Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
- Appendix B -
Oracle Tuning Parameters
This appendix lists the Oracle tuning parameters, grouping them into general areas
of use and then sorting them alphabetically within the group. The section headings
are the syntax for the parameters. The syntax contains information in the following
PARAMETER [option1, option2, option3, etc..] <DEFAULT VALUE>
A value that is italicized indicates that the value should be replaced with one
of your own. A value that is italicized and in CAPS indicates a choice of this keyword.
The / character indicates an OR condition. A value enclosed in
brackets (<>) indicates the default value for that parameter.
These parameters are divided into sections based on whether the parameter affects
performance, enables system analysis, is a general parameter, and so on. There might
be some overlap, so if a parameter is not in the section you expected, keep looking.
These parameters change the performance characteristics of the system.
sets the type of anti-join that the Oracle server uses. This specifies the algorithm
chosen for the anti-join.
When set to TRUE, the optimizer considers a bitmap access path even though
a table might have only a regular B*-tree index.
BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZE [System Dependent] <1MB>
This parameter specifies the amount of memory used to merge bitmaps retrieved from
a range scan of the index. Larger values typically improve performance.
This parameter specifies whether cursors opened and cached in memory are automatically
closed at each commit. If you frequently use cursors, this should be set to FALSE.
CPU_COUNT [0-unlimited] <Automatic>
This parameter specifies the number of CPUs used by Oracle. This parameter is set
automatically and should not be changed.
This parameter specifies the amount of memory to be used for bitmap creation. A larger
value might provide greater bitmap-creation performance. If the cardinality is small,
this number can be small.
CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME causes the system to use more space for cursors, thus
increasing performance. This parameter affects both the shared SQL areas and the
user's private SQL area. This parameter speeds performance but uses more memory.
If CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME is TRUE, the shared SQL areas remain
pinned in the shared pool as long as an open cursor references them. This parameter
should be used only if you have a sufficiently large shared pool to simultaneously
hold all the processes' cursors.
The user's private SQL area is also retained during cursor execution, thus saving
time and I/Os at the expense of memory. DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS [4..65535] <32 buffers>
This parameter controls the number of database block buffers in the SGA. DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS
is probably the most significant instance tuning parameter because the majority of
I/Os in the system are generated by database blocks. Increasing DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS
increases performance at the expense of memory. You can calculate the amount of memory
that will be consumed with the following formula:
A larger number of database block buffers in the system creates a higher cache-hit
rate, thus reducing the amount of utilized I/O and CPU and improving performance.
This parameter specifies the number of blocks that the DBWR writes in one batch when
performing a checkpoint. Setting this value too high causes the system to flood the
I/O devices during the checkpoint, severely degrades performance, and increases response
times--maybe to unacceptable levels.
You should set DB_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT_BATCH to a level that allows a checkpoint
to finish before the next checkpoint occurs. Setting DB_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT_BATCH
to 0 causes the default value of 8 to be used.
DB_BLOCK_SIZE [1024..8192 (OS dependent)] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies in bytes the size of the Oracle database blocks. The typical
values are 2048 and 4096. If you set the block size relative to the size of the rows
in a database, you can reduce I/O. In some types of applications in which large amounts
of sequential accesses are performed, a larger database block size can be beneficial.
This value is useful only at database-creation time.
DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT [number (OS dependent)] <OS dependent>
DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT specifies the maximum number of blocks read
in one I/O during a sequential scan. The default is a function of DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS
and PROCESSES. Reasonable values are 4, 16, or 32. The maximum allowed values
are OS dependent.
This parameter can be especially useful if you perform a large number of table
scans, such as in a DSS system.
This parameter specifies the number of simultaneous writes for each database file
when written by the DBWR. For disk arrays that handle large numbers of requests in
the hardware simultaneously, it is advantageous to set DB_FILE_SIMULTANEOUS_WRITES
to its maximum.
This parameter implements a simpler, faster rollback mechanism that, under certain
conditions, can improve performance. You can obtain greater efficiency in this mode,
but the qualification criteria for what kind of transactions can take advantage of
discrete transactions are quite strict.
This parameter specifies that I/O to datafiles, control files, and log files are
asynchronous. This should be left enabled and not altered.
DML_LOCKS [20..unlimited,0] <4 * TRANSACTIONS>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of DML locks. A DML lock is used for
each table-modification transaction. DML locks are used in the DROP TABLE,
value is set to 0, enqueues (Oracle locking mechanisms) are disabled, which
improves performance slightly.
DBWR_IO_SLAVES [0..OS Dependent] <0>
This parameter specifies the number of I/O slaves used by the DBWR process.
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory to be used for hash joins.
This parameter specifies how many sequential blocks a hash join reads and writes
in one I/O.
This parameter specifies the minimum allocation size from the large pool. LARGE_POOL_SIZE
[300K or LARGE_POOL_MIN_ALLOC, whichever is larger] <0>
This parameter specifies the size of the large pool allocation heap.
LGWR_IO_SLAVES [0..OS Dependent] <0>
This parameter specifies the number of I/O slaves used by the LGWR process.
LOG_ARCHIVE_BUFFER_SIZE [1..OS Dependent] <OS dependent>
When running in ARCHIVELOG mode, this parameter specifies the size of each
archival buffer in redo log blocks. This parameter can be used in conjunction with
the LOG_ARCHIVE_BUFFERS parameter to make the archiving speed faster or
slower to affect overall system performance.
LOG_ARCHIVE_BUFFERS [1..OS Dependent] <OS dependent>
When running in ARCHIVELOG mode, this parameter specifies the number of
buffers to allocate to archiving. This parameter is used with the LOG_ARCHIVE_BUFFER_SIZE
parameter to control the speed of archiving.
LOG_BUFFER [OS Dependent] <OS dependent>
LOG_BUFFER specifies the number of bytes allocated to the redo log buffer. Larger
values reduce I/Os to the redo log by writing fewer blocks of a larger size. This
might help performance, particularly in a heavily used system.
LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL [2..unlimited] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the number of redo log file blocks to be filled to cause
a checkpoint to occur. Remember that a checkpoint always happens when a log switch
occurs. This parameter can be used to cause checkpoints to occur more frequently.
Sometimes, frequent checkpoints have less effect on the system than one large checkpoint
when the log switch occurs.
LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT [0..unlimited] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time that can pass before another
checkpoint must occur. This parameter can also be used to increase the frequency
of the checkpoint process, thus changing the overall system effect.
LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES specifies the number of redo buffer copy latches
simultaneously available to write log entries. You can have up to two redo copy latches
per CPU. This helps the LGWR process keep up with the extra load generated by multiple
If this parameter is 0, redo copy latches are turned off and all log
entries are copied on the redo allocation latch.
LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE [number (OS dependent)] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the size in bytes of the largest copy to the log buffers
that can occur under the redo allocation latch without obtaining the redo buffer
copy latch. If LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES is zero, this parameter is ignored.
When set to RULE, this parameter causes rule-based optimization to be used,
unless hints are supplied in the query. When set to COST, this parameter
causes a cost-based approach for the SQL statement, providing that there are any
statistics in the data dictionary. When set to FIRST_ROWS, the optimizer
chooses execution plans that minimize response time. When set to ALL_ROWS,
the optimizer chooses execution plans that minimize total execution time.
This parameter specifies the amount of parallelism the optimizer uses in its cost
This parameter specifies the search limit for the optimizer.
When set to TRUE, this parameter specifies that at instance startup all
pages of the SGA are touched, causing them to be allocated in memory. This increases
startup time but reduces page faults during runtime. This is useful if you have a
large number of processes starting at once. This parameter can increase the system
performance in that case by avoiding memory-allocation overhead.
ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS [Any rollback segment names] <NULL>
ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS specifies one or more rollback-segment names to be
allocated to this instance. If ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS is not specified, the public
rollback segments are used. If you want to move your rollback segments to a different
disk device, you must specify it here. The parameter is specified as follows:
ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS = (roll1, roll2, roll3)
If you use the Oracle Parallel Server option, you must name different rollback
segments for each instance.
ROW_CACHE_CURSORS [10..3300] <10>
This parameter specifies the number of cached recursive cursors used by the row cache
manager for selecting rows from the data dictionary. The default is usually sufficient
unless you have particularly high access to the data dictionary.
The value ALWAYS specifies that only row locks are acquired when a table
is updated. If you set this value to INTENT, row locks are acquired on a
SELECT FOR UPDATE, but when the update occurs, a table lock is acquired.
SEQUENCE_CACHE_ENTRIES [10..32000] <10> This parameter specifies the number
of sequences that can be cached in the SGA. By caching the sequences, an immediate
response is achieved for sequences. Set a large value for SEQUENCE_CACHE_ENTRIES
if you have a high concurrency of processes requesting sequences.
SEQUENCE_CACHE_HASH_BUCKETS [1..32000 (prime number)] <7>
This parameter specifies the number of buckets to speed up access to sequences in
the cache. The cache is arranged as a hash table.
This parameter specifies which type of SQL cursors should make use of serial-reusable
If this value is set to TRUE, queries obtain table-level read locks,
which prohibits other transactions from modifying that table until the transaction
has committed or rolled back the transaction. This mode provides repeatable reads
and ensures that within the transactions multiple queries to the same data achieve
the same result.
With SERIALIZABLE set to TRUE, degree-three consistency is provided.
You pay a performance penalty when you run in this mode. Running in this mode is
usually not necessary.
SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS [0..OS dependent] <0>
This parameter specifies the number of session cursors to cache. If parse calls
of the same SQL statement are repeated, this can cause the session cursor for that
statement to be moved into the session cursor cache. Subsequent calls need not reopen
the cursor.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of BFILEs that can be opened
by any given session. The BFILE stores unstructured binary data in OS files
outside the database.
Memory allocations larger than this value cannot allocate space from the reserved
This parameter specifies the shared pool space that is reserved for large contiguous
requests for shared-pool memory.
SHARED_POOL_SIZE [300KB..OS dependent] <3.5MB>
This parameter specifies the size of the shared pool in bytes. The shared pool
contains the data dictionary cache (row cache) and the library cache as well as session
information. Increasing the size of the shared pool should help performance, but
at the cost of memory.
SMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD [0..OS dependent] <4>
This parameter specifies the number of buffers available in the SGA for table
scans. A small table might be read entirely into cache if it fits in SMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD
number of buffers. When scanning a table larger than this, these buffers are reused
immediately. This provides a mechanism to prohibit a single-table scan from taking
over the buffer cache.
SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE defines the maximum amount of session memory
in bytes that can be used for an in-memory sort. The memory is released when the
last row is fetched from the sort area.
If the sort does not fit in SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE bytes, a temporary
segment is allocated and the sort is performed in this temporary table. This is called
an external (disk) sort. This value is important if sort performance is critical.
SORT_AREA_SIZE [number of bytes] <OS dependent> This value specifies the maximum
amount of PGA memory to use for an external sort. This memory is released when the
sorted rows are written to disk. Increasing this value increases the performance
of large sorts.
Remember that each user process has its own PGA. You can calculate the potential
memory usage if all the users are doing a large sort with the following formula:
Potential memory usage = SORT_AREA_SIZE * (number of users doing a large sort)
If very large indexes are being created, you might want to increase the value
of this parameter. SORT_SPACEMAP_SIZE [bytes] <OS dependent> This parameter
specifies the size in bytes of the sort spacemap in the context area. If you have
very large indexes, increase the value of this parameter. Optimal performance is
achieved when this parameter has the following value:
SORT_SPACEMAP_SIZE = (total-sort-bytes / sort-area-size) + 64
In this formula, total-sort-bytes has the following value:
total-sort-bytes = record-count * ( sum-of-average-column-sizes + ( 2 * number-of-columns ) )
number-of-columns includes the SELECT list for ORDER BY,
GROUP BY, and the key list for the CREATE INDEX. You should also
add 10 or 20 extra bytes for overhead.
This parameter specifies the size of the sort I/O buffer when SORT_DIRECT_WRITES
is set to TRUE.
This parameter specifies the number of sort buffers when SORT_DIRECT_WRITES
is set to TRUE.
SPIN_COUNT [1..1,000,000] <1>
This parameter specifies the number of times to spin on a latch before sleeping.
This parameter specifies whether a cost-based query transformation will be applied
to star queries.
This parameter specifies that the shared page table is enabled.
Parallel Query Option
The following parameters affect the operation of the Parallel Query option, which
has been available in Oracle since version 7.1. The Parallel Query option can dramatically
affect the performance of certain operations.
PARALLEL_DEFAULT_MAX_SCANS [0..unlimited] <OS dependent>
This value specifies the maximum number of query servers to be used by default
for a query. This valued is used only if there are no values specified in a PARALLEL
hint or in the PARALLEL definition clause. This limits the number of query
servers used by default when the value of PARALLEL_DEFAULT_SCANSIZE is used
by the query coordinator.
PARALLEL_DEFAULT_SCANSIZE [0..OS Dependent ] <OS dependent>
This parameter is used to determine the number of query servers to be used for
a particular table. The size of the table divided by PARALLEL_DEFAULT_SCANSIZE
determines the number of query servers, up to PARALLEL_DEFAULT_MAX_SCANS.
PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS [0..100] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of query servers or parallel recovery
processes available for this instance.
This parameter specifies the minimum permanent amount of memory that will be
allocated from the shared pool for messages in parallel execution.
This parameter specifies the minimum percent of threads required for parallel
This parameter determines the minimum number of query servers for an instance.
It is also the number of query servers started at instance startup.
PARALLEL_SERVER_IDLE_TIME [0..unlimited] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the number of minutes before Oracle terminates an idle
query server process.
This parameter specifies the number of processes to be used for instance or media
recovery. A large value can greatly reduce instance recovery time. A value of 0
or 1 indicates that parallel recovery will not be performed and that recovery
will be serial.
Analysis Tools
These parameters turn on special features in Oracle for detailed analysis and
Setting this parameter to TRUE causes the DBWR and direct loader to
calculate a checksum for every block they write to disk. This checksum is written
into the header of each block.
Setting this parameter to TRUE causes the LGWR to calculate a checksum
for every block it writes to disk. The checksum is written into the header of the
redo block.
This parameter enables statistics in the X$KCBRBH table to be gathered.
These statistics estimate the increased number of database block buffer cache hits
for each additional buffer. Any value over zero specifies the number of buffers to
estimate the cache hits for. If you are interested in estimating the cache hits for
an additional 100 buffers, set this parameter to 100.
This parameter affects performance and should be turned off during normal operation.
This parameter specifies the upper bound of the number of LRU latch sets. This
is the number of LRU latch sets that you want. Oracle decides whether to use this
number or a smaller one.
This parameter specifies whether statistics are gathered for database block buffer
cache hit estimates as specified in DB_BLOCK_LRU_EXTENDED_STATISTICS. Set
this parameter to TRUE when you want to gather these statistics.
DB_BLOCK_MAX_DIRTY_TARGET [100..all buffers or 0] <all buffers>
This parameter specifies the number of buffers that can be dirty. If the number
of dirty buffers exceeds this, the DBWR writes out buffers to reduce the number of
dirty buffers.
The EVENT parameter modifies the scope of ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS
commands so that they pertain to the entire instance rather than just the session.
This is an Oracle internal parameter and should be changed only at the direction
of Oracle support.
FIXED_DATE [date string] <NULL>
FIXED_DATE allows you to set as a constant the Oracle function SYSDATE
in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS. Use this parameter for debug only. This parameter
allows you to test your application's functionality with certain dates, such as the
turn of the century.
This parameter specifies the Oracle Trace collection name.
This parameter specifies the directory where Oracle Trace collection definition
and datafiles are located.
ORACLE_TRACE_COLLECTION_SIZE [0..4294967295] <5242880>
The maximum size in bytes of the Oracle Trace collection file.
Enables Oracle Trace collections for the server.
ORACLE_TRACE_FACILITY_NAME [valid name] <OS Specific>
This parameter specifies the name of the Oracle Trace product definition file.
ORACLE_TRACE_FACILITY_PATH [valid directory name] <OS Specific>
This parameter specifies the directory where the Oracle Trace facility definition
files are located.
This parameter specifies whether the SQL*Trace facility is enabled. The SQL*Trace
facility can provide valuable information but at the price of some overhead. Use
SQL*Trace only when you are tracking down a specific problem.
SORT_READ_FAC [integer] <OS Dependent>
SORT_READ_FAC defines a unitless ratio that describes the amount
of time to read a single database block divided by the block transfer rate.
This parameter allows the system administrator to gather OS statistics when calls
are pushed or popped or when a user logs off.
When TIMED_STATISTICS is set to TRUE, the time-related statistics
in the dynamic performance tables are enabled. This information can be quite useful,
but there is considerable overhead involved. Only enable TIMED_STATISTICS
when you are analyzing the system.
These parameters are of a general nature; they typically set limits and do not
significantly affect performance--except that they might take up space in the SGA.
AQ_TM_PROCESS [0/1] <0> This parameter specifies whether a time manager is
created. If AQ_TM_PROCESS is set to 1, a time-manager process is
created to monitor the messages.
ARCH_IO_SLAVES [0-15] <0>
The number of I/O slaves to be used by the ARCH process. This should be adjusted
if archiving is running into an I/O bottleneck.
This parameter specifies whether the SGA is dumped as part of the generated core
BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST [pathname] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the destination directory where the debugging trace
files for the background processes are written. The background processes log all
startup and shutdown messages and errors to these files, as well as any other error
logs. A log of all CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statements is
also stored here.
If the value of BLANK_TRIMMING is TRUE, this allows a data
assignment of a string variable to a column value that is smaller (assuming that
the truncated characters are blank).
This parameter determines whether the CKPT background process is enabled. During
a checkpoint, the headers of all the datafiles must be updated. This task is usually
performed by the LGWR process. Writing the blocks to disk is the job of the DBWR
process. If you notice that the LGWR is slowing down during checkpoints, it might
be necessary to enable CKPT to eliminate the extra work that LGWR is doing.
This parameter specifies the number of undo records processed at a time when
a rollback occurs. This breaks up the rollback and limits a large rollback from locking
out smaller rollbacks.
This parameter specifies whether cursors that have been opened and cached by
PL/SQL are automatically closed at COMMIT. A value of FALSE allows
these cursors to remain open for further use. If cursors are rarely reused, you can
save space in the SGA by setting this value to TRUE. If cursors are reused,
you can improve performance by leaving this parameter at the default value of FALSE.
COMPATIBLE [variable] <release dependent>
Setting this variable guarantees that the DBMS will remain compatible with the
specified release. Some features might have to be limited for the compatibility to
be maintained.
COMPATIBLE_NO_RECOVERY [variable] <release dependent>
This parameter works like the COMPATIBLE parameter except that the earlier
version (specified as the parameter) might not work on the current database if recovery
is necessary.
This parameter specifies the minimum age (in days) that a record in the control
file must be kept before it can be reused.
CONTROL_FILES [1..8 filenames] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the path names of one to eight control files. It is
recommended that there always be more than one control file and that they exist on
different physical devices.
CORE_DUMP_DEST [directory name] <ORACLE_HOME/DBS/>
This parameter specifies the directory where core files are dumped.
DB_DOMAIN [extension components of a global db name] <WORLD>
This parameter specifies the extension components of the global database name
consisting of valid identifiers separated by periods (for example, texas.us.widgets.com).
This allows multiple divisions to each have an ACCOUNTING database that
is uniquely identified by the addition of the domain.
When you connect to another server, Oracle encrypts the password. If the value
of DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is FALSE and the connection fails, Oracle
tries to connect again with a nonencrypted password. If DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN
is TRUE and the connection fails, Oracle does not attempt to reconnect.
DB_FILES [min: MAXDATAFILES, max OS dependent] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of database files that can be open.
This value can be reduced if you want to reclaim space in the SGA. No performance
degradation is incurred by leaving this value high, just additional memory usage
in the SGA.
This parameter specifies the number of blocks to be used for I/O operations done
by backup, restore, or direct path read/write functions.
DB_NAME [valid name] <NULL>
This parameter provides a string of up to eight characters in length that specifies
the name of the database. The following characters are valid:
- Alphabetic characters
- Numbers
- Underscore (_)
- Pound sign (#)
- Dollar sign ($)
No other characters can be used. Double quotation marks are removed and cannot
be part of the name. The characters used in the DB_NAME parameter are case
insensitive, so SALES, Sales, and sales are equal.
ENQUEUE_RESOURCES [10..65535] <derived>
This parameter specifies the number of resources that can be locked by the lock
manager. The default value is derived from PROCESSES and is usually sufficient.
The value is derived from this formula:
PROCESSES <= 3; default values = 20
PROCESSES 4-10; default value = ((PROCESSES - 3) * 5) + 20
PROCESSES > 10; default value = ((PROCESSES - 10) * 2) + 55
If you use a large number of tables, you might have to increase this value. This
value should never exceed DML_LOCKS + DDL_LOCKS + 20 (overhead).
This parameter determines whether a database link is required to have the same
name as the database to which it connects. Oracle recommends setting this parameter
to TRUE to ensure the use of consistent naming conventions for databases
and links.
IFILE [parameter filename] <NULL>
This parameter embeds another parameter file into the current parameter file.
This can be very useful to separate specific changes from the general changes that
you often make. The parameter also allows you to separate different types of parameters
such as parallel options.
This parameter lists the names of SQL files that should be run immediately after
database creation. This parameter can be used to automatically create the data dictionary.
JOB_QUEUE_INTERVAL [1..3600] <60>
This parameter specifies, in seconds, the interval between wake-ups of the SNP
background process. The processes run jobs that have been queued.
This parameter specifies the number of SNP background processes per instance.
This parameter specifies whether remote connections should be shut down after
remote jobs have finished executing.
LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS [0..number of session licenses] <0>
LICENSE_MAX_USERS sets the maximum number of concurrent user sessions
allowed. When this limit is reached, only users with RESTRICTED SESSION
privilege can connect to the server. A zero value indicates that this constraint
should be set, not both.
LICENSE_MAX_USERS [0..number of user licenses] <0>
LICENSE_MAX_USERS sets the maximum number of concurrent users that
can simultaneously access the database. When this limit is reached, no more user
sessions can be created. A zero value indicates that this constraint is not enforced.
not both.
Sets a warning limit so that the administrator can be aware that the LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS
limit might soon be reached. After LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING number of users
have connected, a message is written to the alert log for each additional user connecting.
LOCAL_LISTENER [string] <Listener Identifier>
This parameter identifies local Net8 listeners.
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST [valid path or device name] <OS dependent>
When running in ARCHIVELOG mode, this text value specifies the default
location and root of the file or tape device to use when archiving redo log files.
Archiving to tape is not supported under all operating systems.
This parameter specifies a second archive destination for duplexed archiving.
LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT [valid filename] <OS dependent>
This parameter uses a text string and variables to specify the default filename
format of the archive log files. This string is appended to the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST
parameter name. The following variables can be used in the string:
- %s--Log sequence number.
- %t--Thread number. Using uppercase letters (%S, %T)
causes the value to be fixed length, padded to the left with zeros. A good value
is similar to the following:
This parameter specifies the minimum number of archive log destinations that
must succeed.
When running in ARCHIVELOG mode, LOG_ARCHIVE_START specifies
whether archiving should be started up automatically at instance startup. A setting
of TRUE indicates that archiving is automatic; FALSE indicates
that archiving is manual.
Setting this parameter to TRUE causes each log block to be given a checksum.
This checksum is written into the header of each block.
This parameter specifies whether you want to log the checkpoints to the alert
log. This can be useful in verifying the frequency of checkpoints.
LOG_FILES [2..255] <255>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of redo log files that can be opened
at instance startup. Reducing this value can save some space in the SGA. If this
value is set higher than the value of MAXLOGFILES used at database creation,
it does not override MAXLOGFILES.
MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE [0..unlimited] <500 blocks>
This parameter specifies the maximum size in OS blocks of any trace file written.
Set this if you are worried that trace files might consume too much space. MAX_ENABLED_ROLES
[0..48] <20> This parameter specifies the maximum number of database roles
(including subroles) that a user can enable.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of rollback segments that can be
online for one instance.
This parameter specifies the percentage of the optimal cache size beyond which
the Session object cache size can grow.
This parameter specifies the optimal size of the Session object cache.
OPEN_CURSORS [1..OS limit] <50>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of open cursors that a single user
process can have open at once.
OPEN_LINKS [0..255] <4>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent open connections to
remote database processes per user process. This value should exceed the maximum
number of remote systems accessed within any single SQL statement.
If set to TRUE, the optimizer skips unnecessary table accesses in a
partition view.
This parameter sets the compatibility level for PL/SQL.
PROCESSES [6 to OS dependent] <50>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of OS user processes that connect
to the Oracle instance. This number must take into account the background processes
and the login process that started the instance. Be sure to add an extra six processes
for the background processes.
This parameter specifies how dependencies on remote stored procedures are to
be handled by the database.
This parameter specifies whether Oracle checks for a password file. A value of
NONE indicates that users are authenticated through the operating system.
A value of EXCLUSIVE indicates that the password file can be used only by
one database and can contain names other than SYS and INTERNAL.
Setting this parameter to SHARED allows more than one database to use this
password file, but only SYS and INTERNAL are recognized by this
password file.
This parameter specifies that dependency tracking for read/write operations to
the database is turned on.
A value of FALSE disables the enforcement of resource limits such as
sessions, CPU time, and so on. This disables the enforcement of those limits regardless
of how they are set.
SESSIONS [number] <1.1 * PROCESSES>
This parameter specifies the total number of user and system sessions. Because
recursive sessions might occur, this number should be set slightly higher than PROCESSES.
DDL_LOCKS is derived from this parameter.
This parameter specifies whether the SGA is included in core dumps.
This parameter specifies the number of seconds between wake-ups for the instance's
snapshot refresh process.
This parameter specifies whether the snapshot refresh process should keep remote
connections after the refresh. If set to FALSE, the remote database connections
are closed after the refreshes occur.
This parameter specifies the number of snapshot refresh processes per instance.
You must set this value to 1 or higher for automatic refreshes. One snapshot
refresh process is usually sufficient.
If SINGLE_PROCESS is set to TRUE, the database instance is
brought up in a single-user mode. A value of FALSE indicates that the database
is brought up in a multiprocess mode.
TEMPORARY_TABLE_LOCKS specifies the number of temporary tables that
can be created in the temporary segment space. A temporary table lock is required
whenever a sort occurs that cannot be held in memory (that is, the sort exceeds SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE).
If your application contains a large number of ORDER BY clauses or if you
perform a large number of index sorts, you might want to increase this number.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions in the
instance. The default value is greater than PROCESSES to provide for recursive
transactions. A larger value increases the size of the SGA. If you increase the number
of transactions allowed in the system, you might also want to increase the number
of rollback segments available.
This value specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions allowed per
rollback segment. You can calculate the minimum number of rollback segments enabled
at startup with this formula:
Performance can be improved if there is less contention on rollback segments.
In a heavily used system, you might want to reduce TRANSACTIONS_PER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT
to decrease this contention.
USER_DUMP_DEST [valid path name] <OS dependent>
USER_DUMP_DEST specifies the path to where the debugging trace
files are written.
UTL_FILE_DIR [valid directory]
This parameter specifies directories that are permitted for PL/SQL file I/O.
Recovery Manager
These parameters are used in conjunction with the Recovery Manager.
This parameter defines the number of I/O slaves used by the Recovery Manager
to back up, copy, or restore.
This parameter specifies whether I/O slaves are used by the Recovery Manager
for tape operations.
This parameter converts the filename of a new datafile on the primary database
to a filename on the standby database.
This parameter converts the filename of a new log file on the primary database
to a filename on the standby database.
This parameter specifies that I/O to sequential devices are asynchronous. This
should be left enabled and not altered.
Multithreaded Server
These parameters are used if you are using the multithreaded server process.
MTS_DISPATCHERS ["protocol, number"] <NULL>
This parameter specifies the configuration of the dispatcher process(es) created
at startup time. The value of this parameter is a quoted string of two values separated
by a comma. The values are the network protocol and the number of dispatchers. Each
protocol requires a separate specification. This parameter can be specified multiple
times. Here is an example of two dispatcher definitions:
This parameter specifies the configuration of the listener process addresses.
There must be a listener process address for each protocol used in the system. Addresses
are specified as the SQL*Net description of the connection address.
Because each connection is required to have its own address, this parameter might
be specified several times. Here is an example:
MTS_MAX_DISPATCHERS [OS dependent] <5>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of dispatcher processes allowed to
run simultaneously.
MTS_MAX_SERVERS [OS dependent] <20>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of shared server processes allowed
to run simultaneously.
This parameter is obsolete.
This parameter specifies the sample size used to calculate dispatcher-rate statistics.
This parameter specifies the scale at which dispatcher-rate statistics are reported.
MTS_SERVERS [OS dependent] <0>
This parameter specifies the number of server processes created at instance startup.
This parameter specifies the name of the service to be associated with the dispatcher.
Using this name in the CONNECT string allows users to connect using the
dispatcher. The name should be unique. Do not specify this name in quotes. It is
usually a good idea to make this name the same as the instance name. Because the
dispatcher is tried first, if it is not available, the CONNECT string can
still connect the user into the database through a normal database connection.
Distributed Option
These parameters are meaningful only when you use the distributed option.
COMMIT_POINT_STRENGTH [0..255] <OS dependent>
This value is used to determine the commit point site when executing a distributed
transaction. The site with the highest value for COMMIT_POINT_STRENGTH is
the commit point site. The site with the largest amount of critical data should be
the commit point site.
DISTRIBUTED_LOCK_TIMEOUT [1..unlimited] <60 seconds>
DISTRIBUTED_LOCK_TIMEOUT specifies, in seconds, how long distributed
transactions should wait for locked resources.
long to hold a remote connection open after a distributed transaction fails. A larger
value holds the connection longer but also continues to use local resources even
though the connection might have been severed. Any value larger than 1,800 seconds
interferes with the reconnection and recovery background processes and will never
drop a failed connection.
DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTIONS specifies the maximum number of distributed
transactions that the database can process concurrently. This value cannot exceed
the value of TRANSACTIONS. If you are having problems with distributed transactions
because network failures are causing many in-doubt transactions, you might want to
limit the number of distributed transactions.
If DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTIONS is set to 0, no distributed transactions
are allowed and the RECO process does not start at instance startup.
This parameter controls the number of branches in a distributed transaction.
If this parameter is set to TRUE, it allows authentication to remote
systems with the value of OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX.
If this parameter is set to TRUE, it allows remote clients to have their
roles managed by the OS. If REMOTE_OS_ROLES is FALSE, roles are
managed and identified by the database for the remote system.
Parallel Server Parameters
These parameters are used only in conjunction with the Oracle Parallel Server
This parameter allows partial results to be returned on queries to global performance
tables even if a slave could not be allocated.
This parameter specifies the maximum size of a cached partition table split among
the caches of multiple instances. If the partition is larger than this value, the
table is not split among the caches.
This parameter enables the delayed block cleanout feature. This can reduce OPS
This parameter specifies that the entire database freeze in order to speed recovery.
GC_DEFER_TIME [integer] <0>
This parameter specifies the time the server waits (in hundredths of a second)
before responding to a forced-write request for hot blocks.
GC_DB_LOCKS [0..unlimited] <0>
This parameter specifies the number of PCM locks allocated. The value of GC_DB_LOCKS
should be at least one greater than the sum of the locks specified with the parameter
GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS [file_number=locks:filename=locks] <NULL>
This parameter supplies a list of filenames, each specifying how many locks should
be allocated for that file. Optionally, the number of blocks and the value EACH
can be added to further specify the allocation of the locks.
GC_LCK_PROCS [0..10] <1>
This parameter specifies the number of lock processes (LCK0 to LCK9) to create
for the instance. The default value of 1 is usually sufficient unless an
unusually high number of locks are occurring.
This parameter allocates space for fine-grain locking.
GC_ROLLBACK_LOCKS [number] <20>
This parameter specifies the number of distributed locks available for each rollback
segment. The default value is usually sufficient.
GC_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS specifies the maximum number of rollback segments
systemwide. This includes all instances in the parallel server system, including
the SYSTEM rollback segment.
This parameter specifies the number of distributed locks reserved for deferred
rollback segments. These deferred rollback segments contain rollback entries for
segments taken offline.
GC_SEGMENTS [number] <10>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of segments that might have space-management
activities simultaneously performed by different instances.
GC_TABLESPACES [number] <5>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of tablespaces that can be simultaneously
brought online or offline.
This parameter assigns the current instance to this instance group.
INSTANCE_NUMBER [1..OS dependent] <Lowest Available Number>
This parameter specifies a unique number that maps the instance to a group of
free space lists.
LM_LOCKS [512..Limited by Instance Size] <12000>
This parameter specifies the number of locks that are configured for the lock
LM_PROCS [36..PROCESSES+instances+safety factor] <64+instances>
This parameter represents the number of the PROCESSES parameter plus
the number of instances.
LM_RESS [256..Limited by Instance Size] <6000>
This parameter controls the number of resources that can be locked by each lock-manager
This parameter specifies the name space that the distributed lock manager (DLM)
uses to generate lock names.
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time that can pass before the
SCN (System Change Number) is changed by the DBWR. This value helps in certain conditions
where the SCN might not be refreshed often enough because of a high load from multiple
This parameter specifies the maximum number of migratable open connections.
OPS_ADMIN_GROUP [group name] <all instances>
This parameter allows instances to be grouped for monitoring and administration.
PARALLEL_DEFAULT_MAX_INSTANCES [0..instances] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the default number of instances to spit a table among
for parallel query processing. This value is used if the INSTANCES DEFAULT
is specified in the table/cluster definition.
This parameter specifies the parallel instance group to be used for spawning
parallel query slaves.
Setting this to TRUE enables the Parallel Server option.
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time (seconds) that can pass before
a session executing a parallel operation will time-out while waiting on a resource
held by another session. THREAD [0..max threads] <0> This parameter specifies
the number of the redo thread to be used by this instance. Any number can be used,
but the value must be unique within the cluster.
These parameters help set up system security; manipulate them to obtain the best
mix of efficiency and security.
This parameter specifies the directory where audit files are stored.
The AUDIT_TRAIL parameter enables auditing to the table SYS$AUD$.
Auditing causes a record of database and user activity to be logged. Because auditing
causes overhead, it limits performance. The amount of overhead and the effect on
performance is determined by what and how much is audited. Once AUDIT_TRAIL
is enabled, auditing is turned on by the Oracle command AUDIT.
If set to TRUE (default), access to the SYS schema is allowed.
This is Oracle7 behavior.
This is the value concatenated to the beginning of the user's OS login account
to give a default Oracle account name. The default value of OPS$ is OS dependent
and is provided for backward compatibility with previous Oracle versions. Typically,
you use the default or set the value to "" (NULL) to
eliminate prefixes altogether.
Setting this parameter to TRUE allows the OS to have control over the
username's roles. If set to FALSE, the username's roles are controlled by
the database.
This parameter specifies whether the table-level SELECT privileges are
needed to execute an update or delete that reference's table-column values.
This parameter specifies that additional transaction information is included
in a special redo record.
Trusted Oracle7
The following parameters apply to the Trusted Oracle7 option.
When set to TRUE, this parameter specifies that a secondary database
is mounted by the primary database whenever a user connected to the primary database
requests data from the secondary database.
This parameter specifies the access mode to which the database is mounted at
instance startup. A value of NORMAL starts the database in normal read-write
mode; READ_COMPATIBLE starts the database in read-write mode with the added
feature of supporting concurrent mounting by one or more read-secure instances.
LABEL_CACHE_SIZE [number> 50] <50>
This parameter specifies the cache size for dynamic comparison of labels. This
number should be greater than the label-category combinations in the OS and should
never be less than 50.
MLS_LABEL_FORMAT [valid label format] <sen>
This parameter specifies the format used to display labels. The default value
sen specifies sensitive.
OPEN_MOUNTS [0..255] <5>
This parameter specifies the maximum number of databases that an instance can
simultaneously mount in OS MAC mode. This value should be large enough to handle
all the primary and secondary databases you might mount.
National Language Support
The following parameters are used in the configuration of National Language Support
NLS_CURRENCY [character string] <derived from NLS_TERRITORY>
This parameter specifies the string to use as the local currency symbol for the
L number format element.
NLS_DATE_FORMAT [format mask] <derived from NLS_TERRITORY>
This parameter defines the default date format to use with the TO_CHAR
and TO_DATE functions. The value of this parameter is any valid date format
mask. Here is an example:
This parameter determines the language to use for the day and month names and
date abbreviations (AM, PM, AD, BC).
This parameter defines the string to use as the international currency symbol
for the C number format element.
NLS_LANGUAGE [NLS_LANGUAGE value] <OS dependent>
This parameter defines the default language of the database. This specifies the
language to use for messages, the language of day and month names, symbols to be
used for AD, BC, A.M. and P.M., and the default sorting mechanisms.
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS [two characters] <derived from NLS_TERRITORY>
This parameter defines the characters to be used as the group separator and decimal.
The group separator is used to separate the integer groups (that is, hundreds, thousands,
millions, and so on). The decimal separator is used to distinguish between the integer
and decimal portion of the number. Any two characters can be used but they must be
different. The parameter is specified by two characters within single quotes. To
set the group separator to , (comma) and the decimal separator to .
(period), use the following statement:
NLS_SORT [BINARY or named linguistic sort] <derived from NLS_LANGUAGE>
If this parameter is set to BINARY, the collating sequence for ORDER_BY
is based on the numeric values of the characters. A linguistic sort decides the order
based on the defined linguistic sort. A binary sort is much more efficient and uses
much less overhead.
NLS_TERRITORY [territory name] <OS dependent>
This parameter specifies the name of the territory whose conventions are used
for day and week numbering. The parameter also provides defaults for other NLS parameters.
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