Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
- Day 14 -
Using Oracle Clusters, Stored Procedures, and Database Links
In addition to the regular tables you've seen in previous lessons, Oracle has
an object known as a cluster, which is used to modify the way table data is stored.
In fact, there are two different types of clusters available within the Oracle RDBMS:
the index cluster, sometimes just referred to as a cluster, and the hash cluster.
In this lesson you will learn about both the index cluster and the hash cluster--what
they are, how they work, and how to effectively use them.
New Term: Today you will also learn
how to use Oracle procedures and functions. Procedures and functions
are similar; in fact, they are so much alike that they are typically referred to
indiscriminately as stored procedures when they are used in packages and stored
in the database. Procedures and functions are subprograms made up of PL/SQL code
that take a set of parameters given to them by the calling program and perform a
set of actions. Both can modify and return data passed to them as a parameter. The
difference between a procedure and a function is that a function will always return
a single value to the caller, whereas a procedure does not. Usually, procedures are
used unless only a single return value is needed. A procedure or function that has
been stored in the library cache is referred to as a stored procedure or a
stored function; typically both procedures and functions are collectively
referred to as procedures.
Because these procedures and functions are stored in the library cache in an already-parsed
form, the parsing stage of execution can be bypassed. Also, because the SQL statements
are identical each time they are used, they will be taken from the shared SQL area
in the SGA if they have been executed recently. These features of stored procedures,
in conjunction with the fact that network traffic is reduced (because the SQL statements
are not transmitted), greatly enhance performance.
This lesson also deals with database links, which are exactly what you
would think--links from one database to another. Using database links greatly simplifies
accessing these other databases, thus making it easier for users to take advantage
of remote data.
New Term: A cluster, sometimes
called an index cluster, is an optional method of storing tables in an Oracle
database. Within a cluster, multiple related tables are stored together to improve
access time to the related items. Tables that share a common column can be clustered
around this column, thus speeding access to those rows that are accessed based on
that column. The existence of a cluster is transparent to users and to applications;
the cluster affects only how data is stored.
Remember that when Oracle retrieves data from disk, that operation is done on
data blocks, not rows; therefore, if the data is stored together it will be copied
from disk to memory together in the same data block. When the data block is read,
all data from the clustered tables in that data block is read. If you will be using
both pieces of data most of the time, this can be a real advantage; in fact, this
is a major reason why you would create a cluster. So if the data that is clustered
is primarily used in your application with a join operation, a cluster is advantageous.
If you have two tables that have related data and are frequently accessed together,
using clusters can improve performance by preloading the related data into the SGA.
Because you frequently use the data together, having that data already in the SGA
greatly reduces access time.
Clusters are beneficial in joins where the join occurs on the cluster data because
the data is all retrieved in one I/O operation. For example, suppose you are keeping
a database of information for a dog club. (Because I am a dog lover and have several
dogs of my own, I can easily relate to this.) In this database, you want to keep
track of all the dogs and their owners as well as some information about each of
the dogs. To do this, you must create several tables. First, you need a table of
all the dogs who are members of the dog club. You also need a table of the dog owners,
as shown in Figure 14.1. (This is the same table used in previous lessons.)
Figure 14.1.
The Dogs and Dog_Owners tables.
By combining the two tables into a cluster, you can save time when retrieving
the data (because the dog owner information for a particular dog is essentially read
into the SGA when the information for that dog is read in). The common column(s)
of the cluster is called the cluster key, and must be indexed.
Figure 14.2 shows what the tables look like as a cluster. Note that the cluster
key is the owner identification number.
If the data from the two tables is frequently used together, this cluster arrangement
is a performance win. It provides the ease of use of individual tables but the additional
performance of a cluster.
If you do not typically use their information together, there is no performance
benefit of putting tables into a cluster. There is even a slight disadvantage because
more SGA space is taken up by the additional data when the cluster is read in.
Figure 14.2.
The cluster including the Dogs and Dog_Owners tables.
An additional disadvantage of clusters is a reduction of the performance of INSERT
statements. This performance loss is caused by the fact that the data must be inserted
based on the cluster key and the fact that there are multiple tables in the same
block. The clustered table also spans more blocks than the individual tables, thus
causing more data to be scanned.
In summary, a cluster can be useful for tables where data is primarily accessed
together in a join. The reduced I/O needed to bring the additional data into the
SGA and the fact that the data is already cached can be a big advantage.
If the tables have a large number of INSERT statements or if the data
is not frequently accessed together, a cluster is not useful and should not be used.
WARNING: Do not cluster tables if full-table
scans are often performed on only one of the tables in the cluster. The additional
space required by the cluster and the additional I/O will reduce performance.
Hash Clusters
New Term: A hash cluster is
similar to a cluster but uses a hash function rather than an index to reference the
cluster key. A hash function is a numeric function that determines the data
block in the cluster based on the value of the cluster key. A hash cluster stores
the data based on the result of a hash function. Figure 14.3 shows a hash cluster.
Figure 14.3.
A hash cluster.
To find the data block in an index cluster, there must first be one or more I/Os
to the cluster index to find the correct data block. In a hash cluster, the cluster
key itself tells Oracle where the data block is, an arrangement that can reduce to
one the number of I/Os needed to retrieve the row.
In contrast to the index cluster, which stores related data together based on
the row's cluster-key value, the hash cluster stores related rows together based
on their hash values.
The number of hash values is determined by the value of the HASHKEYS
parameter of the CREATE CLUSTER command. The number and size of the cluster
keys are very important and should be carefully calculated.
Do not use hash clusters on tables where table scans are often performed on only
one of the tables in the cluster. The additional space required by the cluster and
the additional I/O required can reduce performance.
Also, do not use a hash cluster on a table where the application frequently modifies
the cluster key or when the table is constantly being modified. Because the cluster
key is based on a calculation, significant overhead is involved in constantly recalculating
the key.
When to Hash
Although hash clusters can be used in a similar fashion to index clusters, you
do not have to cluster multiple tables. In fact, it is frequently useful to create
a single table as a hash cluster to take advantage of the hashing feature. By using
hashing, you might be able to retrieve your data with only one I/O rather than the
multiple I/Os required to retrieve data using a B*-tree index.
Because hashing uses the value of the data to calculate the data block in which
the desired data is located, hashing is best used on tables that have unique values
for the cluster key and where the majority of queries are equality queries on the
cluster key. For equality queries, the data is usually retrieved in one read operation;
the cluster key does not have to be a single column. If the typical query uses an
equality on a set of columns, use these columns to create a composite key. A composite
key is one that is made up of more than one column.
Hashing is also most optimal when the table or tables are fairly static in size.
If the table stays within its initial storage allocation, hashing usually does not
cause a performance degradation. If the table grows out of its initial allocation,
however, performance can degrade because overflow blocks are required.
Hashing might degrade the performance of table scans because the hashing process
reads blocks that may not have much data in them. Because the table is originally
created by laying out the data into the cluster based on the value of the cluster
key, some blocks might have only a few rows.
Hashing can also degrade performance when the value of the cluster key changes.
Because the location of the block in which the data resides is based on the cluster
key's value, a change in that value can cause the row to migrate in order to maintain
the cluster.
A good candidate for hashing has the following properties:
- The cluster-key value is unique.
- The majority of queries are equality queries on the cluster key.
- The size of the table is static; very little growth occurs.
- The value of the cluster key does not change.
An example of a good hashing candidate is a table used for storing parts information.
By using a hash cluster keyed on the part number, access can be extremely efficient
and fast. Any time you have a somewhat static table with a unique column value or
set of column values, consider creating a hash cluster.
Just as with index clusters, there are both advantages and disadvantages in using
hash clusters. Hash clusters are efficient in retrieving data based on equality queries
on the cluster key. If you are not retrieving data based on that key, the query is
not hashed. As with the index cluster, you see a performance decrease when executing
INSERT statements in a hashed table.
With both index clusters and hash clusters, make a careful determination about
whether a cluster can help performance based on the access patterns on the tables.
As with many aspects of RDBMS, tuning based on a wrong decision can end up costing
in performance.
If you can take advantage of hashing by meeting somewhat strict criteria, you
can see very good performance. Hashing is extremely efficient if you can meet the
criteria described in this section.
Managing Clusters
Once you have decided whether to use an index cluster or a hash cluster, you can
start the cluster-creation process. As with almost all the operations you have seen
thus far, this can also be accomplished via the Schema Manager or via the CREATE
CLUSTER command.
Cluster creation can actually be thought of as a three-step process. These steps
consist of the following operations:
- 1. Create the cluster. This first step involves using the Schema Manager
or the CREATE CLUSTER command to create the actual cluster itself. This
cluster is a logical structure that will hold the clustered tables.
2. Create the tables in the cluster. This can be accomplished using the
CREATE TABLE command with the CLUSTER parameter.
3. Create the index on the cluster key. Before any rows can be inserted
into the tables, the cluster index must be created.
The remainder of this section goes through the process of creating the cluster,
the tables, and the index.
Creating Clusters
As stated, the cluster-creation process can be accomplished via the Schema Manager
or the CREATE CLUSTER command. To create a cluster using the Schema Manager,
right-click the Cluster icon.
From the options available from this menu, select the Create button. This will
invoke the Create Cluster screen, a completed version of which is shown in Figure
After you have invoked the Create Cluster screen you must fill in the values for
the cluster name, the schema, the cluster size, whether it is an index cluster or
a hash cluster, and the cluster columns. The size value is important; it specifies
the average size that you expect a cluster key and its associated rows to consume.
This parameter will be used to reserve space for each key value and rows. This does
not limit the amount of data that can be used by a cluster value, but will improve
Figure 14.4.
The Create Cluster screen for the Dogs table.
When you have completed this operation, the cluster will be created. You can also
create a cluster with the CREATE CLUSTER command. Here is an example:
CREATE CLUSTER dogs (owner_id NUMBER(4))
The complete syntax for the CREATE CLUSTER command can be found in the
Oracle documentation. Of course, you can add storage parameters to this command,
such as the storage clause, parallelism, and so on. The next step involved is creating
the clustered tables.
Creating Clustered Tables
You can create the cluster tables by using the CREATE TABLE command,
as shown in earlier lessons in this book. The CREATE TABLE command must
include the CLUSTER parameter. To create the two tables (here we'll use
the tables Dogs and Dog_owners that you saw on Day 12, "Working
with Tables, Views, and Synonyms") as a cluster, you can use SQL commands with
the Server Manager (see Listings 14.1 and 14.2).
Listing 14.1. The SQL for the Dogs table.
Listing 14.2. The SQL for the Dog_owners table.
CREATE TABLE "ETW".Dog_owners (
Last_Name VARCHAR2(40) NULL,
First_Name VARCHAR2(20) NULL,
Street VARCHAR2(40) NULL,
State CHAR(2) NULL,
Phone VARCHAR2(15) NULL,
Notes VARCHAR2(80) NULL)
Notice that the CLUSTER parameter specifies the cluster name and the
cluster-key value. For more information on the CREATE TABLE command, refer
to the Oracle documentation.
The final stage involved in creating a cluster is to create the index on the cluster
key. This must be accomplished before any data can be loaded into the tables.
Creating the Cluster Index
Creating the cluster index can be accomplished either via the Schema Manager or
the CREATE INDEX command. To create the cluster index using the Schema Manager,
right-click the icon of the cluster on which you want to create the index and select
the Create Index On option from the menu that pops up.
This will invoke the Create Index screen that you have seen in previous lessons.
There are, however, a few differences this time. In this screen the Cluster button
has already been selected for you, and you cannot select any columns for indexing.
The cluster index is on the cluster key only. The filled-out Create Index screen
is shown in Figure 14.5.
You can use the Schema Manager to easily create the cluster index. If, however,
you want to use the CREATE INDEX command, you also have that option. It
is often convenient to script the entire database-, table-, cluster-, and index-creation
process so that it can be used again or as a template for other database creations.
To create the cluster index using the CREATE INDEX command, use the following
At this point your cluster is created and ready for use. In the next part of this
lesson you will learn how to use procedures, functions, and packages (also known
as stored procedures).
Figure 14.5.
The Create Index screen, with information for this example filled in.
Procedures, Functions, and Packages
New Term: Procedures and functions
are subprograms made up of PL/SQL code that take a set of parameters given to them
by the calling program and perform a set of actions. The only real difference between
a procedure and a function is that a function will include a single return value.
Both functions and procedures can modify and return data passed to them as a parameter.
Usually, procedures are used unless only one return value is needed.
A procedure or function that has been stored in the library cache is referred
to as a stored procedure or a stored function. A stored procedure or
stored function has the following characteristics:
- It has a name--This is the name by which the stored procedure or function is
called and referenced.
- It takes parameters--These are the values sent to the stored procedure or function
from the application.
- It returns values--A stored procedure or function can return one or more values
based on the purpose of the procedure or function.
- It is stored in the data dictionary--The stored procedure or function is stored
in a parsed form in the data dictionary.
A procedure is a set of PL/SQL statements that form a subprogram. The subprogram
is designed and created to perform a specific operation on data in your database.
A procedure takes zero or more input parameters and returns zero or more output parameters.
The syntax of a procedure is as follows:
PROCEDURE procedure_name [( parameter_declaration )] IS
[local declarations]
PL/SQL Statements
Optional Exception Handler(s)]
END [procedure_name];
In this syntax, the parameter_declaration has the following format:
parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] datatype
The parameter qualifiers have the following meanings:
- IN--This parameter is used as an input value only.
- OUT--This parameter is used as an output value only.
- IN OUT--This parameter is used as both an input and an output variable.
The procedure is made up of two parts: the declaration and the body of the procedure.
The declaration begins with the keyword PROCEDURE and ends with the last
parameter declaration. The body begins with the keyword IS and ends with
the keyword END.
The declaration section is used to define which variables are passed to the procedure
and which values are returned from the procedure back to the calling program. The
body of the procedure is where the real work is done. The body is made up of the
PL/SQL statements that perform the desired task.
A function, like a procedure, is a set of PL/SQL statements that form a
subprogram. The subprogram is designed and created to perform a specific operation
on data in your database. A function takes zero or more input parameters and returns
just one output value. If more than one output value is required, a procedure should
be used. The syntax of a function is as follows:
FUNCTION function_name [( parameter_declaration )] RETURN datatype IS
[local declarations]
PL/SQL Statements
Optional Exception Handler(s)]
END [function_name];
The parameter_declaration has the same format as it does with a procedure:
parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] datatype
The parameter qualifiers have the following meanings:
- IN--This parameter is used as an input value only.
- OUT--This parameter is used as an output value only.
- IN OUT--This parameter is used as both an input and an output variable.
As with a procedure, a function is made up of two parts: the declaration and the
body. The declaration begins with the keyword FUNCTION and ends with RETURN
statement. The body begins with the keyword IS and ends with the keyword
The declaration section is used to define which variables are passed to the function
and which values are returned from the function back to the calling program. The
body of the function is where the real work is done. The body is made up of the PL/SQL
statements that perform the desired task.
The difference between a procedure and a function is the return value. A function
has the return declaration as well as a RETURN function within the body
of that function that returns a value. This RETURN function is used to pass
a return value to the calling program. If you do not intend to return a value to
the calling program, or you want to return more than one value, use a procedure.
NOTE: For the remainder of this lesson,
the term procedure is used to refer to both procedures and functions because
both are similar in nature and function.
How Procedures and Functions Operate
Procedures and functions use the same basic syntax in the program body with the
exception of the RETURN keyword, which can only be used by functions. The
body itself is made up of PL/SQL blocks that perform the desired function and return
the desired data to the calling program. The goal of the body of the procedure is
both to minimize the amount of data to be transmitted across the network (to and
from the calling program) and to perform the PL/SQL statements in the most efficient
manner possible.
The PL/SQL Language
PL/SQL is a block-structured language offered by Oracle to facilitate the use
of the Oracle RDBMS. It has the following properties and features that can be used
to aid in application development:
- Block structure--The block structure allows blocks to contain nested subblocks.
- Block declarations--Each block can have its own declarations, which means that
you can logically separate functions.
- Variable declaration--Variables can be declared and used within a PL/SQL block.
- Constant declaration--Constants can be declared and referenced within a PL/SQL
- Conditional statements--PL/SQL allows for conditional processing with IF...THEN...ELSE,
and GOTO functions.
These features make PL/SQL a powerful SQL processing language. Using PL/SQL has
several major advantages over using standard SQL statements (in addition to allowing
the use of stored procedures and functions). Among these are ease of use, portability,
and higher performance.
The primary performance difference between PL/SQL and SQL is the fact that PL/SQL
statements are transmitted to Oracle as a block of statements rather than as individual
state-ments. In a network application, the additional overhead needed to transmit
individual statements can be quite high. It takes very little additional CPU and
network resources to send a larger packet than it does to send a smaller one.
The RETURN Statement
In the declaration portion of a function, a RETURN parameter is
used to declare the type of the return value. Later, in the body of the function,
the RETURN statement is used to exit the function and return the
specified value to the calling program. With a procedure, the RETURN statement
can also be used, but not to return a value. In a procedure, the RETURN
statement can be used only to exit the procedure. No values can be associated with
the RETURN statement in a procedure.
The EXCEPTION Statement
In both procedures and functions, you can add optional exception handlers. These
exception handlers allow you to return additional information based on certain conditions
(such as no data found or some user-specified condition). By using exception handlers
and allowing the stored procedure to notify you of some special conditions, you can
minimize the amount of return-value checking that must be done in the application
code. Because the work to determine that no data has been selected has already been
done by the RDBMS engine, you can save on resources if you take advantage of this
To visually represent data selected within a stored procedure or function, you
can use the RDBMS_OUTPUT package supplied by Oracle. To see data returned
by RDBMS_OUTPUT in SQL*Plus or Server Manager, you must set the SERVEROUTPUT
option by issuing the command SET SERVEROUTPUT ON. Also be sure to terminate
the procedure with a slash (/) to invoke it. When using the RDBMS_OUTPUT
package, you can select several options for inputting or outputting data. The following
procedures are available in the RDBMS_OUTPUT package:
- RDBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE--Enables output processing.
- RDBMS_OUTPUT.DISABLE--Disables output processing.
- RDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE--Places a newline-terminated string in the buffer.
- RDBMS_OUTPUT.PU--Places a string in the buffer (no newline).
- RDBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE--Gets one line from the buffer.
- RDBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE--Gets an array of lines from the buffer.
In this manner, you can use a stored procedure for ad-hoc functions that require
data to be displayed in SQL*Plus. The typical stored procedure is used to return
data that has been bound to variables in a program.
How to Create Stored Procedures and Stored Functions
New Term: There are advantages to using
procedures and functions; however, the greatest advantage of using functions and
procedures happens when the procedures and functions are stored in the database.
Such procedures and functions are referred to as stored procedures and stored
functions. A stored procedure or stored function has the advantage of being stored
in the library cache in an already parsed form, thus reducing parsing time. In this
section you will see how to parse the procedure and store it in the database.
To create a stored procedure or function, use the keywords CREATE PROCEDURE
or CREATE FUNCTION with the same syntax as the PROCEDURE and FUNCTION
commands shown earlier in this lesson. When creating a procedure or function, however,
the IS keyword is replaced with the AS keyword. Listing 14.3 shows
an example of how to create a stored procedure to retrieve some information from
the Dogs table.
NOTE: The typical stored procedure or
function is called by an application program. In the following example, however,
to better illustrate how a stored procedure is coded, I chose to use SQL*Plus.
Listing 14.3. Creating the stored procedure old_dogs.
2 old_dogs
3 AS
4 CURSOR dog_cursor IS
6 dogname, age, owner
7 FROM dogs
8 WHERE age > 8;
10 RDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Dogs older than 8 years old');
11 RDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Name Age Owner');
12 FOR dog IN dog_cursor LOOP
13 RDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(dog.dogname||' `||dog.age||' `||dog.owner);
15 END old_dogs;
16 /
Procedure created.
To view the output of this stored procedure from SQL*Plus, you must to enable
the SERVEROUTPUT option, as follows:
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> execute old_dogs;
The resulting output of this procedure is
Dogs older than 8 years old
Name Age Owner
Shasta 9 Jones
Jessy 10 Wilson
Ruff 9 King
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
As you can see, to enable the stored procedure to return multiple rows selected
from the Dogs table, it is necessary to declare a cursor. By looping through
this cursor, you can output all the lines that were selected.
How to Replace Procedures and Functions
If the procedure or function is already stored in the library cache, you must
replace, rather than create, the procedure or function. You do this
FUNCTION. With this command, an already-present procedure or function is replaced;
if it is not already present, it is created.
Packages are sets of related procedures or functions that are compiled
and stored together in the data dictionary. They allow you to group together PL/SQL
types, objects, and subprograms into a logical unit. When you link these logically
related entities together, it can be easier to program and modify modules based on
their function and relation. Performance is enhanced because the entire package is
loaded into memory when it is first called, thus increasing the chance for a cache
hit on a related function or object that is likely to be called soon.
Packages are actually created in a statement with two different parts. The first
is the declaration part, where the package is defined. Then there is the package
body definition, where the body of the package is defined. The syntax of the statement
used to create the package definition is as follows:
CREATE PACKAGE package_name AS package_specification
public type and object declaration
subprogram definition
END [package_name];
This definition part of the package creation declares the parts of the package
available to the user. The rest of the package definition is used by the user, but
is not visible to the user. This second part has the following syntax:
CREATE PACKAGE BODY package_name AS package_body
private type and object declaration
subprogram bodies
initialization statements]
END [package_name];
The user application must have knowledge of the package specification in order
to call the package correctly. The arrangement of the package-creation process has
several advantages:
- Portability--The body of the package can change without requiring any changes
to the application--as long as the package specification does not change.
- Security--The package can access tables you might not want the user to see. Because
the package body is hidden from the user, some security can be maintained.
- Modularity--With packages, modules can have specific functions that can be logically
grouped and specified.
- Ease of design--The specification part of the package can be completed first,
thus allowing different teams to work on the package body and the application. Once
the specification is completed, both groups can write to that specified interface.
- Better performance--Because the entire package is loaded into memory when the
first component is accessed, additional calls to the package do not invoke disk I/O.
Using Procedures, Functions, and Packages
Using procedures, functions, and packages can improve performance in several ways--for
example, through a reduction in the amount of data that must be transmitted across
the network and an increase in hits in the shared SQL cache.
New Term: Packages are sets
of related procedures or functions compiled and stored together in the data dictionary.
Packages allow you to group PL/SQL types, objects, and subprograms into a logical
unit. If you link these logically related entities together, it can be easier to
program and modify modules based on their function and relation. You enhance performance
because the entire package is loaded into memory when it is first called, increasing
the chance for a cache hit on a related function or object that is likely to be called
Because a procedure, function, or package is stored within the library cache,
it is available for immediate use by your applications. Because these objects are
stored in an already-parsed form, performance is also improved.
Procedures, functions, and packages are used to call certain SQL statements that
are used over and over again. Any set of SQL statements that you use frequently in
your application can benefit from being made into a stored procedure or function.
Stored Procedures' Use of the Library Cache
As you know, the library cache contains the shared SQL and PL/SQL areas. By increasing
the cache-hit rate in the library cache, you increase performance. This increase
comes from reducing the overhead needed to parse the SQL statements in the shared
SQL area and from retrieving those statements from cache (reducing the need to retrieve
those statements from disk).
A cache miss in the shared SQL area occurs either when a parse statement is called
and the already-parsed statement does not exist in the shared SQL area or when an
application tries to execute a SQL statement and the shared SQL area containing the
parsed statement has been deallocated from the library cache.
Here is a review of the requirements necessary for a SQL statement to take advantage
of the library cache. For a SQL statement to take advantage of SQL or PL/SQL statements
that have already been parsed, the following criteria must be met:
- The text of the SQL statement must be identical to the SQL statement that has
already been parsed. This includes whitespaces and case.
- References to schema objects in the SQL statements must resolve to the same object.
- Bind variables must match the same name and data type.
- The SQL statements must be optimized using the same approach and, in the case
of the cost-based approach, the same optimization goal as the already parsed statement.
You might think that these conditions make it difficult to take advantage of the
shared SQL areas, but by reusing application code you can quite easily meet these
conditions. When writing applications, you should strive to use the same SQL statements
to access the same data and ensure that these SQL statements can meet these criteria.
Use stored procedures and functions whenever possible to guarantee that the same
shared PL/SQL area is used. Another advantage of using stored procedures is that
they are stored in a parsed form, eliminating runtime parsing altogether.
Standardizing on naming conventions for bind variables and spacing conventions
for SQL and PL/SQL statements can also increase the likelihood of reusing shared
SQL statements.
Using Database Links
New Term: A database link is
simply a link within the local database to another database on the network. By setting
up a database link, it is a simple matter for a user connected to a local database
to access data in the remote database from the local instance. This access to the
remote database is transparent to the user.
Let's say there is a database link called club. club is a link
to the service named club_server. To access the dogs table on the
club server, you would use the following SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM dogs@club;
Because the link is transparent, the data is retrieved from the server named club_server,
which was accessed with the link named club.
To create a database link, right-click the Database Link icon in the Schema Manager
or use the CREATE DATABASE LINK command. The Create Database Link screen
is displayed, as shown in Figure 14.6.
Simply fill in the name, whether it is a public or private link, and what the
service name is. You can set up the link to use an anonymous or a named link, where
all access to this database uses the same username and password that was used to
define the link. You can create a database link with a SQL statement; for this example,
it would be
Database links provide a transparent way for users to access data in remote databases
very easily. The database link is very easy to use.
Figure 14.6.
The Create Database Link screen.
Clusters can be very useful under certain conditions, as you have seen in this
lesson. A cluster enables you to store multiple tables in the same space. This allows
data that is typically used together to be retrieved together, thus reducing I/O.
A cluster can be either an index cluster or a hash cluster depending on which one
suits your needs. An index cluster uses an index on the cluster key, whereas the
hash cluster uses a hash function on the cluster key. Regardless of which type of
cluster you use, the function is similar.
If you have two tables with related data that are frequently accessed together,
using clusters can improve performance by preloading the related data into the SGA.
Because you frequently use the data together, having that data already in the SGA
greatly reduces access time. Clusters are beneficial in joins where the join occurs
on the cluster data because the data is all retrieved in one I/O operation.
Also in this lesson you have seen the use of functions, procedures, and packages
to improve performance. These performance enhancements include reduction in the amount
of data that must be transmitted across the network and an increase in hits in the
data dictionary cache.
Because a procedure, function, or package is stored within the data dictionary,
it is available for immediate use by your applications. Because stored procedures
and functions are stored in the library cache in an already-parsed form, performance
is improved. Any set of SQL statements that your application frequently uses can
benefit from being made into a stored procedure or function.
There are very few SQL statements that cannot benefit from the use of procedures,
functions, and packages. By storing these subprograms in the database, you reduce
network traffic and increase performance in accessing these programs. Whenever possible,
use stored procedures and packages; there is no disadvantage associated with their
What's Next?
In Day 15's lesson, "Managing Job Queues and Using Oracle Auditing,"
you will see how to enable the Oracle auditing feature, how to view the data, and
how to interpret that data. The auditing feature is part of Oracle security and is
very useful when that level of security is required.
- Q What is the difference between an index cluster and a hash cluster?
A An index cluster is a cluster that has an index on the cluster key, whereas
the hash cluster uses a hashing function to access the cluster key.
Q How is table access different in a cluster?
A Table access is no different between a cluster and an ordinary table.
There is a performance difference, however--if you are accessing multiple tables
that are clustered, as in a join operation, you will see a significant performance
improvement and reduction of I/O.
Q Why are stored procedures useful?
A Stored procedures not only cut down on network traffic, but improve the
cache-hit rate in the shared SQL area by making sure that SQL statements are identical.
Q Why would I want to use a database link?
A Database links can simplify access to tables and hide details that you
don't want users to know about.
The workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of
the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using what you've
learned. Answers to the quiz questions appear in Appendix A, "Answers."
- 1. What is the best criterion for creating a cluster?
2. Give two criteria for using hash clustering.
3. What benefit do you get from using a cluster?
4. What kind of criteria indicate that clustering is not a good idea? (Name
two things.)
5. What is a stored procedure?
6. How do you benefit from stored procedures?
7. Can stored procedures perform programmatical operations?
8. What are database links used for?
- 1. Create an indexed cluster using the Schema Manager.
2. Create two tables using the same cluster key using the CREATE TABLE
3. Create an index on the cluster using the Schema Manager.
4. Using the Schema Manager, create a database link to another server.
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