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Java Reference Library

div.main {margin-left: 20pt; margin-right: 20pt} Java Reference Library on the Web Full DescriptionJava Reference Library on the Web is a Java programmer's dream come true. It brings together on the Web five indispensable volumes for Java developers and programmers, linking related info across books. It includes: Exploring Java, 2nd Edition, Java Language Reference, 2nd Edition, Java Fundamental Classes Reference, Java AWT Reference, and Java in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition. This deluxe Web-based library gives you ease of access and regular updates to O'Reilly's complete, comprehensive Java documentation. Java Reference Library on the Web contains everything you need to do serious programming with Java 1.1.

The Java Reference Library is also available on CD-ROM as a part of Java in a Nutshell, Deluxe Edition. Please see http://www.ora.com/catalog/javadeluxe/ for details.

The electronic text on the Web and on the CD is fully searchable and includes a complete index to all five volumes, as well as all the sample code found in the printed volumes.

Exploring Java, 2nd Edition, introduces the basics of Java 1.1 and offers a clear, systematic overview of the language. It covers the essentials of hot topics like Beans and RMI, as well as writing applets and other applications, such as networking programs, content and protocol handlers, and security managers.

Java Language Reference, 2nd Edition, is an indispensable tool for Java programmers. It is a complete reference that describes all aspects of the Java language, including syntax, object-oriented programming, exception handling, multithreaded programming, and differences between Java and C/C++. The second edition covers the new language features that have been added in Java 1.1, such as inner classes, class literals, and instance initializers.

Java Fundamental Classes Reference provides complete reference documentation on the core Java 1.1 classes that comprise the
java.lang, java.io, java.net, and java.util packages. These classes provide general-purpose functionality that is fundamental to every Java application.

Java AWT Reference provides complete reference documentation on the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), a large collection of classes for building graphical user interfaces in Java.

Java in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, the bestselling book on Java and the one most often recommended on the Internet, is a complete quick-reference guide to Java, containing descriptions of all of the classes in the core Java 1.1 API, with a definitive listing of all methods and variables.

Highlights of the library include:
History and principles of Java
How to integrate applets into the World Wide Web
A detailed look into Java's style of object-oriented programming
Detailed coverage of all the essential classes in java.lang,
java.io, java.util, java.net, java.awt
Using threads
Network programming
Content and protocol handling
A detailed explanation of Java's image processing mechanisms
Material on graphics primitives and rendering techniques
Writing a security manager

A Web browser that supports HTML 3.2 (such as Netscape 3.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0) is required to view the text.

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