Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
- Day 13 -
Using Indexes and Sequences
An index is an optional structure designed to help you gain faster access to data.
Just like the index in this book, an Oracle index is logically and physically independent
of the data in the associated table or cluster. You can use the index to speed access
to the data or you can retrieve the data independently from the index by searching
the tables for it. When optimally configured and used, indexes can significantly
reduce I/O to the datafiles and greatly improve performance.
The presence of an index is transparent to the user or application and requires
no application changes. However, if you are aware of an index, you should be able
to design your applications to take better advantage of those indexes. The only indication
of an index might be an improved access time to data.
The index itself should be created with some knowledge of the application and
data-access patterns. If indexes are created on columns that are not used to access
the data, the index is useless.
After an index has been created for a table, Oracle automatically maintains that
index. Insertions, updates, and deletions of rows in the table automatically update
the related indexes.
A table can have any number of indexes, but the more indexes there are, the more
overhead is incurred during table updates, insertions, and deletions. This overhead
is incurred because all associated indexes must be updated whenever table data is
TIP: Indexes can be created with the Parallel
Index Creation feature of the Parallel Query option. Using this feature greatly reduces
index-creation time. Because all data must be read to create the index, a table scan
is forced. This table scan is parallelized, greatly improving performance.
It is often necessary to create a sequence of numbers to be used as an identifier
in your application. This number might be an account number, order number, or some
other sort of ID number. Rather than generating these numbers manually, Oracle has
a facility to generate these sequences of numbers automatically. To create a unique
sequence of numbers on your own, you would have to lock the record that has the last
value of the sequence, generate a new value, and then unlock the record. To avoid
locking these records, Oracle provides a sequence generator that performs this service
for you.
The Oracle sequence generator can generate sequential numbers of up to 38 digits,
without having to manually lock records. When you define a sequence, you can specify
the original values of the sequence, whether the sequence should be cached, and whether
the sequence should be in ascending or descending order. Later today you will learn
how to use the Oracle sequence generator to automatically generate sequences of numbers
for you.
Index Types
There are several different types of indexes. An index can be limited to one column
value or can consist of several columns. An index can be either unique or nonunique.
New Term: A unique index is
an index value that has the additional constraint that the set of indexed columns
defines a unique row. Although this constraint might be specified, it is usually
better to associate this constraint with the table itself rather than with the index.
Oracle enforces UNIQUE integrity constraints by automatically defining a
unique index on the unique key.
New Term: A nonunique index
does not impose the constraint that the index value be unique. Such an index can
be quite useful when quick access is desired on a nonunique value.
New Term: Another type of index is
a composite index, which indexes several columns in a table. These column
values can be in any order and the columns do not have to be adjacent in the table.
A composite index is useful when SELECT statements have WHERE
clauses that reference several values in the table. Because the index is accessed
based on the order of the columns used in the definition, it is wise to base this
order on the frequency of use. The most-referenced column should be defined first,
and so on.
The index should be created based on the values accessed in the application; the
application should be developed to take advantage of these indexes. Having knowledge
of and influence over these indexes can be very useful to the application developer.
How the Oracle Index Works
New Term: When an index is created,
an index segment is automatically allocated. This index segment contains information
that speeds access to data by determining the location of indexed data with as few
I/Os as possible. Oracle indexes data by using an index structure known as a B*-tree
index. A B*-tree index is designed to balance the access time to any
row. A B*-tree index is a tree of descending comparison values, as shown
in Figure 13.1. As you traverse down the index, you compare the desired value with
the values in the upper-level index blocks, called branch blocks. Based on
the outcome of the comparison with the branch blocks, you compare the desired value
with more branch blocks until you reach the lowest-level index blocks. The index
blocks on the lowest level, called leaf blocks, contain every indexed data
value and the associated ROWID of that data.
Figure 13.1.
The B*-tree index structure.
With a unique index, there is one ROWID per data value in the leaf block,
as shown in Figure 13.2. With a nonunique index, there might be several values associated
with the data value. In the case of the nonunique index, the data values are sorted
first by the index key and then by the ROWID.
Figure 13.2.
The index block structure.
With a B*-tree index, all the leaf blocks are at the same level. Access
of index data takes approximately the same time regardless of the value of the data.
B*-tree indexes provide quick access to data whether it is an exact match
or a range query. In addition, B*-tree indexes provide good performance
regardless of the size of the table; performance does not degrade as the table grows.
Deciding What to Index
An index is effective only when it is used. The use of the index is determined
primarily by the column values that are indexed. Remember that the more indexes you
have on a table, the more overhead is incurred during updates, insertions, and deletions.
Therefore, it is important to index selectively. Use the following guidelines for
deciding which tables to index:
- Index tables when queries select only a small number of rows. Queries that select
a large number of rows defeat the purpose of the index. Use indexes when queries
access less than 5% of the rows in the table.
- Don't index tables that are frequently updated. Updates, insertions, and deletions
incur extra overhead when indexed. Base your decision to index on the number of updates,
insertions, and deletions relative to the number of queries to the table.
- Index tables that don't have duplicate values on the columns usually selected
in WHERE clauses. Tables in which the selection is based on TRUE
or FALSE values are not good candidates for indexing.
- Index tables that are queried with relatively simple WHERE clauses.
Complex WHERE clauses might not take advantage of indexes.
If you decide to use an index, it is important to determine the columns on which
you put the index. Depending on the table, you might choose to index one or more
columns. Use the following guidelines for deciding which columns to index:
- Choose columns that are most frequently specified in WHERE clauses.
Frequently accessed columns can benefit most from indexes.
- Don't index columns that do not have many unique values. Columns in which a good
percentage of rows are duplicates cannot take advantage of indexing.
- Columns that have unique values are excellent candidates for indexing. Oracle
automatically indexes columns that are unique or primary keys defined with constraints.
These columns are most effectively optimized by indexes.
- Columns that are commonly used to join tables are good candidates for indexing.
- Frequently modified columns probably should not be index columns because of the
overhead involved in updating the index.
In certain situations, the use of composite indexes might be more effective than
individual indexes. Here are some examples of where composite indexes might be quite
- When two columns are not unique individually but are unique together, composite
indexes might work very well. For example, although columns A and B have few unique
values, rows with a particular combination of columns A and B are mostly unique.
Look for WHERE clauses with AND operators.
- If all values of a SELECT statement are in a composite index, Oracle
does not query the table; the result is returned from the index.
- If several different queries select the same rows with different WHERE
clauses based on different columns, consider creating a composite index with all
the columns used in the WHERE statements.
Composite indexes can be quite useful when they are carefully designed. As with
single-column indexes, they are most effective if applications are written with the
indexes in mind.
After you create the index, you should periodically use the SQL Trace facility
to determine whether your queries are taking advantage of the indexes. It might be
worth the effort to try the query with and without indexes and then compare the results
to see whether the index is worth the space it uses.
In summary, indexes can significantly improve performance in your system if they
are used properly. You must first decide whether an index is appropriate for the
data and access patterns in your particular system. After you decide to use an index,
you must decide which columns to index. Indexing an inappropriate column or table
can reduce performance. Indexing appropriately can greatly improve performance by
reducing I/Os and speeding access times. Careful planning and periodic testing with
the SQL Trace feature can lead to a very effective use of indexes, with optimal performance
being the outcome.
Taking Advantage of Indexes
Because one or more columns are indexed, it is necessary to include the indexed
column or columns in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement. Because the
indexed column or columns are referenced in the WHERE clause, the optimizer
will immediately know to use an index scan rather than a table scan to access the
requested data. If you do not include the columns that are indexed in the WHERE
clause of the SQL statement, the index will probably be bypassed, thus causing a
table scan.
TIP: It takes the right application coding
to take advantage of indexes. If one or more columns are indexed but are not referenced
in the WHERE clause of the SQL statements accessing that table, the index
will not be used. Coordination between the DBA and the application developers is
required to take advantage of indexes.
You can tell whether you are taking advantage of indexes by using the Oracle EXPLAIN
PLAN facility to show the query execution plan that the optimizer has chosen for
your SQL statements. If you are using the index as expected, you will see an index
scan in the execution plan.
How Indexes Improve Performance
New Term: If there are no indexes on
your table, the only way Oracle can find the data you want is to search every piece
of data in the table and compare it against the requested data. This is typically
referred to as a table scan or full-table scan. A table scan is not
very efficient in most cases because you typically want to select or update only
a few rows.
Because I/Os are expensive operations on a computer system, table scans are very
expensive. Reducing the amount of data that is read from the disk is desirable. By
reducing the amount of data that is read, you reduce system overhead. An index improves
your performance by knowing exactly where the data is on disk and avoiding costly
table scans, thus reducing I/O overhead.
Creating Indexes
Indexes can be created either via the graphical utilities provided with Oracle
Enterprise Manager or via the CREATE INDEX command. Because Enterprise Manager
and Schema Manager provide essentially the same functionality, I will not discuss
Enterprise Manager here. Schema Manager provides all the functionality of Enterprise
Manager, but with additional features.
Creating Indexes with Schema Manager
Schema Manager is used to administer all Oracle schema objects. As you have seen,
indexes and tables are schema objects. Schema Manager provides an easy way to create
indexes graphically. To create an index with Schema Manager, drill down into the
table on which you want to create the index. Right-click the Indexes option under
the table's entry, as shown in Figure 13.3.
Figure 13.3.
Creating an index with Schema Manager.
This invokes the Create Index screen, where you provide the information required
to create the index on the selected table. The initial Create Index screen is shown
in Figure 13.4. A number of options must be filled in before the index can be created:
- Name--The name of the index. Each index must have a unique identifier.
- Schema--The schema where the index resides. The index and the table need not
be within the same schema.
- Type--This is used for partitioning. If this were a partitioned table, you would
be able to choose whether your index was local or global.
- Index On--You can choose whether you are indexing a table or a cluster.
- Schema--The schema where the table resides.
- Table--The table to be indexed.
- Index Columns--After the table has been selected, a list of the table's columns
is displayed. If you click the Order column in the order you want the index columns
to be created, you will see a number appear. This indicates the index order.
- Options--Optional parameters define whether the index is unique, sorted, and
whether the index creation is written to the log file. For large indexes, it might
be beneficial to abstain from logging the index creation to save log space and improve
Figure 13.4.
The Create Index screen.
A completed Create Index screen is shown in Figure 13.5. Here I have selected
to index the DOGS ID field. This will speed up access to the DOGS
table whenever I am using the ID column in the WHERE clause. When
I access a row in the database where the selection criteria are based on a value
of the ID column, the index will be used.
Figure 13.5.
Creating an index for the DOGS table on the ID field.
That is really all there is to creating an index using Schema Manager. The index
will be automatically maintained by Oracle after the index has been created. If you
use the CREATE INDEX command, you have more options available.
Creating Indexes with the CREATE INDEX Command
With this command you can specify all the options available with Schema Manager,
as well as other options. Rather than go over all the options available with the
CREATE INDEX command, I will highlight some of the optional parameters that
are not available with the graphical tools. Please reference the Oracle SQL Reference
Manual for the complete syntax of the CREATE INDEX command.
- BITMAP--This parameter is used to specify a bitmap index. The bitmap
index is described in detail in the section titled "Bitmap Indexes."
- NOSORT--This specifies to the index-creation process that the rows are
already in sorted order, thus skipping the sort process. This can save substantial
time in creating the index.
- REVERSE--This parameter specifies that the blocks in the index are stored
in reverse order.
- GLOBAL--This parameter specifies a global partitioned index, as described
in the section titled "Global Indexes."
- PARTITION--This parameter is used for partitioned indexes, as described
in the section titled "Partitioned Indexes."
- VALUES LESS THAT--This parameter is also used for partitioned indexes,
as described in the section titled "Partitioned Indexes."
- PARALLEL--This parameter allows you to specify the degree of parallelism
for the index-creation process. For large indexes, the time savings can be substantial.
- STORAGE clause--This parameter allows you to modify the storage parameters
for the index. This is the same STORAGE clause you saw before.
In many cases, creating the index by hand with the CREATE INDEX command
can be beneficial. In addition to allowing you more control over the storage and
parallelism of the index creation, through scripting you have a saved record of the
index-creation process. If you are creating indexes on large tables, the CREATE
INDEX command might be the best way for you to create the index. An example
of the CREATE INDEX procedure is shown in Listing 13.1.
Listing 13.1. Using the CREATE INDEX command.
ON "ETW"."DOGS" ("ID")
This creates the same index as shown with Schema Manager except that it uses a
parallelism of 10. This allows 10 parallel processes to scan the table to retrieve
the data necessary to create the index.
NOTE: There is no limit to the number
of indexes that you can create on a table. Remember that each time a column is updated
or inserted, the index might need to be modified. This causes overhead on the system.
For tables whose access pattern is mostly read, there is very little penalty for
multiple indexes except in terms of the space they use. Even though indexes can take
up considerable space, they are well worth it.
Partitioned Indexes
As you saw yesterday, a new feature of Oracle8 is range partitioning. Like tables,
indexes can also be partitioned; but with indexes you have a few more options because
the underlying table might or might not also be partitioned. There are essentially
two different types of partitioned indexes available with Oracle8:
- Global indexes--These are created in a manner different from the underlying partitioning
of the table that is indexed.
- Local indexes--These are partitioned in the same manner as the underlying table
Global Indexes
New Term: A global index can
be thought of as a single B*-tree index over the entire contents of the
table. Even though this is one large index, it can be partitioned. This single index
has information about all rows in all partitions in the table.
To create a global partitioned index, use the CREATE INDEX parameter
GLOBAL. This specifies that the index will be a global index. Further partitioning
of the index is accomplished by using the following parameters:
- GLOBAL--This parameter specifies a global partitioned index.
- PARTITIONpart_name--This parameter is used to identify the partition.
If you do not specify the partition name, a default name will be provided. It is
not usually necessary to provide the partition name.
- VALUES LESS THAT--This parameter is used to specify the range that is
allocated for that particular partition in the same way as the partition was specified
in the CREATE TABLE statement (discussed yesterday).
NOTE: The last partition should contain
the keyword MAXVALUE for its range.
For example, to range-partition the index that was created earlier in this lesson,
use the syntax that appears in Listing 13.2.
Listing 13.2. Creating a partitioned index.
This create two partitions, the first holding values of ID that are less
than 1,000, the second holding the remaining values of ID. If you do not
specify the partition name, as is the case here, a default name will be provided.
Local Indexes
New Term: In contrast to the global
index, a local partitioned index is individually created on each partition.
If you specify a local partitioned index, Oracle automatically maintains the index's
partitioning along with that of the underlying table.
Local partitioned indexes are created through the use of the LOCAL parameter
with the CREATE INDEX statement. It is unnecessary to provide partitioning
information because the underlying table partitioning will be used. A local index
can be created with the following syntax:
Because the index is local, all partition changes to the table will be automatically
reflected on the index partitions as well.
Local partitioned indexes have some inherent advantages that are similar to the
advantages you get from partitioned tables. These advantages include the following:
- Because the index exists entirely on one partition, any maintenance operations
affect only that one partition.
- The Oracle optimizer can use the local index to generate better query plans based
on the fact that a local index is used.
- If a partition is lost and must be recovered, only the data and index for that
particular partition needs to be recovered. With a global index, the entire index
would need recovery.
As you can see, there are many advantages of using both global and local partitioned
Index-Only Tables
New Term: An index-only table
is a schema object introduced in Oracle8. An index-only table is similar to an index,
but whereas an index contains the primary key value and a ROWID pointing
to where the data is kept, the index-only table stores the column data in the leaf
block of the index.
Because the leaf blocks of the Oracle index are traditionally very small and tightly
packed, there can be some drawbacks to having large rows stored there. Oracle has
developed a way to compensate for this: If rows become too large (by a set threshold),
the row data is stored in an overflow area as specified in the CREATE TABLE
statement. This creates storage more like the traditional index and table relationship.
An index-only table contains the same structure as the Oracle B*-tree index. Only
the leaf blocks have changed. Index-only tables have many of the attributes of both
indexes and tables, but there are a few exceptions:
- Because it is part index and part table, no other indexes can be added to the
index-only table.
- The UNIQUE constraint is not allowed on an index-only table.
- A trigger can be added to the index-only table.
- An index-only table cannot be stored in a cluster.
- Replication is not supported at this time.
As you can see, there are some restrictions on index-only tables, but there are
also a great deal of benefits.
When to Use Index-Only Tables
Index-only tables are very useful whenever data is always accessed via the primary
key index. If this is the case with your data, the index-only table will cut down
on the space used by both the index and the table (by combining them) and improve
performance. Performance is improved because, by the time the ROWID would
have been retrieved, you have the data.
Tables that are not accessed via the primary key value are not good candidates
for index-only tables. Also, tables whose primary key values are updated and tables
that have frequent insertions are not good candidates for index-only tables.
How to Create Index-Only Tables
Index-only tables are created with the CREATE TABLE command; the ORGANIZATION
INDEXED qualifier is used to identify the table as index-only. The following
qualifiers are used in creating index-only tables:
- ORGANIZATION INDEXED--This qualifier specifies an index-only table organization.
- OVERFLOW TABLESPACEts_name--This qualifier specifies the overflow tablespace
- PCTTHRESHOLDthreshold--This qualifier specifies the percent of a block
that a row must be larger than in order to be offloaded to the overflow tablespace.
An example of how to create an index-only table is shown in Listing 13.3.
Listing 13.3. Creating an index-only table with the
This specifies that the index-only tablespace be created on the DOGS
tablespace, whereas the overflow tablespace used is DOGS2.
NOTE: It is necessary to specify the PRIMARY
KEY value when creating an index-only table. This is the value on which the
index is created.
Bitmap Indexes
New Term: Another type of index available
in Oracle8 is the bitmap index. With the traditional index you saw earlier,
Oracle uses a B*-tree method to traverse the index to find the leaf block.
With a bitmap index, a bitmap of ROWIDs is kept; this bitmap indicates which
rows correspond to the index item. If the bit is set, this indicates that the corresponding
row contains the key value; if the bit is not set, the opposite is true.
As you can probably tell, bitmap indexes can probably be quite useful under the
right circumstances, and useless overhead otherwise. An example of a bitmap index
is shown in Figure 13.6.
Figure 13.6.
A bitmap index.
When to Use Bitmap Indexes
As you can probably guess, the bitmap index works well on items with low cardinality.
Low cardinality means there is a small amount of variance in the possible
values stored in that column. For example, the column representing the sex of the
dog is said to have low cardinality because only two values are possible. Other column
types that might have low cardinality include
- Marital status
- Account status (good or bad)
- Sales region (if there are only a few)
- Rank (if there are only a few)
- Special notes (whether there is a note)
With columns that have low cardinality, the bitmap index can greatly improve performance.
Columns with high cardinality are not candidates for bitmap indexes.
How to Create Bitmapped Indexes
A bitmap index is created with the CREATE INDEX command with the BITMAP
qualifier. For example, the following will create a bitmap index:
To create a bitmap index on the SEX field in the DOGS table,
you can use the following syntax:
This simple statement will create the bitmap index on the column specified. At
this time, bitmap indexes cannot be created with the graphical tools.
Table Sequences
It is frequently necessary to generate a sequence of numbers to use in your database.
For example, you might need these numbers to identify a particular record. To create
a unique sequence of numbers on your own, you would have to lock the record that
has the last value of the sequence, generate a new value, and then unlock the record.
To avoid locking these records, Oracle provides a sequence generator that performs
this service for you.
The Oracle sequence generator can generate sequential numbers with as many as
38 digits without having to manually lock records. When you define a sequence, you
can specify the original values of the sequence, whether the sequence should be cached,
and whether the sequence should be in ascending or descending order.
Sequences can be created either with graphical tools, such as Schema Manager,
or with the CREATE SEQUENCE command.
Creating Sequences with Schema Manager
To create a sequence with Schema Manager, select the Create option after right-clicking
the Sequence icon. This invokes the Create Sequence screen. By filling in parameters
such as Minimum, Maximum, Increment, and so on, you can specify how the sequence
works. A filled-in Create Sequence screen is shown in Figure 13.7.
Figure 13.7.
The Create Sequence screen.
Creating Sequences with the CREATE SEQUENCE Command
Sequences can be created with the CREATE SEQUENCE command. This command
has the following syntax:
The following provides brief descriptions of each parameter:
- INCREMENT BY--This parameter specifies the amount by which to increment
the sequence each time a value is obtained.
- START WITH--This parameter specifies the starting value.
- MAXVALUEn--This parameter specifies the maximum value that the sequence
can obtain.
- NOMAXVALU (Default)--This parameter specifies no maximum value for a
sequence. The sequence can grow to 1027 for ascending sequences and -1
for descending sequences.
- MINVALUEn--This parameter specifies the minimum value of the sequence.
- NOMINVALU (Default)--This parameter specifies no minimum value for a
sequence. The sequence can have a minimum of 1 for ascending sequences and -1026
for descending sequences.
- CYCLE--This parameter specifies that a sequence will restart after reaching
the maximum or minimum value.
- NOCYCLE (Default)--This parameter specifies that the sequence cannot
recycle after reaching the maximum or minimum value.
- CACHEn--This parameter specifies the number of sequence entries to cache
for quick access. (The default is 20 values.)
- NOCACHE--This parameter specifies that no sequence entries should be
- ORDER--This parameter specifies that sequence entries are generated
in the order in which they are requested. By default, this is not the case.
- NOORDER (Default)--This parameter specifies that sequence numbers are
not necessarily generated in the order in which they are requested. This is usually
fine for primary key values.
Tuning Sequences
To get the best performance out of sequences, you should cache as many sequences
as you think you will have simultaneous requests for. By over-specifying the number
of cached sequences, you use more memory than necessary. By under-specifying the
number of cached entries, you cause undue waiting for the sequences.
Using the Oracle sequence generator is much more efficient than manually generating
sequences. If you have a series of values that must be sequential, I recommend using
the Oracle sequence generator.
Using Sequences
To generate a new sequence value, simply reference the value of sequence_name.NEXTVAL.
To re-reference that number from within the same SQL block, reference the value of
sequence_name.CURVAL. When you reference sequence_name.NEXTVAL,
a new sequence number is generated.
Listing 13.4 contains the sequence created in the preceding section to generate
a new value in the DOGS table. The result of this INSERT statement
is to insert a dog with a sequentially growing value for the ID column.
Remember, the ID column of the DOGS table is a sequential value
for the dog's ID number.
Listing 13.4. Inserting a row using a sequence.
2 ( id, name)
4 ( DOG_ID.NEXTVAL, `Shasta');
1 row created.
Sequences are incremented as they are accessed, independent of rollback or commit.
If a transaction generates a sequence and then rolls back, the sequence is not replaced.
Therefore, there might be holes in your sequential values. This is usually not a
NOTE: Because sequences are generated
independently of commits or rollbacks, you might have gaps in the sequences. Although
this is usually not an issue, you should make a note of it.
Using Cached Sequences for Primary Key Values
As shown in the preceding example, it can be efficient to use cached sequences
to generate unique primary-key values. Not only is the performance of the cached
sequence good, you are guaranteed a unique number (unless you have enabled CYCLE).
WARNING: If you use cached sequences to
generate primary-key values, be sure to set the NOCYCLE parameter for the
sequence and make sure the minimum and maximum values are sufficiently high. Cycling
sequences causes integrity constraints to be violated.
Today you learned about indexes and sequences. An index is an optional structure
designed to help you gain faster access to data. Just like the index in this book,
an Oracle index is logically and physically independent of the data in the associated
table or cluster. You can use the index to speed access to the data or you can retrieve
the data independently from the index by searching the tables for it. When optimally
configured and used, indexes can significantly reduce I/O to the datafiles and greatly
improve performance.
The presence of an index is transparent to the user or application and requires
no application changes. However, if you are aware of an index, you should be able
to better design your applications to take advantage of it. The index itself should
be created with some knowledge of the application and data-access patterns. If indexes
are created on columns that are not used to access the data, the index is useless.
You also learned about the Oracle sequence generator. Using the sequence generator,
you can generate a unique sequence of numbers quickly and without duplication. To
create a unique sequence of numbers on your own, you would have to lock the record
that has the last value of the sequence, generate a new value, and then unlock the
record. To avoid locking these records, Oracle provides a sequence generator that
performs this service for you.
The Oracle sequence generator can generate sequential numbers with as many as
38 digits, without having to manually lock records. When you define a sequence, you
can specify the original values of that sequence, whether the sequence should be
cached, and whether the sequence should be in ascending or descending order.
What's Next?
Tomorrow you will learn about Oracle clusters: the index cluster and the hash
cluster. You will learn what these schema objects are and how to use them. You will
also learn about another Oracle schema object, the stored procedure. Stored procedures
are used to perform application functions within the Oracle instance itself. Finally,
you will learn about database links, which are also Oracle schema objects. After
you complete Day 14, "Using Oracle Clusters, Stored Procedures, and Database
Links," you will be familiar with all the Oracle schema objects.
- Q How are indexes important to an RDBMS?
A Indexes are important mainly from a performance standpoint. Without indexes,
every access to the database would have to be done based on a scan of all records
in the table. An index provides a mechanism by which to find data quickly without
having to read all records in a table.
Q What are some important factors involved in creating an index?
A Several factors should be kept in mind when creating an index. First,
an index is only useful when it is accessed. If you do not access the table using
the columns that you have indexed in the WHERE clause, the index will not
be used. Second, if the table is used primarily for historical data (many insertions,
few selections), it is not a good candidate for indexing.
Q What makes a column a good candidate to be used in an index?
A Columns that have many unique values are good candidates for indexing.
If a combination of columns is unique, a complex index might be better.
Q How are sequences useful?
A Sequences are useful because they provide a mechanism to generate a unique
sequence of numbers quickly with reduced locking on the database.
The workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of
the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using what you've
learned. Answers to the question in the workshop can be found in Appendix A, "Answers."
- 1. How many indexes can be created on a single table?
2. Can an index be created in parallel?
3. What is a B*-tree index?
4. Can indexes be partitioned?
5. What is an index-only table?
6. What is a bitmap index?
7. What is a sequence used for?
8. How big can a sequence be?
9. Does an index need to be based on unique values?
10. Can an index be used to enforce uniqueness?
- 1. Create a simple index on one column using Schema Manager.
2. Create a compound index using Schema Manager.
3. Delete that index using Schema Manager.
4. Create and delete a sequence using Schema Manager.
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