Maximum Security:
A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
Security Consultants
This appendix is a bit different from the one that preceded it. It is designed
to provide you with contact points for security vendors. However, there are several
things you should know about this list. First, the manner in which it was generated
was extremely unorthodox. It differs from other such lists in several ways.
In March 1997, I posted a message to several security lists and newsgroups. In
the message, I explained that the book was written anonymously. I stated that any
security vendor or consultant who wished to be listed in this appendix should forward
his or her information to me or to Sams.net. That listing would be printed free of
The idea was basically to allow you to look through the listing and find a security
consultant or vendor near you. The responses were amazing. The vast majority of the
vendors on the list are well known in the security community. For example, you might
remember that I mentioned Gemini Computers earlier in this book. Gemini creates one
of the two most secure products on Earth. That it decided to place a listing in my
book is extraordinary, and an honor for me.
Unfortunately, the list is short (perhaps 60 entries, give or take a few). Nevertheless,
these individuals and corporations are truly in the know. Each day, they supply security
services to thousands of companies across the globe. Many provide such services to
Fortune 500 companies.
Some consultants and companies that also perform many superb security services
were reticent to placing a listing; they felt that placing a listing in a book sight
unseen was unwise. (What if I was a complete crackpot and my book was terrible? Why
be associated with such a book?) This is unfortunate. So the absence of a vendor's
name on this list means nothing and should not reflect on that vendor's capabilities.
There are several hundred companies of equal caliber to those listed here.
NOTE: Sams.net cannot make any representations
or warranties regarding the technical expertise of the companies listed in this appendix.
However, I have conducted concentrated surveillance of security groups and lists
for approximately two years, and nearly all the companies listed are recognized within
the security community. I would urge you to track them by e-mail address and URL.
From this, you can easily verify their reputations on the Internet.
The Listings
The format of the listings was simple. Vendors were told to provide all their
vitals (name, address, contact person, telephone, fax, and URL). They were also asked
to take three lines to explain what services they offer. Except for corrections of
spelling errors, the listings here appear exactly as they were received.
ANS Communications, an America Online Company
ANS is a worldwide Internet service provider. Security solutions include the ANS
InterLock firewall, which combines access control, management reporting, and intrusion
detection. ANS InterManage offers full outsourcing of Internet/intranet security.
ANS Communications
1875 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 220
Reston, VA 20191
Phone: 703-758 8700, 800-944 5625
Fax: 703-758 7717
E-mail: ilsupport@reston.ans.net
URL: http://www.ans.net/InterLock
Armor Security Inc.
Armor provides installation of high security physical and electronic devices to
protect life and property. These include CCTV, card access systems, burglar and fire
alarms, and UL listed locks and safes.
Armor Security Inc.
2601 Stevens Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Contact: Doug Wilson
Phone: 612-870-4142
Fax: 612-870-4789
E-mail: service@armorsecurity.com
URL: http://www.armorsecurity.com
AS Stallion Ltd.
Data and network security consulting and services. Firewall and encryption solutions.
Security evaluations and auditing.
AS Stallion Ltd.
Sakala 19
Tallinn EE0001, Estonia
Contact: Mr. Jyri Kaljundi, Managing Director
Phone: 372-630-8994
Fax: 372-630-8901
E-mail: stallion@stallion.ee
URL: http://www.stallion.ee/
Atlantic Computing Technology Corporation
Started in 1994, specializes in UNIX, NT, firewalls, network security, WAN connectivity.
Currently resell seven different firewall brands.
Atlantic Computing Technology Corporation
1268 Main Street, Suite 201
Newington, CT 06111
Contact: Rick E. Romkey
Phone: 860-667-9596
Fax: 860-666-7825
E-mail: info@atlantic.com
URL: http://www.atlantic.com
Bret Watson & Associates
Computer facility security design and testing. UNIX, Novell, Microsoft, and Apple
net- work and system audits. ISS technical consultant for Western Australia Security
Project Management.
Bret Watson & Associates
6 June Rd
Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia, 6076, Australia
Contact: Bret Watson
Phone: (+61) 041 4411 149
Fax: (+61) 09 454 6042
E-mail: consulting@bwa.net
URL: http://www.bwa.net
Cambridge Technology Partners, Inc.
Cambridge Technology Partners (NASDAQ: CATP) is one of the fastest growing companies
in the systems integration industry. Cambridge's unique approach to information technology,
network, and systems security (IT) consulting and systems integration delivers innovative,
quantifiable results to clients in unprecedented time frames. We deliver our services
within a unique fixed time, fixed price model.
Cambridge Technology Partners, Inc.
1300 South El Camino Real, Suite 600
San Mateo, CA 94402
Contact: Yobie Benjamin
Phone: 415-574-3710
URL: http://www.ctp.com
Cobb Associates
An information security consultancy since 1987, headed by Stephen Cobb, a Certified
Information Systems Security Professional, offering security assessment, policy,
training, and testing, specializing in LANs, NT, Internet, firewalls, and the Web.
Cobb Associates
2825 Garden Street, Suite 7-11
Titusville, FL 32796
Contact: Stephen Cobb, CISSP
Phone: 407-383 0977
Fax: 407-383 0336
E-mail: stephen@iu.net
URL: http://www.2cobbs.com
CobWeb Applications
Windows 95, NT, network, and Web-site security specialists. Encryption and compression
software. More than you thought possible for less than you imagined!
CobWeb Applications
Cherry Tree Cottage
Leatherhead Road
Surrey, UK KT23 4SS
Contact: Mike Cobb
Phone: +44 1372 459040
Fax: +44 1372 459040
E-mail: mikec@cobweb.co.uk
URL: http://www.cobweb.co.uk
Comet & Company
Windows NT and OpenVMS security and general consulting, training, design, configuration,
capacity planning, hardware analysis, communications, and management consulting.
Experienced and seasoned consultants.
Comet & Company
165 William Street #9
New York City, NY 10038
Contact: Carl Friedberg
Phone: 212-233-5470
E-mail: carl@comets.com
URL: http://www.comets.com
Cryptek Secure Communications LLC
Cryptek manufactures and sells NSA-evaluated network-security products for both
government and commercial use. These products include encryption, identification
and authentication, access control, auditing, and integrity mechanisms. The products
can be integrated with most applications and operating systems to provide iron-clad
security to protect an organization's most valuable assets.
Cryptek Secure Communications LLC
14130-C Sullyfield Circle
Chantilly, VA 20151
Contact: Timothy C. Williams
Phone: 703-802-9300
Fax: 703-818-3706
E-mail: williams@cryptek.com
DataLynx, Inc.
Multi-level Security System&tm; for UNIX and Windows NT: Features include
access control, security response, security alarms, security reporting, user account/password
management, and much more.
DataLynx, Inc.
6633 Convoy Court
San Diego, CA 92111
Contact: Tony Macdonald, Marketing Director
Phone: 619-560-8112
Fax: 619-560-8114
E-mail: sales@dlxguard.com
URL: http://www.dlxguard.com
EAC Network Integrators
EAC provides three levels of security service: intensive network and system audits,
incident response (both per-incident and on retainer), and pro-active security design
and implementation.
EAC Network Integrators
12 Cambridge Drive
Trumbull, CT 06644
Contact: Jesse Whyte
Phone: 203-371-4774
URL: http://www.eac.com
Electronic Communications Consultants Inc.
Engineering consulting services for certificate-based applications. Specializing
in the SET protocol for Internet credit-card-based payments and certification authority
selection, procurement, and integration. Also, electronic payment protocols, e-checks,
and home banking.
Electronic Communications Consultants Inc.
46 Cranberry Circle
Sudbury, MA 01776
Contact: Douglas D. Beattie
Phone: 508-440-9645
E-mail: beattie@ecconsultants.com
URL: http://www.ecconsultants.com
Enterprise Solutions Inc.
Enterprise Solutions Inc. is a network and systems integration and consulting
company specializing in network management and security solutions for Internet and
intranet connectivity. We provide security policy and firewall implementation services
for UNIX and NT.
Enterprise Solutions Inc.
5002 South Renn Court
Frederick, MD 21703
Contact: John Clipp
Phone: 301-473-4536
Fax: 301-473-4683
E-mail: jclipp@worldnet.att.net
Eric Murray, Independent Consultant
Network security and cryptography application consulting, mostly security analysis
of network software projects that are in the design phase and design/implementation
of network security products.
NOTE: Mr. Murray also has been the technical
editor and advisor on many books on Internet-related technologies.
Independent Consultant
Redwood City, CA 94061
Contact: Eric Murray
E-mail: ericm@lne.com
URL: http://www.lne.com/ericm/
Feist Systems
Feist Systems is an ISP and System Integrator that can provide safe connections
to the Internet as well as enhance your LAN/WAN security through a variety of services
provided by skilled industry professionals.
Feist Systems
110 S. Main Street, Suite 1000
Wichita, KS 67202
Contact: Bruce Marshall
Phone: 316-337-8688
Fax: 316-833-5231
E-mail: bkmarsh@feist.com
URL: http://www.feist.com
Finlayson Consulting
Secure Net applications, cryptographic applications, security advisory consulting.
Finlayson Consulting
1884 Columbia Road, NW #1004
Washington, DC 20009
Contact: Ross A. Finlayson
Phone: 202-387-8208
E-mail: raf@tomco.net
URL: http://www.tomco.net/~raf/fc
Galaxy Computer Services, Inc.
Firewall implementation (various flavors of UNIX) in a heterogeneous environment.
Penetration testing and risk assessment, client-server application security in the
Windows NT environment, network security product--the Information Diode&tm;--an
accreditable, one-way only path from low to high networks.
Galaxy Computer Services, Inc.
17831 Shotley Bridge Place
Olney, MD 20832-1670
Contact: George Romas
Phone: 301-570-4647
Fax: 301-924-8609
E-mail: gromas@gcsi.com, George_Romas@msn.com
Gemini Computers Inc.
Gemini products provide trustworthy support for secure system applications using
the Al certified foundation of the Gemini Trusted Network Processor (GTNP) with integrated
encryption. Trustworthiness is based on trusted end-to-end encryption technologies
supporting the legal foundation of the electronic world in compliance with applicable
standards, guidelines, and laws.
Gemini Computers Inc.
P.O. Box 222417
Carmel, CA 93922-2417
Contact: Dr. Tien F. Tao, President
Phone: 408-373-850
Fax: 408-373-5792
E-mail: tft@geminisecure.com
URL: http://www.geminisecure.com
ISP offering dial-up, dedicated, and server co-location services, security consulting
on firewalls, security policies, encryption, virtual private networks, spam detection
and cancellation, junk e-mail filtering, abuse prevention.
1224 E. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Contact: Jim Lippard
Phone: 602-416-6122
Fax: 602-416-6111
E-mail: jl@primenet.com
Grand Designs, Ltd./ConfluX.net
The principals each have over 20 years experience in the areas of networking and
software engineering. We have experience with secure networking and systems security
including work for military subcontracts. Our ConfluX.net unit offers secure Internet
access (that is, virtual private networks) and Web hosting.
Grand Designs, Ltd./ConfluX.net
4917 Evergreen Way, Suite 10
Everett, WA 98203
Contact: John Painter or William Heaton
Phone: 206-710-9006
E-mail: info@gdltd.com, info@conflux.net
URL: http://www.gdltd.com/, http://www.conflux.net
Gregory R. Block
UNIX/NT security and networking consultant, ten years of experience in the field,
tiger-team analyses, firewalls, topology, design and implementation at all levels.
Finger for PGP key and mail for further information.
Gregory R. Block
48A Hendon Lane
London, N3 1TT UK
E-mail: gblock@lemon.net
Hyperon Consulting
Hyperon Consulting is a high-technology company that provides advanced Internet
and electronic commerce security solutions to industry. CISSP certified and familiar
with banking regulations.
Hyperon Consulting
3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 1245
Wilmington, DE 19808
Contact: James Molini
Phone: 302-996-3047
Fax: 302-996-5818
URL: http://www.hyperon.com
IC Tech
Systems consultants and integrators. Specializing in midrange system integration.
IC Tech
131 Willow Pond Way
Penfield, NY 14526
Contact: Vadim Mordkovich
Phone/Fax: 716-388-1877
E-mail: ictech@frontiernet.net
URL: www.frontiernet.net/~ictech
I.T. NetworX Ltd.
Specialist Internet/intranet security on UNIX and Windows NT. Services offered:
firewalls, penetration testing, design, consultancy, products, freeware configuration.
Since 1984.
I.T. NetworX Ltd.
67 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
Contact: Michael Ryan
Phone: +353-1-6768866 and +353-87-444024
Fax: +353-1-6768868
E-mail: mike@NetworX.ie
Integrity Sciences, Inc.
Integrity Sciences, Inc. provides consulting and software engineering services
for secure networks, focusing on strong password authentication protocols immune
to network attack.
Integrity Sciences, Inc.
Westboro, MA 01581
Contact: David Jablon
Phone: 508-898-9024
E-mail: dpj@world.std.com
URL: http://world.std.com/~dpj/
International Network Services
Offering a full suite of consulting services including risk assessment, requirements
development, perimeter security, host and Web server security, penetration testing
and audits, and customer training and security awareness programs.
International Network Services
300 Crown Colony Drive, Fifth Floor
Quincy, MA 02169
Contact: Harold Long, Managing Director
Phone: 617-376-2450
Fax: 617-376-2458
E-mail: hlong@ins.com
URL: http://www.ins.com
InterNet Guide Service Inc.
InterNet Guide Service is a consulting and coaching firm specializing in Internet
strategy, security, and digital commerce. Member of NCSA, certified IBM firewall
InterNet Guide Service Inc.
55A Richardson Street
Billerica, MA 01821
Contact: Eric S. Johansson
Phone: 508-667-4791
E-mail: esj@harvee.billeric.ma.us
Internet Information Services, Inc. (IIS)
IIS provides a full range of security expertise to businesses that want to outsource
the management of their network security. This includes firewall design and integration,
virtual private network design and integration, site security evaluation, security
policy development and security systems design and implementation.
Internet Information Services, Inc. (IIS)
7979 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814 USA
Contact: Robert Tewes
Phone: 301-718-1770
Fax: 301-718-1770
E-mail: roberttewes@iis.net
URL: www.iis.net
Internet Security Systems, Inc. (ISS)
ISS is the pioneer and leading supplier of network security assessment tools,
providing comprehensive auditing, monitoring, and response software. The company's
flagship product, Internet Scanner, is the leading commercial attack simulation and
security audit tool used by organizations worldwide. Internet Security Systems, Inc.
41 Perimeter Center East, Suite 660
Atlanta, GA 30071 USA (Corporate Headquarters)
Contact: Paul Graffeo
Phone: 770-395-0150
Fax: 770-395-1972
E-mail: info@iss.net
URL: http://www.iss.net
Interpact, Inc./Infowar.Com
Only if you really care about security, we offer security design, architecture,
modeling, and penetration testing. We have clients on three continents and work for
governments and the largest corporations.
Interpact, Inc./Infowar.Com
11511 Pine Street
Seminole, FL 33772
Contact: Winn Schwartai
Phone: 813-393-6600
Fax: 813-393-6361
E-mail: winn@infowar.com
URL: http://www.info-sec.com, http://www.infowar.com
Jeff Flynn & Associates
Holistic network security services: needs assessment, security awareness, training,
physical security, logical security, analysis, design, configuration, deployment,
testing, investigation, firewalls, encryption, authentication, intrusion detection.
Jeff Flynn & Associates
19 Perryville
Irvine, CA, 92620
Contact: Jeff Flynn
Phone: 551-6398
Jerboa, Inc.
UNIX, firewalls (all vendors), product reviews, consulting, topology, policy development,
product integration, compatibility testing, training, seminars, business planning,
Web technologies, encryption, and tunneling.
Jerboa, Inc.
P.O. Box 382648
Cambridge, MA 02238
Contact: Ian Poynter, Diana Kelley
Phone: 617-492-8084
Fax: 617-492-8089
E-mail: info@jerboa.com
URL: http://www.jerboa.com
Kinchlea Computer Consulting
UNIX/network security experts (most platforms), firewalls, security audits, security
consultation. Vancouver Islands' security experts. We are small but highly knowledgeable
and professional.
Kinchlea Computer Consulting
3730 Denman Road
Denman Island, BC, Canada, V0R 1T0
Contact: Dave Kinchlea, President
Phone: 250-335-0907
Fax: 250-335-0902
E-mail: kcc@kinch.ark.com
URL: http://kinch.ark.com/kcc
Kinetic, Inc.
Internet-related open systems and computer security consulting. UNIX security
audits, firewall design, secure off-site Web management/housing facilities.
Kinetic, Inc.
Park Place West, Suite 315
6465 Wayzata Boulevard
Minneapolis, MN 55426-1730
Contact: Scott Hoffer
Phone: 612-225-8533
Fax: 612-225-8508
E-mail: 411@kinetic.com
URL: http://www.kinetic.com
Lawrence J. Kilgallen
VMS security.
Lawrence J. Kilgallen
Box 397081
Cambridge, MA 02139-7081
Phone: 617-498-9606
E-mail: Kilgallen@eisner.decus.org
Learning Tree International
Learning Tree provides 4-day hands-on courses on UNIX security, Windows NT security,
Internet/intranet security, and firewalls, plus over 130 other information technology
topics. Call for a free course catalog!
Learning Tree International
1805 Library Street
Reston, VA 20190-5630
Contact: Linda Trude
Phone: 800-843-8733
Fax: 800-709-6405
E-mail: uscourses@learningtree.com
URL: http://www.learningtree.com
Livermore Software Labs
LSLI is the maker of the PORTUS Secure Firewall for AIX, HP, Solaris, and Apple.
It is a Houston-based network-consulting firm.
Livermore Software Labs
2825 Wilcrest, Suite 160
Houston, Texas 77042-3358
Contact: Jay Lyall
Voice Mail: 713-974-3274
Phone: 800-240-5754
Fax: 713-978-6246
E-mail: portusinfo@lsli.com
URL: http://www.lsli.com
Lurhq Corporation
Lurhq is a network security organization specializing in firewalls, Web-server
security, electronic commerce implementations, and penetration testing. We offer
many security services and customize these services for your unique security requirements!
Lurhq Corporation
Myrtle Beach, SC
Contact: Kristi Sarvis, Sales Coordinator
E-mail: info@lurhq.com
URL: http://www.lurhq.com/
Maxon Services
Network Security systems integrator/consultant, Windows NT, UNIX, CISCO, Check
Point Firewall 1, Security Dynamics Ace Server.
Maxon Services
8550 Marie-Victorin
Brossard, Quebec
Canada, J4X 1A1
Contact: Eric Tremblay
Phone: 514-466 2422
Fax: 514-466 2113
URL: http://www.maxon.ca
Metamor Technologies, Ltd.
Metamor Technologies is a project-oriented consulting company helping companies
through technical transitions. Firewall, commerce, and security reviews are just
some of the exciting services offered by our Internet technology division. Visit
our Web page for a full tour!
Metamor Technologies, Ltd.
1 North Franklin, Suite 1500
Chicago, IL, 60606
Contact: Paul Christian Nelis
Phone: 312-251-2000
Fax: 312-251-2999
E-mail: nelis@metamor.com
URL: http://www.metamor.com
Milkyway Networks Corporation
Milkyway Networks is a leading provider of network security solutions for enterprise
networks. Milkyway's firewall product comes with a factory hardened operating systems
ensuring one of the most secure firewalls on the market. In addition to firewalls
the company provides products for secure remote access and an auditing tool to probe
your network for potential security weakness. Milkyway has a U.S. office in Santa
Clara with its corporate offices in Ottawa, Canada.
Milkyway Networks Corporation
4655 Old Ironsides Drive
Suite 490
Santa Clara, CA, 95054
Contact: Jeff Sherwood, Vice-President Sales
Phone: 408-566-0800
Fax: 408-566-0810
E-mail: info@milkyway.com
URL: www.milkyway.com
Milvets System Technology, Inc
Systems integration of network security products. Reseller agreements with market-leading
firewall vendors. Specializing in UNIX- and NT-based systems.
Milvets System Technology, Inc
4600 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 104
Lanham, MD 20706
Contact: Greg Simpson
Phone: 301-731-9130
Fax: 301-731-4773
E-mail: simpson@milvets.com,
Miora Systems Consulting, Inc. (MSC)
Miora Systems Consulting helps organizations improve their computer and information
security posture and their disaster recovery readiness. We are an affiliate of the
National Computer Security Association. Services include security assessments, penetration
testing, firewall verification, virus assessments, disaster-recovery planning, pbs
and war-dialing attacks, security-policy development, and others.
Miora Systems Consulting, Inc. (MSC)
P.O. Box 6028
8055 W. Manchester Avenue Suite 450
Playa del Rey, CA, 90296
Contact: Michael Miora
Phone: 310-306-1365
Fax: 310-305-1493
E-mail: mmiora@miora.com
URL: http://www.miora.com
MTG Management Consultants
IT management and security. Criminal justice systems specialists.
MTG Management Consultants
1111 3rd Avenue Suite 2700
Seattle, WA 98101
Contact: Scott Colvin
Phone: 206-442-5010
Fax: 206-442-5011
URL: http://www.ecgmc.com
Myxa Corporation
Myxa is a technology-services company that deals with UNIX, client/server, and
networking (intra and Internet), including firewalls and security. We've helped companies
design, implement, and manage their systems and networks since 1976.
Myxa Corporation
654 Red Lion Road, Suite 200
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Contact: Timothy M. Brown
Phone: 215-947-9900
Fax: 215-935-0235
E-mail: sales@myxa.com
URL: http://www.myxa.com
NetPartners Internet Solutions, Inc.
NetPartners' mission is to bring sophisticated Internet technology to the mass
business market. Products include Firewall-1, Raptor, BorderWare, Sidewinder, Gauntlet,
ISS, Compaq, Cisco, Interscan, SUN. NetPartners is also the manufacturer of WebSENSE--an
advanced Internet content screening system that allows businesses and educational
institutions to monitor and/or eliminate network traffic to Internet sites deemed
inappropriate or otherwise undesirable for business use.
NetPartners Internet Solutions, Inc.
9210 Sky Park Court First Floor
San Diego , CA 92123
Contact: Jeff True
Phone: 619-505-3044
Fax: 619-495-1950
E-mail: jtrue@netpart.com
URL: http://www.netpart.com
Network Evolutions, Incorporated
NEI is an international technology consulting firm that provides enterprise-wide
network design services, network security audits, and intranet/Internet firewall
implementation services.
Network Evolutions, Incorporated
1850 Centennial Park Drive, Suite 625
Reston, Virginia 20191
Contact: David Kim, President
Phone: 703-476-5100
Fax: 703-476-5103
E-mail: kim@netevolve.com
URL: http://www.netevolve.com
New Edge Technologies
I am a computer network security consultant with 17 years of hard-core diverse
experience in telephony, electronic communications systems, licensing systems, network
security, encryption techniques, and analysis.
New Edge Technologies
United States
Contact: Donald R. Martin
E-mail: grey@earth.usa.net
URL: http://www.usa.net/~grey/
Network security and performance analysis, penetration testing, monthly security
reviews and briefings.
969 La Felice Lane
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Contact: Steve Edwards
Phone: 619-723-2727
Fax: 619-731-3000
E-mail: sedwards@newline.com
Anti-virus, security, and network management.
577 Isham Street, Suite 2-B
New York City, NY 10034
Contact: Norman Hirsch
Phone: 212-304-9660
Fax: 212-304-9759
E-mail: nhirsch@nha.com
URL: http://www.nha.com
NorthWestNet, Inc.
Managed firewall services (UNIX and NT), vulnerability assessment services, security
incident response team (SIRT) services, virtual private networking (VPN) services,
security awareness training.
NorthWestNet, Inc.
15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202
Bellevue, WA 98007
Contact: Security Engineering Manager
Phone: +1 (425)-649-7400
Fax: +1 (425)-649-7451
E-mail: info@nwnet.net
URL: http://www.nwnet.net/
FireWall-1, penetration testing, security audits, tiger teams, encryption, and
virtual private networks, Firewall-1 CCSE training.
5599 San Felipe, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77056
555 Industrial Boulevard,
Sugarland, TX 77478,
Contact: Nassim Chaabouni, Network Security Consultant
Phone: 281-285 8151
Fax: 281-285 8161
E-mail: Chaabouni@houston.omnes.net
URL : http://www.omnes.net
Onsight, Inc.
Consulting/training firm in Chicago/midwest with heavy background in host and
network security, firewalls, and encryption.
Onsight, Inc.
2512 Hartzell
Evanston, IL 60201
Contact: Brian Hatch
Phone: 847-869-9133
Fax: 847-869-9134
E-mail: bri@avue.com
URL: http://www.avue.com/
Plum Lake Alchemy
UNIX, WWW, and security consulting. Raptor Eagle Firewall specialists.
Plum Lake Alchemy
1000 Kiely Boulevard #66
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Contact: Matthew Wallace
Phone: 408-985-2722
E-mail: matt@ender.com
URL: http://www.ender.com
R.C. Consulting, Inc.
Provides enterprise-level security consulting for Windows NT environments, particularly
where those environments are intended to interact with the Internet. Executive briefings
on existing or future security products/strategies tailored to your specific requirements
in person, or via e-mail/phone/vidphone. Host and moderator of the NTBugTraq mailing
list, dedicated to examining security exploits and bugs in Windows NT.
R.C. Consulting, Inc.
Kenrei Court, R.R. #1
Lindsay, Ontario, K9V 4R1
Contact: Russ Cooper
Phone: 705-878-3405
Fax: 705-878-1804
E-mail: Russ.Cooper@rc.on.ca
URL: http://NTBugTraq.rc.on.ca/index.html
Rampart Consulting
Independent consulting in Internet security policy and security assessment. Firewall
installation, UNIX system and network management, DNS administration, SMTP consulting
and general system training.
Rampart Consulting
1-285 Rangely Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Contact: Dan Lowry
Phone: 719-481-9394
E-mail: danlow@earthlink.net
URL: www.earthlink.net/~danlow
Realogic, Inc.
UNIX/NT firewalls, security audits, penetration testing, MS certified, provides
service to mid to large Fortune corporations throughout the western states. TIS,
AltaVista, Firewall-I, and BorderWare. MS-Proxy, MS-IIS, MS-Commerce Server specialist.
Offices throughout U.S. and Europe.
Realogic, Inc.
801 Montgomery Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94133
Contact: Kelly Gibbs
Phone: 415-956-1300
Fax: 415-956-1301
E-mail: k.gibbs@realogic.com
URL: http://www.realogic.com/
Ritter Software Engineering
Advanced patented and patent-pending ciphering technologies with very significant
advantages in particular applications. Also providing custom cipher designs, implementations,
and consulting.
Ritter Software Engineering
2609 Choctaw Trail
Austin, Texas 78745
Contact: Terry Ritter, P.E.
Phone/Fax: 512-892-0494
E-mail: ritter@io.com
URL: http://www.io.com/~ritter/
Saffire Systems
Saffire Systems specializes in secure software development, consulting, and systems
integration. Saffire Systems provides engineering services (architecture, design,
implementation, and testing), evaluation support services, secure network evaluations,
and Windows NT security training.
Saffire Systems
P.O. Box 11154
Champaign, IL 61826-1154
Contact: Michelle A. Ruppel
Phone: 217-359-7763
Fax: 217-356-7050
E-mail: maruppel@prairienet.org
SecTek, Inc.
SecTek provides services in following areas: INFOSEC, COMPSEC, physical security,
access control, risk assessments, penetration tests, firewall design/implementation,
intrusion detection, intranets.
SecTek, Inc.
208 Elden Street, Suite 201
Herndon, VA 22070
Contact: Bruce Moore
Phone: 703-834-0507
Fax: 703-834-0214
E-mail: wmoore@sectek.com
URL: http://www.sectek.com
Secure Networks Inc.
SNI is a security research house whose primary focus is the development of security
auditing tools. SNI's premier product is Ballista, an advanced network auditing tool.
SNI also provides security audits to both commercial and government clients.
Secure Networks Inc.
40 703 6th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, t2p-0t9
Contact: Alfred Huger
Phone: 403-262-9211
Fax: 403-262-9221
E-mail: ahuger@secnet.com
URL: http://www.securenetworks.com/
or http://www.secnet.com/
SecureNet Engineering, Inc.
Providing information technology and security consulting services to government,
financial, and technological industries.
SecureNet Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 520
Folsom, CA, 95763-0520
Contact: Thomas H. McCreary
Phone: 916-987-1800, 800-240-9863
E-mail: mccreary@pacbell.net
Security First Technologies, Inc.
Developers of secure networks for government and industry for over 10 years, B1
security, CMW, trusted operating systems, UNIX, Windows NT, secure network design
and implementation, security auditing, penetration studies, authentication and encryption
software products (VirtualVault, HannaH, Troy). Mr. Kalwerisky is the author of "Windows
NT: Guidelines for Audit, Security, and Control," Microsoft Press, 1994.
Security First Technologies, Inc.
3390 Peachtree Road, Suite 1600
Atlanta, Georgia, 30326
Contact: Jeff Kalwerisky, VP Consulting Services
Phone: 404-812-6665
Fax: 404-812-6616
E-mail: jeffk@s-1.com
URL: http://www.s-1.com
Sequent Computer Systems BV
UNIX, firewalls, networking, Internet, intranet, auditing, tiger teams, security,
cryptology, security policy.
Sequent Computer Systems BV
Rijnzathe 7
De Meern, Utrecht, 3454PV
The Netherlands
Contact: Hans Van de Looy
Phone: +31 30 6666 070
Fax: +31 30 6666 054
E-mail: hvdl@sequent.com
URL: http://www.IAEhv.nl/users/hvdl
SmallWorks, Inc.
SmallWorks is a software-development and consulting group specializing in standards-based
Internet security packages, including but not limited to firewalls, IPSEC implementations,
and high-security Internet connectivity solutions. A partial list of our clients
includes Tivoli Systems, Sterling Commerce, Cisco Systems (SmallWorks developed the
TACACS+, CiscoSecure UNIX Server for Cisco Systems).
SmallWorks, Inc.
4501 Spicewood Springs Road Suite #1001
Austin, TX 78759
Contact: Steve Bagwell, Director of Sales
Phone: 512-338-0619
Fax: 512-338-0625
E-mail: steve@smallworks.com
URL: http://www.smallworks.com
Soundcode, Inc.
Soundcode, Inc. provides the latest in data security and electronic (digital)
signature software for the Internet, intranets, and personal computers. With Point
'n Crypt Professional for one-click file lock-up, sending, and storage, Point 'n
Sign for the one-click signing of electronic documents, and scCryptoEngine, a powerful
programming engine for both encryption and digital signatures, Soundcode makes computer
privacy easy.
Soundcode, Inc.
11613 124th Avenue NE, Suite G-317
Kirkland, WA 98034-8100
Contact: Pete Adlerberg
Voice: 206-828-9155
Fax: 206-329-4351
Toll-Free: 888-45-SOUND
E-mail: pete@soundcode.com
URL: http://www.soundcode.com
Strategic Data Command Inc.
Firewalls, risk analysis, security management, and design.
Strategic Data Command Inc.
2505 Parker St.
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA
Contact: Lawrence Suto
Phone: 510-502-9224
Technical Reflections
Security design and implementation on systems such as UNIX and Windows NT/95.
Securing Web servers for electronic transactions. We also participate in tiger and
attach teams to help secure sites via firewalls and other security policies.
Technical Reflections
6625 Fox Road
Marcy, NY 13403
Contact: Joe Riolo
Phone: 315-865-5639
Fax: 315-336-6514
Technologic, Inc.
Manufacturers of the Interceptor&tm; firewall, Internet security consulting,
virtual private networking, security audits, and penetration testing. "Can your
network keep a secret?"TM
Technologic, Inc.
1000 Abernathy Road, Suite 1075
Atlanta, GA 30328
Contact: Eric Bleke
Phone: 770-522-0222
Fax: 770-522-0201
E-mail: info@tlogic.com
URL: http://www.tlogic.com
Triumph Technologies, Inc.
Triumph Technologies' Internet Security Division is focused on providing enterprise-wide
security solutions. We utilize only the best security products and technologies.
We offer services which include: turn-key firewall solutions (UNIX/NT), enterprise
security assessments, IP addressing re/designing, and integration of specialized
products such as SMTP mail content management.
Triumph Technologies, Inc.
3 New England Executive Park
Burlington, MA 01803
Contact: Mitchell Hryckowian
Phone: 617-273-0073
Fax: 617-272-4855
E-mail: info@security.triumph.com
URL: http://www.triumph.com
Tucker Network Technologies, Inc.
Network and telecommunications consulting and integration firm specializing in
LAN/WAN, network management, Internet policy, infrastructures, firewalls, security,
and access.
Tucker Network Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 429
50 Washington Street
South Norwalk, CT 06856-0429
Contact: Tucker McDonagh, Managing Director
Phone: 203-857-0080
Fax: 203-857-0082
E-mail: tucker@tuckernet.com
Visionary Corporate Computing Concepts
UNIX, firewall solutions, research and penetration testing, risk assessments,
intrusion detection, remote system monitoring, emergency problem handling, consulting,
and outsourcing.
Visionary Corporate Computing Concepts
712 Richland Street Suite F
Columbia, SC, 29201 USA
Contact: Matthew Caldwell
Phone: 803-733-7333
Fax: 803-733-5888
E-mail: matt.caldwell@vc3.com
URL: http://www.vc3.com
Wang I-Net Government Services
Wang I-Net offers the XTS-300&tm; NSA-evaluated B3 Trusted Computer System,
the Secure Automated Guard Environment (SAGE&tm;), and trusted application development
services. Wang I-Net Secure Systems customers include the NSA, DoD, Army, Air Force,
Navy, State Department, FBI, DOE, IRS, NATO, governments of UK, Canada, and Norway,
and several contractors.
Wang I-Net Government Services
7900 Westpark Drive MS 700
McLean, VA 22102-4299
Contact: K.M. Goertzel
Phone: 703-827-3914
Fax: 703-827-3161
E-mail: goertzek@wangfed.com
URL: http://www.wangfed.com
NOTE: Wang Federal is one of the leading
providers of TEMPEST protection technology. Wang Federal's TEMPEST products prevent
eavesdropping of electronic emissions that leak from your monitor (or computer).
Zot Consulting
I have over 17 years of experience on the Internet. I do pure Internet consulting
for firewalls, Web and information servers, database connectivity, and company security
for small and Fortune 100 companies.
Zot Consulting
808 SE Umatilla Street
Portland, OR 97202
Contact: Zot O'Connor
Phone: 503-231-3893
Fax: 503-236-5177
E-mail: zot@crl.com
URL: http://www.crl.com/~zot
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