's piece about details of TCP/IP (excerpts
from Microsoft LAN Manager TCP/IP Protocol) (http://www.alexia.net.au/~www/yendor/internetinfo/index.html).
The Internet Control Message Protocol
The Internet Control Message Protocol handles error and control messages that
are passed between two (or more) computers or hosts during the transfer process.
It allows those hosts to share that information. In this respect, ICMP is critical
for diagnosis of network problems. Examples of diagnostic information gathered through
ICMP include
- When a host is down
- When a gateway is congested or inoperable
- Other failures on a network
TIP: Perhaps the most widely known ICMP
implementation involves a network utility called ping. Ping is often used
to determine whether a remote machine is alive. Ping's method of operation is simple:
When the user pings a remote machine, packets are forwarded from the user's machine
to the remote host. These packets are then echoed back to the user's machine. If
no echoed packets are received at the user's end, the ping program usually generates
an error message indicating that the remote host is down.
Cross Reference: I urge those readers
seeking in-depth information about ICMP to examine RFC 792 (http://sunsite.auc.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc792.html).
The Internet Protocol
IP belongs to the network layer. The Internet Protocol provides packet delivery
for all protocols within the TCP/IP suite. Thus, IP is the heart of the incredible
process by which data traverses the Internet. To explore this process, I have drafted
a small model of an IP datagram (see Figure 6.2).
Figure 6.2.
The IP datagram.
As illustrated, an IP datagram is composed of several parts. The first part, the
header, is composed of miscellaneous information, including originating and
destination IP address. Together, these elements form a complete header. The remaining
portion of a datagram contains whatever data is then being sent.
The amazing thing about IP is this: If IP datagrams encounter networks that require
smaller packages, the datagrams bust apart to accommodate the recipient network.
Thus, these datagrams can fragment during a journey and later be reassembled properly
(even if they do not arrive in the same sequence in which they were sent) at their
Even further information is contained within an IP datagram. Some of that information
may include identification of the protocol being used, a header checksum, and a time-to-live
specification. This specification is a numeric value. While the datagram is traveling
the void, this numeric value is constantly being decremented. When that value finally
reaches a zero state, the datagram dies. Many types of packets have time-to-live
limitations. Some network utilities (such as Traceroute) utilize the time-to-live
field as a marker in diagnostic routines.
In closing, IP's function can be reduced to this: providing packet delivery over
the Internet. As you can see, that packet delivery is complex in its implementation.
Cross Reference: I refer readers seeking
in-depth information on Internet protocol to RFC 760 (http://sunsite.auc.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc760.html).
The Transmission Control Protocol
The Transmission Control Protocol is the chief protocol employed on the Internet.
It facilitates such mission-critical tasks as file transfers and remote sessions.
TCP accomplishes these tasks through a method called reliable data transfer.
In this respect, TCP differs from other protocols within the suite. In unreliable
delivery, you have no guarantee that the data will arrive in a perfect state. In
contrast, TCP provides what is sometimes referred to as reliable stream delivery.
This reliable stream delivery ensures that the data arrives in the same sequence
and state in which it was sent.
The TCP system relies on a virtual circuit that is established between the requesting
machine and its target. This circuit is opened via a three-part process, often referred
to as the three-part handshake. The process typically follows the pattern
illustrated in Figure 6.3.
Figure 6.3.
The TCP/IP three-way handshake.
After the circuit is open, data can simultaneously travel in both directions.
This results in what is sometimes called a full-duplex transmission path.
Full-duplex transmission allows data to travel to both machines at the same time.
In this way, while a file transfer (or other remote session) is underway, any errors
that arise can be forwarded to the requesting machine.
TCP also provides extensive error-checking capabilities. For each block of data
sent, a numeric value is generated. The two machines identify each transferred block
using this numeric value. For each block successfully transferred, the receiving
host sends a message to the sender that the transfer was clean. Conversely, if the
transfer is unsuccessful, two things may occur:
- The requesting machine receives error information
- The requesting machine receives nothing
When an error is received, the data is retransmitted unless the error is fatal,
in which case the transmission is usually halted. A typical example of a fatal error
would be if the connection is dropped. Thus, the transfer is halted for no packets.
Similarly, if no confirmation is received within a specified time period, the
information is also retransmitted. This process is repeated as many times as necessary
to complete the transfer or remote session.
You have examined how the data is transported when a connect request is made.
It is now time to examine what happens when that request reaches its destination.
Each time one machine requests a connection to another, it specifies a particular
destination. In the general sense, this destination is expressed as the Internet
(IP) address and the hardware address of the target machine. However, even more detailed
than this, the requesting machine specifies the application it is trying to reach
at the destination. This involves two elements:
- A program called inetd
- A system based on ports
inetd: The Mother of All Daemons
Before you explore the inetd program, I want to briefly define daemons. This will
help you more easily understand the inetd program.
Daemons are programs that continuously listen for other processes (in this
case, the process listened for is a connection request). Daemons loosely resemble
terminate and stay resident (TSR) programs in the Microsoft platform. These
programs remain alive at all times, constantly listening for a particular event.
When that event finally occurs, the TSR undertakes some action.
inetd is a very special daemon. It has been called many things, including the
super-server or granddaddy of all processes. This is because inetd
is the main daemon running on a UNIX machine. It is also an ingenious tool.
Common sense tells you that running a dozen or more daemon processes could eat
up machine resources. So rather than do that, why not create one daemon that could
listen for all the others? That is what inetd does. It listens for connection requests
from the void. When it receives such a request, it evaluates it. This evaluation
seeks to determine one thing only: What service does the requesting machine want?
For example, does it want FTP? If so, inetd starts the FTP server process. The FTP
server can then process the request from the void. At that point, a file transfer
can begin. This all happens within the space of a second or so.
TIP: inetd isn't just for UNIX anymore.
For example, Hummingbird Communications has developed (as part of its Exceed 5 product
line) a version of inetd for use on any platform that runs Microsoft Windows or OS/2.
There are also non- commercial versions of inetd, written by students and other software
enthusiasts. One such distribution is available from TFS software and can be found
at http://www.trumpton.demon.co.uk/software/inetd.html.
In general, inetd is started at boot time and remains resident (in a listening
state) until the machine is turned off or until the root operator expressly terminates
that process.
The behavior of inetd is generally controlled from a file called inetd.conf,
located in the /etc directory on most UNIX platforms. The inetd.conf
file is used to specify what services will be called by inetd. Such services might
include FTP, Telnet, SMTP, TFTP, Finger, Systat, Netstat, or any other processes
that you specify.
The Ports
Many TCP/IP programs can be initiated over the Internet. Most of these are client/server
oriented. As each connection request is received, inetd starts a server program,
which then communicates with the requesting client machine.
To facilitate this process, each application (FTP or Telnet, for example) is assigned
a unique address. This address is called a port. The application in question
is bound to that particular port and, when any connection request is made to that
port, the corresponding application is launched (inetd is the program that launches
There are thousands of ports on the average Internet server. For purposes of convenience
and efficiency, a standard framework has been developed for port assignment. (In
other words, although a system administrator can bind services to the ports of his
or her choice, services are generally bound to recognized ports. These are commonly
referred to as well-known ports.)
Please peruse Table 6.2 for some commonly recognized ports and the applications
typically bound to them.
Table 6.2. Common ports and their corresponding services
or applications.
Service or Application |
Port |
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) |
21 |
Telnet |
23 |
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) |
25 |
Gopher |
70 |
Finger |
79 |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) |
80 |
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) |
119 |
I will examine each of the applications described in Table 6.2. All are application-level
protocols or services (that is, they are visible to user and the user can interact
with them at the console).
Cross Reference: For a comprehensive list
of all port assignments, visit ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers.
This document is extremely informative and exhaustive in its treatment of commonly
assigned port numbers.
Telnet is best described in RFC 854, the Telnet protocol specification:
- The purpose of the Telnet protocol is to provide a fairly general, bi-directional,
eight-bit byte-oriented communications facility. Its primary goal is to allow a standard
method of interfacing terminal devices and terminal-oriented processes to each other.
Telnet not only allows the user to log in to a remote host, it allows that user
to execute commands on that host. Thus, an individual in Los Angeles can Telnet to
a machine in New York and begin running programs on the New York machine just as
though the user were actually in New York.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Telnet, it operates much like the interface
of a bulletin board system (BBS). Telnet is an excellent application for providing
a terminal-based front end to databases. For example, better than 80 percent of all
university library catalogs can be accessed via Telnet. Figure 6.4 shows an example
of a Telnet library catalog screen.
Figure 6.4.
A sample Telnet session.
Even though GUI applications have taken the world by storm, Telnet--which is essentially
a text-based application--is still incredibly popular. There are many reasons for
this. First, Telnet allows you to perform a variety of functions (retrieving mail,
for example) at a minimal cost in network resources. Second, implementing secure
Telnet is a pretty simple task. There are several programs to implement this, the
most popular of which is Secure Shell (which I will explore later in this book).
To use Telnet, the user issues whatever command necessary to start his or her
Telnet client, followed the name (or numeric IP address) of the target host. In UNIX,
this is done as follows:
#telnet internic.net
This command launches a Telnet session, contacts internic.net, and requests
a connection. That connection will either be honored or denied, depending on the
configuration at the target host. In UNIX, the Telnet command has long been a native
one. That is, Telnet has been included with basic UNIX distributions for well over
a decade. However, not all operating systems have a native Telnet client. Table 6.3
shows Telnet clients for various operating systems.
Table 6.3. Telnet clients for various operating systems.
Operating System |
Client |
Native |
Microsoft Windows 95 |
Native (command line), ZOC, NetTerm, Zmud, WinTel32, Yawtelnet |
Microsoft Windows NT |
Native (command line), CRT, and all listed for 95 |
Microsoft Windows 3.x |
Trumptel Telnet, Wintel, Ewan |
Macintosh |
NCSA Telnet, NiftyTelnet, Comet |
Native |
File Transfer Protocol
File Transfer Protocol is the standard method of transferring files from one system
to another. Its purpose is set forth in RFC 0765 as follows:
- The objectives of FTP are 1) to promote sharing of files (computer programs and/or
data), 2) to encourage indirect or implicit (via programs) use of remote computers,
3) to shield a user from variations in file storage systems among Hosts, and 4) to
transfer data reliably and efficiently. FTP, though usable directly by a user at
a terminal, is designed mainly for use by programs.
For over two decades, researchers have investigated a wide variety of file-transfer
methods. The development of FTP has undergone many changes in that time. Its first
definition occurred in April 1971, and the full specification can be read in RFC
Cross Reference: RFC 114 contains the
first definition of FTP, but a more practical document might be RFC 959 (http://www.freesoft.org/Connected/RFC/959/index.html).
Mechanical Operation of FTP
File transfers using FTP can be accomplished using any suitable FTP client. Table
6.4 defines some common clients used, by operating system.
Table 6.4. FTP clients for various operating systems.
Operating System |
Client |
Native, LLNLXDIR2.0, FTPtool |
Microsoft Windows 95 |
Native, WS_FTP, Netload, Cute-FTP, Leap FTP, SDFTP, FTP Explorer |
Microsoft Windows NT |
See listings for Windows 95 |
Microsoft Windows 3.x |
Win_FTP, WS_FTP, CU-FTP, WSArchie |
Macintosh |
Anarchie, Fetch, Freetp |
OS/2 |
Gibbon FTP, FTP-IT, Lynn's Workplace FTP |
Native |
How Does FTP Work?
FTP file transfers occur in a client/server environment. The requesting machine
starts one of the clients named in Table 6.4. This generates a request that is forwarded
to the targeted file server (usually a host on another network). Typically, the request
is sent by inetd to port 21. For a connection to be established, the targeted file
server must be running an FTP server or FTP daemon.
FTPD FTPD is the standard FTP server daemon. Its function is simple: to
reply to connect requests received by inetd and to satisfy those requests for file
transfers. This daemon comes standard on most distributions of UNIX (for other operating
systems, see Table 6.5).
Table 6.5. FTP servers for various operating systems.
Operating System |
Client |
Native (FTPD) |
Microsoft Windows 95 |
WFTPD, Microsoft FrontPage, WAR FTP Daemon, Vermilion |
Microsoft Windows NT |
Serv-U, OmniFSPD, Microsoft Internet Information Server |
Microsoft Windows 3.x |
WinQVT, Serv-U, Beames & Whitside BW Connect, WFTPD FTP Server, WinHTTPD |
Macintosh |
Netpresenz, FTPD |
OS/2 |
Penguin |
FTPD waits for a connection request. When such a request is received, FTPD requests
the user login. The user must either provide his or her valid user login and password
or may log in anonymously.
Once logged in, the user may download files. In certain instances and if security
on the server allows, the user may also upload files.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
The objective of Simple Mail Transfer protocol is stated concisely in RFC 821:
- The objective of Simple Mail Transfer protocol (SMTP) is to transfer mail reliably
and efficiently.
SMTP is an extremely lightweight and efficient protocol. The user (utilizing any
SMTP- compliant client) sends a request to an SMTP server. A two-way connection is
subsequently established. The client forwards a MAIL instruction, indicating that
it wants to send mail to a recipient somewhere on the Internet. If the SMTP allows
this operation, an affirmative acknowledgment is sent back to the client machine.
At that point, the session begins. The client may then forward the recipient's identity,
his or her IP address, and the message (in text) to be sent.
Despite the simple character of SMTP, mail service has been the source of countless
security holes. (This may be due in part to the number of options involved. Misconfiguration
is a common reason for holes.) I will discuss these security issues later in this
SMTP servers are native in UNIX. Most other networked operating systems now have
some form of SMTP, so I'll refrain from listing them here.
Cross Reference: Further information on
this protocol is available in RFC 821 (http://sunsite.auc.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc821.html).
The Gopher service is a distributed document-retrieval system. It was originally
implemented as the Campus Wide Information System at the University of Minnesota.
It is defined in a March 1993 FYI from the University of Minnesota as follows:
- The Internet Gopher protocol is designed primarily to act as a distributed document-delivery
system. While documents (and services) reside on many servers, Gopher client software
presents users with a hierarchy of items and directories much like a file system.
In fact, the Gopher interface is designed to resemble a file system since a file
system is a good model for locating documents and services.
Cross Reference: The complete documentation
on the Gopher protocol can be obtained in RFC 1436 (http://sunsite.auc.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc1436.html).
The Gopher service is very powerful. It can serve text documents, sounds, and
other media. It also operates largely in text mode and is therefore much faster than
HTTP through a browser. Undoubtedly, the most popular Gopher client is for UNIX.
(Gopher2_3 is especially popular, followed by Xgopher.) However, many operating systems
have Gopher clients. See Table 6.6 for a few.
Table 6.6. Gopher clients for various operating systems.
Operating System |
Client |
Microsoft Windows (all) |
Hgopher, Ws_Gopher |
Macintosh |
Mac Turbo Gopher |
AS/400 |
The AS/400 Gopher Client |
OS/2 |
Os2Gofer |
Typically, the user launches a Gopher client and contacts a given Gopher server.
In turn, the Gopher server forwards a menu of choices. These may include search menus,
pre-set destinations, or file directories. Figure 6.5 shows a client connection to
the University of Illinois.
Figure 6.5.
A sample gopher session.
Note that the Gopher model is completely client/server based. The user never logs
on per se. Rather, the client sends a message to the Gopher server, requesting all
documents (or objects) currently available. The Gopher server responds with this
information and does nothing else until the user requests an object.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol is perhaps the most renowned protocol of all because
it is this protocol that allows users to surf the Net. Stated briefly in RFC 1945,
- ...an application-level protocol with the lightness and speed necessary for distributed,
collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, object-oriented
protocol which can be used for many tasks, such as name servers and distributed object
management systems, through extension of its request methods (commands). A feature
of HTTP is the typing of data representation, allowing systems to be built independently
of the data being transferred.
NOTE: RFC 1945 has been superseded by
RFC 2068, which is a more recent specification of HTTP and is available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2068.txt.
HTTP has forever changed the nature of the Internet, primarily by bringing the
Internet to the masses. In some ways, its operation is much like Gopher. For example,
it too works via a request/response scenario. And this is an important point. Whereas
applications such as Telnet require that a user remain logged on (and while they
are logged on, they consume system resources), protocols such as Gopher and HTTP
eliminate this phenomenon. Thus, the user is pushed back a few paces. The user (client)
only consumes system resources for the instant that he or she is either requesting
or receiving data.
Using a common browser like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer,
you can monitor this process as it occurs. For each data element (text, graphic,
sound) on a WWW page, your browser will contact the server one time. Thus, it will
first grab text, then a graphic, then a sound file, and so on. In the lower-left
corner of your browser's screen is a status bar. Watch it for a few moments when
it is loading a page. You will see this request/response activity occur, often at
a very high speed.
HTTP doesn't particularly care what type of data is requested. Various forms of
multimedia can be either embedded within or served remotely via HTML-based WWW pages.
In short, HTTP is an extremely lightweight and effective protocol. Clients for this
protocol are enumerated in Table 6.7.
Table 6.7. HTTP clients for various operating systems.
Operating System |
HTTP Client |
Microsoft Windows (all) |
Netscape Navigator, WinWeb, Mosaic, Microsoft Internet Explorer, WebSurfer, NetCruiser,
AOL, Prodigy |
Macintosh |
Netscape Navigator, MacMosaic, MacWeb, Samba, Microsoft Internet Explorer |
Xmosaic, Netscape Navigator, Grail, Lynx, TkWWW, Arena |
OS/2 |
Web Explorer, Netscape Navigator |
Until recently, UNIX alone supported an HTTP server. (The standard was NCSA HTTPD.
Apache has now entered the race, giving HTTPD strong competition in the market.)
The application is extremely small and compact. Like most of its counterparts, it
runs as a daemon. Its typically assigned port is 80. Today, there are HTTP servers
for nearly every operating system. Table 6.8 lists those servers.
Table 6.8. HTTP server for various operating systems.
Operating System |
HTTP Server |
Microsoft Windows 3.x |
Website, WinHTTPD |
Microsoft Windows 95 |
OmniHTTPD, Server 7, Nutwebcam, Microsoft Personal Web Server, Fnord, ZB Server,
Website, Folkweb |
Microsoft Windows NT |
HTTPS, Internet Information Server, Alibaba, Espanade, Expresso, Fnord, Folkweb,
Netpublisher, Weber, OmniHTTPD, WebQuest, Website, Wildcat |
Macintosh |
MacHTTP, Webstar, Phantom, Domino, Netpresenz |
HTTPD, Apache |
OS/2 |
GoServe, OS2HTTPD, OS2WWW, IBM Internet Connection Server, Bearsoft, Squid &
Planetwood |
Network News Transfer Protocol
The Network News Transfer Protocol is one of the most widely used protocols. It
provides modern access to the news service commonly known as USENET news. Its purpose
is defined in RFC 977:
- NNTP specifies a protocol for the distribution, inquiry, retrieval, and posting
of news articles using a reliable stream-based transmission of news among the ARPA-Internet
community. NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored in a central database
allowing a subscriber to select only those items he wishes to read. Indexing, cross-referencing,
and expiration of aged messages are also provided.
NNTP shares characteristics with both Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and TCP. Similarities
to SMTP consist of NNTP's acceptance of plain-English commands from a prompt. It
is similar to TCP in that stream-based transport and delivery is used. NNTP typically
runs from Port 119 on any UNIX system.
Cross Reference: I refer readers seeking
in-depth information on NNTP to RFC 977 (http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc977.html).
You may also wish to obtain RFC 850 for examination of earlier implementations of
the standard (http://sunsite.auc.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc850.html).
You have examined TCP/IP services and protocols individually, in their static
states. You have also examined the application-level protocols. This was necessary
to describe each protocol and what they accomplish. Now it is time to examine the
larger picture.
TCP/IP Is the Internet
By now, it should be apparent that TCP/IP basically comprises the Internet itself.
It is a complex collection of protocols, many of which remain invisible to the user.
On most Internet servers, a minimum of these protocols exist:
- Transmission Control Protocol
- Internet Protocol
- Internet Control Message Protocol
- Address Resolution Protocol
- File Transfer Protocol
- The Telnet protocol
- The Gopher protocol
- Network News Transfer Protocol
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Now, prepare yourself for a shock. These are only a handful of protocols run on
the Internet. There are actually hundreds of them. Better than half of the primary
protocols have had one or more security holes.
In essence, the point I would like to make is this: The Internet was designed
as a system with multiple avenues of communication. Each protocol is one such avenue.
As such, there are hundreds of ways to move data across the Net.
Until recently, utilizing these protocols called for accessing them one at a time.
That is, to arrest a Gopher session and start a Telnet session, the user had to physically
terminate the Gopher connection.
The HTTP browser changed all that and granted the average user much greater power
and functionality. Indeed, FTP, Telnet, NTTP, and HTTP are all available at the click
of a button.
In this chapter, you learned about TCP/IP. Relevant points about TCP/IP include
- The TCP/IP protocol suite contains all protocols necessary to facilitate data
transfer over the Internet
- The TCP/IP protocol suite provides quick, reliable networking without consuming
heavy network resources
- TCP/IP is implemented on almost all computing platforms
Now that know the fundamentals of TCP/IP, you can progress to the next chapter.
In it, you will explore some of the reasons why the Internet is not secure. As you
can probably guess, there will be references to TCP/IP throughout that chapter.
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