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Главная: Базы данных: Oracle: Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
Автор: Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing Источник: н/дЯзык: английский
Enabling the information age" is the slogan upon which Oracle is founded, but it is more than a slogan to engineers who dedicate their knowledge and experience to the task of delivering this information with accuracy and speed. In this age of information, just getting the data is not enough. The data that is so vital to business must be dependable, accurate, and delivered as quickly as possible. Two such engineers I have worked with in this endeavor are Edward T. Whalen and Steve Adrien DeLuca. Edward has won his mastery in the field of performance benchmarks and system tuning. A former employee of COMPAQ Computers and currently CEO of Performance Tuning Corp., Edward has held many benchmark records for the highest degree of performance from the Transaction Processing Performance Council, which is responsible for creating and maintaining industry-standard benchmarks. Edward has also published a book on Oracle tuning, which has given him well-deserved notoriety.
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