Maximum Security:
A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
The Remote Attack
In this chapter, I will examine the remote attack. I will define what such an
attack is and demonstrate some key techniques employed. Moreover, this chapter will
serve as a generalized primer for new system administrators, who may have never encountered
the remote attack in real life.
The purpose of this chapter is to begin integrating the information that has already
been offered to this point. In other words, it is time to put the pieces together.
What Is a Remote Attack?
A remote attack is any attack that is initiated against a machine that
the attacker does not currently have control over; that is, it is an attack against
any machine other than the attacker's own (whether that machine is on the attacker's
subnet or 10,000 miles away). The best way to define a remote machine is this:
- A remote machine is any machine--other than the one you are now on--that
can be reached through some protocol over the Internet or any other network or medium.
The First Steps
The first steps, oddly enough, do not involve much contact with the target. (That
is, they won't if the cracker is smart.) The cracker's first problem (after identifying
the type of network, the target machines, and so on) is to determine with whom he
is dealing. Much of this information can be acquired without disturbing the target.
(We will assume for now that the target does not run a firewall. Most networks do
not. Not yet, anyway.) Some of this information is gathered through the following
- Running a host query. Here, the cracker gathers as much information
as is currently held on the target in domain servers. Such a query may produce volumes
of information (remember the query on Boston University in Chapter 9, "Scanners"?)
or may reveal very little. Much depends on the size and the construct of the network.
- For example, under optimal circumstances of examining a large and well-established
target, this will map out the machines and IPs within the domain in a very comprehensive
fashion. The names of these machines may give the cracker a clue as to what names
are being used in NIS (if applicable). Equally, the target may turn out to be a small
outfit, with only two machines; in that case, the information will naturally be sparse.
It will identify the name server and the IPs of the two boxes (little more than one
could get from a WHOIS query). One interesting note is that the type of operating
system can often be discerned from such a query.
- A WHOIS query. This will identify the technical contacts. Such information may
seem innocuous. It isn't. The technical contact is generally the person at least
partially responsible for the day-to-day administration of the target. That person's
e-mail address will have some value. (Also, between this and the host query,
you can determine whether the target is a real box, a leaf node, a virtual domain
hosted by another service, and so on.)
- Running some Usenet and Web searches. There are a number of searches the cracker
might want to conduct before actually coming into contact with the target. One is
to run the technical contact's name through a search engine (using a forced, case-sensitive,
this-string-only conditional search). The cracker is looking to see if the administrators
and technical contacts sport much traffic in Usenet. Similarly, this address (or
addresses) should be run through searchable archives of all applicable security mailing
The techniques mentioned in this list may seem superfluous until you understand
their value. Certainly, Farmer and Venema would agree on this point:
- What should you do? First, try to gather information about your (target) host.
There is a wealth of network services to look at: finger, showmount, and rpcinfo
are good starting points. But don't stop there--you should also utilize DNS, whois,
sendmail (smtp), ftp, uucp, and as many other services as you can find.
Cross Reference: The preceding paragraph
is excerpted from Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It
by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema. It can be found online at http://www.craftwork.com/papers/security.html.
Collecting information about the system administrator is paramount. A system administrator
is usually responsible for maintaining the security of a site. There are instances
where the system administrator may run into problems, and many of them cannot resist
the urge to post to Usenet or mailing lists for answers to those problems. By taking
the time to run the administrator's address (and any variation of it, as I will explain
in the next section), you may be able to gain greater insight into his network, his
security, and his personality. Administrators who make such posts typically specify
their architecture, a bit about their network topology, and their stated problem.
Even evidence of a match for that address (or lack thereof) can be enlightening.
For example, if a system administrator is in a security mailing list or forum each
day, disputing or discussing various security techniques and problems with fellow
administrators, this is evidence of knowledge. In other words, this type of person
knows security well and is therefore likely well prepared for an attack. Analyzing
such a person's posts closely will tell you a bit about his stance on security and
how he implements it. Conversely, if the majority of his questions are rudimentary
(and he often has a difficult time grasping one or more security concepts), it might
be evidence of inexperience.
From a completely different angle, if his address does not appear at all on such
lists or in such forums, there are only a few possibilities why. One is that he is
lurking through such groups. The other is that he is so bad-ass that he has no need
to discuss security at all. (Basically, if he is on such lists at all, he DOES receive
advisories, and that is, of course, a bad sign for the cracker, no matter what way
you look at it. The cracker has to rely in large part on the administrator's lack
of knowledge. Most semi-secure platforms can be relatively secure even with a minimal
effort by a well-trained system administrator.)
In short, these searches make a quick (and painless) attempt to cull some important
information about the folks at the other end of the wire.
You will note that I referred to "any variation" of a system administrator's
address. Variations in this context mean any possible alternate addresses.
There are two kinds of alternate addresses. The first kind is the individual's personal
address. That is, many system administrators may also have addresses at or on networks
other than their own. (Some administrators are actually foolish enough to include
these addresses in the fields provided for address on an InterNIC record.) So, while
they may not use their work address to discuss (or learn about) security, it is quite
possible that they may be using their home address.
To demonstrate, I once cracked a network located in California. The administrator
of the site had an account on AOL. The account on AOL was used in Usenet to discuss
various security issues. By following this man's postings through Usenet, I was able
to determine quite a bit. In fact (and this is truly extraordinary), his password,
I learned, was the name of his daughter followed by the number 1.
The other example of a variation of an address is this: either the identical address
or an address assigned to that person's same name on any machine within his network.
Now, let's make this a little more clear. First, on a network that is skillfully
controlled, no name is associated with root. That is because root should be used
as little as possible and viewed as a system ID, not to be invoked unless absolutely
necessary. (In other words, because su and perhaps other commands or devices
exist that allow an administrator to do his work, root need not be directly invoked,
except in a limited number of cases.)
NOTE: Attacking a network run on Windows
NT is a different matter. In those cases, you are looking to follow root (or
rather, Administrator) on each box. The design of NT makes this a necessity, and
Administrator on NT is vastly different from root on a UNIX box.
Because root is probably not invoked directly, the system administrator's ID could
be anything. Let's presume here that you know that ID. Let's suppose it is walrus.
Let us further suppose that on the host query that you conducted, there
are about 150 machines. Each of those machines has a distinct name. For example,
there might be mail.victim.net, news.victim.net, shell.victim.net,
cgi.victim.net, and so forth. (Although, in practice, they will more likely
have "theme" names that obscure what the machine actually does, like sabertooth.victim.net,
bengal.victim.net, and lynx.victim.net.)
The cracker should try the administrator's address on each machine. Thus, he will
be trying walrus@shell.victim.net, walrus@sabertooth.victim.net,
and so forth. (This is what I refer to as a variation on a target administrator's
address.) In other words, try this on each box on the network, as well as run all
the general diagnostic stuff on each of these machines. Perhaps walrus has
a particular machine that he favors, and it is from this machine that he does his
Here's an interesting note: If the target is a provider (or other system that
one can first gain legitimate access to), you can also gain an enormous amount of
information about the system administrator simply by watching where he is coming
in from. This, to some extent, can be done from the outside as well, with a combination
of finger and rusers. In other words, you are looking to identify foreign
networks (that is, networks other than the target) on which the system administrator
has accounts. Obviously, if his last login was from Netcom, he has an account on
Netcom. Follow that ID for a day or so and see what surfaces.
About Finger Queries
In the previously referenced paper by Farmer and Venema (a phenomenal and revolutionary
document in terms of insight), one point is missed: The use of the finger utility
can be a dangerous announcement of your activities. What if, for example, the system
administrator is running MasterPlan?
TIP: MasterPlan is a utility I discuss
in Chapter 13, "Techniques to Hide One's Identity." Its function is to
trap and log all finger queries directed to the user; that is, MasterPlan will identify
the IP of the party doing the fingering, the time that such fingering took place,
the frequency of such fingering, and so forth. It basically attempts to gather as
much information about the person fingering you as possible. Also, it is not necessary
that they use MasterPlan. The system administrator might easily have written his
own hacked finger daemon, one that perhaps even traces the route back to the original
requesting party--or worse, fingers them in return.
To avoid the possibility of their finger queries raising any flags, most crackers
use finger gateways. Finger gateways are Web pages, and they usually sport
a single input field that points to a CGI program on the drive of the remote server
that performs finger lookup functions. In Figure 25.1, I have provided an example
of one such finger gateway. (This one is located at the University of Michigan Medical
FIGURE 25.1.
An example of a finger gateway at the University of Michigan.
By using a finger gateway, the cracker can obscure his source address. That is,
the finger query is initiated by the remote system that hosts the finger gateway.
(In other words, not the cracker's own machine but some other machine.) True, an
extremely paranoid system administrator might track down the source address of that
finger gateway; he might even contact the administrator of the finger gateway site
to have a look at the access log there. In this way, he could identify the fingering
party. That this would happen, however, is quite unlikely, especially if the cracker
staggers his gateways. In other words, if the cracker intends to do any of this type
of work "by hand," he should really do each finger query from a different
gateway. Because there are 3,000+ finger gateways currently on the Web, this is not
an unreasonable burden. Furthermore, if I were doing the queries, I would set them
apart by several minutes (or ideally, several hours).
NOTE: One technique involves the redirection
of a finger request. This is where the cracker issues a raw finger request to one
finger server, requesting information from another. This is referred to as forwarding
a finger request. The syntax of such a command is finger user@real_target.com@someother_host.com.
For example, if you wanted to finger a user at primenet.com, you might use
deltanet.com's finger service to forward the request. However, in today's
climate, most system administrators have finger forwarding turned off.
The Operating System
You may have to go through various methods (including but not limited to those
described in the preceding section) to identify the operating system and version
being used on the target network. In earlier years, one could be pretty certain that
the majority of machines on a target network ran similar software on similar hardware.
Today, it is another ball game entirely. Today, networks may harbor dozens of different
machines with disparate operating systems and architecture. One would think that
for the cracker, this would be a hostile and difficult-to-manage environment. Not
The more diverse your network nodes are (in terms of operating system and architecture),
the more likely it is that a security hole exists. There are reasons for this, and
while I do not intend to explain them thoroughly, I will relate at least this: Each
operating system has its own set of bugs. Some of these bugs are known, and some
may be discovered over time. In a relatively large network, where there may be many
different types of machines and software, you have a better chance of finding a hole.
The system administrator is, at day's end, only a human being. He cannot be constantly
reviewing security advisories for each platform in turn. There is a strong chance
that his security knowledge of this or that system is weak.
In any event, once having identified the various operating systems and architectures
available at the target, the next step is study. A checklist should be made that
lists each operating system and machine type. This checklist will assist you tremendously
as you go to the next step, which is to identify all known holes on that platform
and understand each one.
NOTE: Some analysts might make the argument
that tools like ISS and SATAN will identify all such holes automatically and, therefore,
research need not be done. This is erroneous, for several reasons. First, such tools
may not be complete in their assessment. Here is why: Although both of the tools
mentioned are quite comprehensive, they are not perfect. For example, holes emerge
each day for a wide range of platforms. True, both tools are extensible, and one
can therefore add new scan modules, but the scanning tools that you have are limited
to the programmer's knowledge of the holes that existed at the time of the coding
of the application.
Therefore, to make a new scanning module to be added to these extensible and malleable
applications, you must first know that such new holes exist. Second, and perhaps
more importantly, simply knowing that a hole exists does not necessarily mean that
you can exploit it--you must first understand it. (Unless, of course, the hole is
an obvious and self-explanatory one, such as the -froot rlogin problem on
some versions of the AIX operating system. By initiating an rlogin session with the
-froot flags, you can gain instant privileged access on many older AIX-based
machines.) For these reasons, hauling off and running a massive scan is a premature
To gather this information, you will need to visit a few key sites. The first
such site you need to visit is the firewalls mailing list archive page.
Cross Reference: The firewalls mailing
list archive page can be found online at http://www.netsys.com/firewalls/ascii-index.html.
You may initially wonder why this list would be of value, because the subject
discussed is firewall-related. (Remember, we began this chapter with the presumption
that the target was not running a firewall.) The firewalls list archive is valuable
because it is often used--over the objections of many list members--to discuss other
security-related issues. Another invaluable source of such data is BUGTRAQ, which
is a searchable archive of known vulnerabilities on various operating systems (though
largely UNIX.)
Cross Reference: BUGTRAQ is located online
at http://www.geek-girl.com/bugtraq/search.html.
These searchable databases are of paramount importance. A practical example will
help tremendously at this point. Suppose that your target is a machine running AIX.
First, you would go to the ARC Searchable WAIS Gateway for DDN and CERT advisories.
Cross Reference: The ARC Searchable WAIS
Gateway for DDN and CERT advisories can be found online at http://info.arc.com/sec_bull/sec_bullsearch.html.
Figure 25.2 shows how the WAIS gateway at this site is configured.
FIGURE 25.2.
The WAIS gateway at ARC.COM for searching security advisories.
At the bottom of that page is an input field. Into it, I entered the search term
AIX. The results of that search produced a laundry list of AIX vulnerabilities.
(See Figure 25.3.)
FIGURE 25.3.
A laundry list of AIX vulnerabilities from the WAIS gateway.
At this stage, you can begin to do some research. After reading the initial advisory,
if there is no more information than a simple description of the vulnerability, do
not despair. You just have to go to the next level. The next phase is a little bit
more complex. After identifying the most recent weakness (and having read the advisory),
you must extract from that advisory (and all that follow it) the commonly used, often
abbreviated, or "jargon," name for the hole. For example, after a hole
is discovered, it is often referred to by security folks with a name that may not
reflect the entire problem. (An example would be "the Linux telnetd problem"
or "AIX's froot hole" or some other, brief term by which the hole becomes
universally identified.) The extraction process is quickly done by taking the ID
number of the advisory and running it through one of the abovementioned archives
like BUGTRAQ or Firewalls. Here is why:
Typically, when a security professional posts either an exploit script, a tester
script (tests to see if the hole exists) or a commentary, they will almost always
include complete references to the original advisory. Thus, you will see something
similar to this in their message: Here's a script to test if you are vulnerable
to the talkd problem talked about in CA-97.04..
This message is referring to CERT Advisory number 97.04, which was first issued
on January 27, 1997. By using this number as a search expression, you will turn up
all references to it. After reading 10 or 12 results from such a search, you will
know what the security crowd is calling that hole. After you have that, you can conduct
an all-out search in all legitimate and underground database sources to get every
shred of information about the hole. You are not looking for initial postings in
particular, but subsequent, trailing ones. (Some archives have an option where you
can specify a display by thread; these are preferred. This allows you to see the
initial posting and all subsequent postings about that original message; that is,
all the "re:" follow-ups.) However, some search engines do not provide
for an output in threaded form; therefore, you will simply have to rake through them
by hand.
The reason that you want these follow-ups is because they usually contain exploit
or test scripts (programs that automatically test or simulate the hole). They also
generally contain other technical information related to the hole. For example, one
security officer might have found a new way to implement the vulnerability, or might
have found that an associated program (or include file or other dependency) may be
the real problem or even a great contributor to the hole. The thoughts and reflections
of these individuals are pure gold, particularly if the hole is a new one. These
individuals are actually doing all the work for you: analyzing and testing the hole,
refining attacks against it, and so forth.
TIP: Many exploit and test scripts are
posted in standard shell or C language and are therefore a breeze to either reconfigure
for your own system or compile for your architecture. In most instances, only minimal
work has to be done to make them work on your platform.
So, to this point, you have defined a portion (or perhaps all) of the following
chief points:
- Who the administrator is
- The machines on the network, and perhaps their functions and domain servers
- Their operating systems
- Their probable holes
- Any discussion by the administrator about the topology, management, policies,
construction, or administration of the network
Now you can proceed to the next step.
One point of interest: It is extremely valuable if you can also identify machines
that may be co-located. This is, of course, strictly in cases where the target is
an Internet service provider (ISP). ISPs often offer deals for customers to co-locate
a machine on their wire. There are certain advantages to this for the customer. One
of them is cost. If the provider offers to co-locate a box on its T3 for, say, $600
a month, this is infinitely less expensive than running a machine from your own office
that hooks into a T1. A T1 runs about $900-$1,200 monthly. You can see why co-location
is popular: You get speeds far faster for much less money and headache. For the ISP,
it is nothing more than plugging a box into its Ethernet system. Therefore, even
setup and administration costs are lower. And, perhaps most importantly of all, it
takes the local telephone company out of the loop. Thus, you cut even more cost,
and you can establish a server immediately instead of waiting six weeks.
These co-located boxes may or may be not be administrated by the ISP. If they
are not, there is an excellent chance that these boxes may either have (or later
develop) holes. This is especially likely if the owner of the box employs a significant
amount of CGI or other self-designed program modules that the ISP has little or no
control over. By compromising that box, you have an excellent chance of bringing
the entire network under attack, unless the ISP has purposefully strung the machine
directly to its own router, a hub (or instituted some other procedure of segmenting
the co-located boxes from the rest of the network.)
NOTE: This can be determined to some degree
using traceroute or whois services. In the case of traceroute, you can identify the
position of the machine on the wire by examining the path of the traced route. In
a whois query, you can readily see whether the box has its own domain server or whether
it is using someone else's (an ISP's).
Doing a Test Run
The test-run portion of the attack is practical only for those individuals who
are serious about cracking. Your average cracker will not undertake such activity,
because it involves spending a little money. However, if I were counseling a cracker,
I would recommend it.
This step involves establishing a single machine with the identical distribution
as the target. Thus, if the target is a SPARCstation 2 running Solaris 2.4, you would
erect an identical machine and string it to the Net via any suitable method (by modem,
ISDN, Frame Relay, T1, or whatever you have available). After you have established
the machine, run a series of attacks against it. There are two things you are looking
- What the attacks are going to look like from the attacking side
- What the attacks will look like from the victim's side
There are a number of reasons for this, and some are not so obvious. In examination
of the logs on the attacking side, the cracker can gain an idea of what the attack
should look like if his target is basically unprotected--in other words, if the target
is not running custom daemons. This provides the cracker a little road map to go
by; certainly, if his ultimate scan and attack of the target do not look nearly identical,
this is cause for concern. All things being equal, an identically configured machine
(or, I should say, an apparently identically configured machine) should respond
identically. If it does not, the folks at the target have something up their sleeve.
In this instance, the cracker would be wise to tread carefully.
By examining the victim-side logs, the cracker can get a look at what his footprint
will look like. This is also important to know. On diverse platforms, there are different
logging procedures. The cracker should know at a minimum exactly what these logging
procedures are; that is, he needs to know each and every file (on the identically
configured machine) that will show evidence of an intrusion. This information is
paramount, because it serves as a road map also: It shows him exactly what files
have to be altered to erase any evidence of his attack. The only way to identify
these files for certain is to conduct a test under a controlled environment and examine
the logs for themselves.
In actual attacks, there should be only a few seconds (or minutes at most) before
root (or some high level of privilege) is obtained. Similarly, it should be only
seconds thereafter (or minutes at worst) before evidence of that intrusion is erased.
For the cracker, any other option is a fatal one. They may not suffer from it in
the short run, but in the long run, they will end up in handcuffs.
This step is not as expensive as you would think. There are newsgroups (most notably,
misc.forsale.computers.workstation) where one can obtain the identical machine
(or a close facsimile) for a reasonable price. Generally, the seller of such a machine
will load a full version of the operating system "for testing purposes only."
This is their way of saying "I will give you the operating system, which comes
without a license and therefore violates the license agreement. If you keep it and
later come under fire from the vendor, you are on your own."
Even licensed resellers will do this, so you can end up with an identical machine
without going to too much expense. (You can also go to defense contracting firms,
many of which auction off their workstations for a fraction of their fair market
value. The only bar here is that you must have the cash ready; you generally only
get a single shot at a bid.)
Other possibilities include having friends set up such a box at their place of
work or even at a university. All you really need are the logs. I have always thought
that it would be a good study practice to maintain a database of such logs per operating
system per attack and per scanner--in other words, have a library of what such attacks
look like, given the aforementioned variables. This, I think, would be a good training
resource for new system administrators, something like "This is what a SS4 looks
like when under attack by someone using ISS. These are the log files you need to
look for and this is how they will appear."
Surely, a script could be fashioned (perhaps an automated one) that would run
a comparative analysis against the files on your workstation. This process could
be done once a day as a cron job. It seems to me that at least minimal intrusion-detection
systems could be designed this way. Such tools do exist, but have been criticized
by many individuals because they can be "fooled" too easily. There is an
excellent paper that treats this subject, at least with respect to SunOS. It is titled
USTAT: A Real Time Intrusion Detection System for UNIX. (This paper was, in
fact, a thesis for the completion of a master's in computer science at the University
of Santa Barbara, California. It is very good.) In the abstract, the author writes:
- In this document, the development of the first USTAT prototype, which is for
SunOS 4.1.1, is described. USTAT makes use of the audit trails that are collected
by the C2 Basic Security Module of SunOS, and it keeps track of only those critical
actions that must occur for the successful completion of the penetration. This approach
differs from other rule-based penetration identification tools that pattern match
sequences of audit records.
Cross Reference: The preceding paragraph
is excerpted from USTAT: A Real Time Intrusion Detection System for UNIX by
Koral Ilgun. It can be found online at ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/doc/intrusion_detection/ustat.ps.gz
Although we proceeded under the assumption that the target network was basically
an unprotected, out-of-the-box install, I thought I should mention tools like the
one described in the paper referenced previously. The majority of such tools have
been employed on extremely secure networks--networks often associated with classified
or even secret or top-secret work.
Another interesting paper lists a few of these tools and makes a brief analysis
of each. It discusses how
- Computer security officials at the system level have always had a challenging
task when it comes to day-to-day mainframe auditing. Typically the auditing options/features
are limited by the mainframe operating system and other system software provided
by the hardware vendor. Also, since security auditing is a logical subset of management
auditing, some of the available auditing options/features may be of little value
to computer security officials. Finally, the relevant auditing information is probably
far too voluminous to process manually and the availability of automated data reduction/analysis
tools is very limited. Typically, 95% of the audit data is of no security significance.
The trick is determining which 95% to ignore.
Cross Reference: The previous paragraph
is excerpted from Summary of the Trusted Information Systems (TIS) Report on Intrusion
Detection Systems, prepared by Victor H. Marshall, Systems Assurance Team Leader,
Booz, Allen & Hamilton Inc. This document can be found online at ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/doc/intrusion_detection/auditool.txt.Z
In any event, this "live" testing technique should be primarily employed
where there is a single attack point. Typical situations are where you suspect that
one of the workstations is the most viable target (where perhaps the others will
refuse all connections from outside the subnet and so forth). Obviously, I am not
suggesting that you erect an exact model of the target network; that could be cost
and time prohibitive. What I am suggesting is that in coordination of a remote attack,
you need to have (at a minimum) some idea of what is supposed to happen. Simulating
that attack on a host other than the target is a wise thing to do. Otherwise, there
is no guarantee that you can even marginally ensure that the data you receive back
has some integrity. Bellovin's paper on Berferd should be a warning to any cracker
that a simulation of a vulnerable network is not out of the question. In fact, I
have wondered many times why security technologies have not focused entirely on this
type of technique, especially since scanners have become so popular.
What is the difficulty in a system administrator creating his own such system
on the fly? How difficult would it be for an administrator to write custom daemons
(on a system where the targeted services aren't even actually running) that would
provide the cracker with bogus responses? Isn't this better than announcing that
you have a firewall (or TCP_WRAPPER), therefore alerting the attacker to
potential problems? Never mind passive port-scanning utilities, let's get down to
the nitty-gritty: This is how to catch a cracker--with a system designed exclusively
for the purpose of creating logs that demonstrate intent. This, in my opinion, is
where some new advances ought to be made. These types of systems offer automation
to the process of evidence gathering.
The agencies that typically utilize such tools are few. Mostly, they are military
organizations. An interesting document is available on the Internet in regard to
military evaluations and intrusion detection. What is truly interesting about the
document is the flair with which it is written. For instance, sample this little
- For 20 days in early spring 1994, Air Force cybersleuths stalked a digital delinquent
raiding unclassified computer systems at Griffiss AFB, NY. The investigators had
staked out the crime scene--a small, 12-by-12-foot computer room in Rome Laboratory's
Air Development Center--for weeks, surviving on Jolt cola, junk food and naps underneath
desks. Traps were set by the Air Force Information Warfare Center to catch the bandit
in the act, and `silent' alarms sounded each time their man slinked back to survey
his handiwork. The suspect, who dubbed himself `Data Stream,' was blind to the surveillance,
but despite this, led pursuers on several high-speed chases that don't get much faster--the
speed of light. The outlaw was a computer hacker zipping along the ethereal lanes
of the Internet, and tailing him was the information superhighway patrol--the Air
Force Office of Special Investigations computer crime investigations unit.
Cross Reference: The previous paragraph
is excerpted from "Hacker Trackers: OSI Computer Cops Fight Crime On-Line"
by Pat McKenna. It can be found online at http://www.af.mil/pa/airman/0496/hacker.htm.
The document doesn't give as much technical information as one would want, but
it is quite interesting, all the same. Probably a more practical document for the
legal preservation of information in the investigation of intrusions is one titled
"Investigating and Prosecuting Network Intrusions." It was authored by
John C. Smith, Senior Investigator in the Computer Crime Unit of the Santa Clara
County District Attorney's Office.
Cross Reference: "Investigating and
Prosecuting Network Intrusions" can be found online at http://www.eff.org/pub/Legal/scda_cracking_investigation.paper.
In any event, as I have said, at least some testing should be done beforehand.
That can only be done by establishing a like box with like software.
Tools: About Holes and Other Important Features
Next, you need to assemble the tools you will actually use. These tools will most
probably be scanners. You will be looking (at a minimum) to identify all services
now running on the target. Based on your analysis of the operating system (as well
as the other variables I've mentioned in this chapter), you will need to evaluate
your tools to determine what areas or holes they do not cover.
In instances where a particular service is covered by one tool but not another,
it is best to integrate the two tools together. The ease of integration of such tools
will depend largely on whether these tools can simply be attached as external modules
to a scanner like SATAN or SAFESuite. Again, here the use of a test run can be extremely
valuable; in most instances, you cannot simply attach an external program and have
it work flawlessly.
To determine the exact outcome of how all these tools will work in concert, it
is best to do this at least on some machine (even if it is not identical to the target).
That is because, here, we are concerned with whether the scan will be somehow interrupted
or corrupted as the result of running two or more modules of disparate design. Remember
that a real-time scanning attack should be done only once. If you screw it up, you
might not get a second chance.
So, you will be picking your tools (at least for the scan) based on what you can
reasonably expect to find at the other end. In some cases, this is an easy job. For
example, perhaps you already know that someone on the box is running X Window System
applications across the Net. (Not bloody likely, but not unheard of.) In that case,
you will also be scanning for xhost problems, and so it goes.
Remember that a scanner is a drastic solution. It is the equivalent of running
up to an occupied home with a crowbar in broad daylight, trying all the doors and
windows. If the system administrator is even moderately tuned into security issues,
you have just announced your entire plan.
TIP: There are some measures you can take
to avoid that announcement, but they are drastic: You can actually institute the
same security procedures that other networks do, including installing software (sometimes
a firewall and sometimes not) that will refuse to report your machine's particulars
to the target. There are serious problems with this type of technique, however, as
they require a high level of skill. (Also, many tools will be rendered useless by
instituting such techniques. Some tools are designed so that one or more functions
require the ability to go out of your network, through the router, and back inside
Again, however, we are assuming here that the target is not armored; it's just
an average site, which means that we needn't stress too much about the scan. Furthermore,
as Dan Farmer's recent survey suggests, scanning may not be a significant issue anyway.
According to Farmer (and I have implicit faith in his representations, knowing from
personal experience that he is a man of honor), the majority of networks don't even
notice the traffic:
- ...no attempt was made to hide the survey, but only three sites out of more than
two thousand contacted me to inquire what was going on when I performed the unauthorized
survey (that's a bit over one in one thousand questioning my activity). Two were
from the normal survey list, and one was from my random group.
Cross Reference: The preceding paragraph
is excerpted from the introduction of Shall We Dust Moscow? by Dan Farmer.
This document can be found online at http://www.trouble.org/survey/introduction.html
That scan involved over 2,000 hosts, the majority of which were fairly sensitive
sites (for example, banks). You would expect that these sites would be ultra-paranoid,
filtering every packet and immediately jumping on even the slightest hint of a scan.
Developing an Attack Strategy
The days of roaming around the Internet, cracking this and that server are basically
over. Years ago, compromising the security of a system was viewed as a minor transgression
as long as no damage was done. Today, the situation is different. Today, the value
of data is becoming an increasingly talked-about issue. Therefore, the modern cracker
would be wise not to crack without a reason. Similarly, he would be wise to set forth
cracking a server only with a particular plan.
The only instance in which this does not apply is where the cracker is either
located in a foreign state that has no specific law against computer intrusion (Berferd
again) or one that provides no extradition procedure for that particular offense
(for example, the NASA case involving a student in Argentina). All other crackers
would be wise to tread very cautiously.
Your attack strategy may depend on what you are wanting to accomplish. We will
assume, however, that the task at hand is basically nothing more than compromise
of system security. If this is your plan, you need to lay out how the attack will
be accomplished. The longer the scan takes (and the more machines that are included
within it), the more likely it is that it will be immediately discovered. Also, the
more scan data that you have to sift through, the longer it will take to implement
an attack based upon that data. The time that elapses between the scan and the actual
attack, as I've mentioned, should be short.
Some things are therefore obvious (or should be). If you determine from all of
your data collection that certain portions of the network are segmented by routers,
switches, bridges, or other devices, you should probably exclude those from your
scan. After all, compromising those systems will likely produce little benefit. Suppose
you gained root on one such box in a segment. How far do you think you could get?
Do you think that you could easily cross a bridge, router, or switch? Probably not.
Therefore, sniffing will only render relevant information about the other machines
in the segment, and spoofing will likewise work (reliably) only against those machines
within the segment. Because what you are looking for is root on the main box (or
at least, within the largest network segment available), it is unlikely that a scan
on smaller, more secure segments would prove to be of great benefit.
NOTE: Of course, if these machines (for
whatever reason) happen to be the only ones exposed, by all means, attack them (unless
they are completely worthless). For example, it is a common procedure to place a
Web server outside the network firewall or make that machine the only one accessible
from the void. Unless the purpose of the exercise is to crack the Web server (and
cause some limited, public embarrassment to the owners of the Web box), why bother?
These machines are typically "sacrificial" hosts--that is, the system administrator
has anticipated losing the entire machine to a remote attack, so the machine has
nothing of import upon its drives. Nothing except Web pages, that is.
In any event, once you have determined the parameters of your scan, implement
A Word About Timing Scans
When should you implement a scan? The answer to this is really "never."
However, if you are going to do it, I would do it late at night relative to the target.
Because it is going to create a run of connection requests anyway (and because it
would take much longer if implemented during high-traffic periods), I think you might
as well take advantage of the graveyard shift. The shorter the time period, the better
off you are.
After the Scan
After you have completed the scan, you will be subjecting the data to analysis.
The first issue you want to get out of the way is whether the information is even
authentic. (This, to some degree, is established from your sample scans on a like
machine with the like operating system distribution.)
Analysis is the next step. This will vary depending upon what you have found.
Certainly, the documents included in the SATAN distribution can help tremendously
in this regard. Those documents (tutorials about vulnerabilities) are brief, but
direct and informative. They address the following vulnerabilities:
- FTP vulnerabilities
- NFS export to unprivileged programs
- NFS export via portmapper
- NIS password file access
- REXD access
- SATAN password disclosure
- Sendmail vulnerabilities
- TFTP file access
- Remote shell access
- Unrestricted NFS export
- Unrestricted X server access
- Unrestricted modem
- Writeable FTP home directory
In addition to these pieces of information, you should apply any knowledge that
you have gained through the process of gathering information on the specific platform
and operating system. In other words, if a scanner reports a certain vulnerability
(especially a newer one), you should refer back to the database of information that
you have already built from raking BUGTRAQ and other searchable sources.
This is a major point: There is no way to become either a master system administrator
or a master cracker overnight. The hard truth is this: You may spend weeks studying
source code, vulnerabilities, a particular operating system, or other information
before you truly understand the nature of an attack and what can be culled from it.
Those are the breaks. There is no substitute for experience, nor is there a substitute
for perseverance or patience. If you lack any of these attributes, forget it.
That is an important point to be made here. Whether we are talking about individuals
like Kevin Mitnik (cracker) or people like Weitse Venema (hacker), it makes little
difference. Their work and their accomplishments have been discussed in various news
magazines and online forums. They are celebrities within the Internet security (and
in some cases, beyond). However, their accomplishments (good or bad) resulted from
hard work, study, ingenuity, thought, imagination, and self-application. Thus, no
firewall will save a security administrator who isn't on top of it, nor will SATAN
help a newbie cracker to unlawfully breach the security of a remote target. That's
the bottom line.
Remote attacks are becoming increasingly common. As discussed in several earlier
chapters, the ability to run a scan has become more within the grasp of the average
user. Similarly, the proliferation of searchable vulnerability indexes have greatly
enhanced one's ability to identify possible security issues.
Some individuals suggest that the free sharing of such information is itself contributing
to the poor state of security on the Internet. That is incorrect. Rather, system
administrators must make use of such publicly available information. They should,
technically, perform the procedures described here on their own networks. It is not
so much a matter of cost as it is time.
One interesting phenomenon is the increase in tools to attack Windows NT boxes.
Not just scanning tools, either, but sniffers, password grabbers, and password crackers.
In reference to remote attack tools, though, the best tool available for NT is SAFEsuite
by Internet Security Systems (ISS). It contains a wide variety of tools, although
the majority were designed for internal security analysis.
For example, consider the Intranet Scanner, which assesses the internal security
of a network tied to a Microsoft Windows NT server. Note here that I write only that
the network is tied to the NT server. This does not mean that all machines
on the network must run NT in order for the Intranet Scanner to work. Rather, it
is designed to assess a network that contains nodes of disparate architecture and
operating systems. So, you could have boxes running Windows 95, UNIX, or potentially
other operating systems running TCP/IP. The title of the document is "Security
Assessment in the Windows NT Environment: A White Paper for Network Security Professionals."
It discusses the many features of the product line and a bit about Windows NT security
in general.
Cross Reference: To get a better idea
of what Intranet Scanner offers, check out http://eng.iss.net/prod/winnt.html.
Specific ways to target specific operating systems (as in "How To" sections)
are beyond the scope of this book, not because I lack the knowledge but because it
could take volumes to relate. To give you a frame of reference, consider this: The
Australian CERT (AUSCERT) UNIX Security Checklist consists of at least six pages
of printed information. The information is extremely abbreviated and is difficult
to interpret by anyone who is not well versed in UNIX. Taking each point that AUSCERT
raises and expanding it into a detailed description and tutorial would likely create
a 400-page book, even if the format contained simple headings such as Daemon,
Holes, Source, Impact, Platform, Examples,
Fix, and so on. (That document, by the way, discussed elsewhere in this
book, is the definitive list of UNIX security vulnerabilities. It is described in
detail in Chapter 17, "UNIX: The Big Kahuna.")
In closing, a well-orchestrated and formidable remote attack is not the work of
some half-cocked cracker. It is the work of someone with a deep understanding of
the system--someone who is cool, collected, and quite well educated in TCP/IP. (Although
that education may not have come in a formal fashion.) For this reason, it is a shame
that crackers usually come to such a terrible end. One wonders why these talented
folks turn to the dark side.
I know this, though: It has nothing to do with money. There are money-oriented
crackers, and they are professionals. But the hobbyist cracker is a social curiosity--so
much talent and so little common sense. It is extraordinary, really, for one incredible
reason: It was crackers who spawned most of the tools in this book. Their activities
gave rise to the more conventional (and more talented) computing communities that
are coding special security applications. Therefore, the existence of specialized
tools is really a monument to the cracking community. They have had a significant
impact, and one such impact was the development of the remote attack. The technique
not only exists because of these curious people, but also grows in complexity because
of them.
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