Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
- Day 11-
Managing Processes
Today you'll learn about processes, or threads that are used in the NT instance.
You'll see how to identify, monitor, and kill a process or thread.
New Term: The term process is
used in this book to describe a thread of execution, or a mechanism that can execute
a set of code. In many operating systems, processes has been replaced with
threads or lightweight processes. To minimize confusion, the
term process refers to the mechanism of execution and can refer to either
a traditional process or a thread.
First you'll review how the Oracle processes work and what they do. You'll examine
a bit of the terminology and the function of the Oracle8 instance. Later you'll see
how to monitor the processes. You'll spend the remainder of this lesson on one of
my favorite topics: the Oracle Parallel Query option.
Understanding the Oracle8 Processes
New Term: The Oracle RDBMS uses two
types of processes: the user processes (also known as the shadow or server
processes) and the Oracle processes (also known as background processes).
In some operating systems, such as Windows NT, these processes are actually threads;
for consistency, I will refer to them as processes.
User, or client, processes are the user's connections into the RDBMS system. The
user process manipulates the user's input and communicates with the Oracle server
process through the Oracle program interface. The user process is also used to display
the information requested by the user and, if necessary, can process this information
into a more useful form.
Background Processes
Background processes are the Oracle processes used to perform various tasks within
the RDBMS system. These tasks vary from communicating with other Oracle instances
and performing system maintenance and cleanup to writing dirty blocks to disk. The
nine Oracle processes are DBWR, LGWR, CKPT, PMON, SMON, RECO, ARCH, LCKn,
and Dnnn. Refer to Day 2, "Exploring the Oracle Architecture," for
descriptions of these processes.
With Windows NT, these processes are implemented as threads. Because the Oracle
threads are listed by number, you cannot readily distinguish which thread is which.
So you can cross-reference them, the Oracle threads are listed in Table 11.1.
Table 11.1. Oracle service threads.
Thread number |
Oracle process |
0, 1 |
Oracle service |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Server Processes (Shadow Processes)
The server, or shadow, processes communicate with the user and interact with Oracle
to carry out the user's requests. For example, if the user process requests a piece
of data not already in the SGA, the shadow process is responsible for reading the
data blocks from the datafiles into the SGA.
There can be a one-to-one correlation between the user processes and the shadow
processes (as in a dedicated server configuration). Although one shadow process can
connect to multiple user processes (as in a multithreaded server configuration),
doing so reduces the utilization of system resources.
Each shadow process or thread uses a certain amount of Oracle and OS resources.
Specifically, each shadow process uses approximately 1MB of memory. This memory and
the overhead of managing large numbers of processes create quite a load on the system.
Therefore, you should reduce the number of user connections if possible.
Multiplexing Processes
Because the load incurred by large numbers of user processes can be quite heavy
on the system, measures should be taken to reduce this number. Several different
methods that involve multiplexing the connections into the Oracle instance can be
used to reduce the user load.
Multiplexing involves reducing the number of connections. On one side of the multiplexor,
each process or user might have its own connection On the other side, many processes
or users might share the same connections. Let's look at a multiplexor as a gray
box, as shown in Figure 11.1.
Figure 11.1.
The logical view of a multiplexor.
In its simplest form, the multiplexor reduces a large number of connections to
a smaller number of connections. The multiplexing can be done on the server itself,
but in general, the multiplexing is done on another server.
New Term: A system that has a middle
server to handle connection processing is typically called a three-tier system.
If you are directly connecting all the users from client systems to the database
server, this is known as a two-tier system.
An example of a two-tier system is shown in Figure 11.2. As you can see, a number
of network client systems are connected to the database server via a LAN.
Figure 11.2.
The two-tier system.
The two-tier system directly links the user connections (via a LAN) into the Oracle
instance via the server processes. If you are using the multithreaded server, the
server processes might be reduced but the LAN connections into the server are still
there for all of the users. This is shown as a logical view in Figure 11.3.
Figure 11.3.
The two-tier system logical view.
In the logical view, you can see more clearly that there is a one-to-one relationship
between the users and the connections into the Oracle instance. As I mentioned earlier,
these connections can be quite expensive.
NOTE: In computer system performance language,
a process is said to be expensive if it consumes a relatively large amount
of system resources.
New Term: In a three-tier system, a
middleware system is used to handle much of the overhead involved in handling user
connections and large numbers of processes. This middleware can be in the
form of a transaction monitor (TM) or an application. An example of a three-tier
system is shown in Figure 11.4.
Figure 11.4.
The three-tier system.
This looks very similar to the two-tier system when you look at the physical layer,
but when you look at the logical picture of this system, as shown in Figure 11.5,
you can see that the number of connections into the RDBMS has been greatly reduced.
Because each connection is expensive in CPU and memory, this savings can improve
the performance of your system.
Figure 11.5.
The three-tier system logical view.
The three-tier system is becoming quite popular and will likely become more so.
In fact, Microsoft released a middleware component in 1997 called the Microsoft Transaction
Server. Other transaction monitors in use today include Tuxedo, Encina, and TopEnd.
Many of these products have been around for years.
Transaction monitors have typically been used in mid-range to high-end systems,
but with the popularity of PC servers, you'll see more and more multiplexing done
in this area as well.
Dedicated Versus Multithreaded Server Processes
As mentioned previously, the user connection into the Oracle instance can occur
via a dedicated server process or a multithreaded server process. In either case,
they appear and act identically to the end user under most conditions.
There are a few situations when it is necessary to connect via the dedicated server
- To start up and shut down an instance
- To perform media recovery
- To run a batch job
Under these conditions, the system must use a dedicated server process. Forcing
a dedicated server process under other conditions is described a bit later.
Dedicated Server
When a SQL request from a user is sent to the RDBMS, the server process executes
that command. This mechanism protects Oracle from being directly manipulated by a
user process. This actually increases the stability and robustness of the Oracle8
RDBMS. A diagram of the dedicated server process is shown in Figure 11.6.
Figure 11.6.
The dedicated server process.
With a dedicated server process, there is a one-to-one correlation between the
user process and the server process. Each server process is dedicated to one user
process. To request a dedicated server process when the system is running with the
multithreaded server enabled, include the parameter SRVR=DEDICATED in the
connect string. This will create a dedicated server process for that user process.
Multithreaded Server
The multithreaded server process allows many user processes to share a number
of shared server processes. This is diagrammed in Figure 11.7.
Figure 11.7.
The multithreaded server process.
As you can see, all requests to the shared server processes must go through the
dispatcher process, which in turn queues the request in the shared pool in the SGA.
Once the request has been processed, it is returned to the dispatcher through the
shared pool in the SGA.
WARNING: Because the multithreaded server
uses the shared pool for queuing requests and returning data, it is important that
the shared pool be large enough.
The main advantage of using the multithreaded server is the reduction of server
processes. This can greatly reduce CPU and memory usage. As you might guess, however,
the multithreaded server does add overhead to the system. This is why a dedicated
server process is recommended for long-running batch jobs.
Tuning the Multithreaded Server
To configure and tune the multithreaded server for use, you'll need to tune the
following parameters in your parameter file. You should also monitor the shared pool
very carefully to make sure you are not running out of space.
Try monitoring the shared session memory with a small number of users to determine
how much memory they are using. You can then extrapolate how much memory all the
sessions will require. This can be accomplished by using the following SQL statement:
SELECT SUM(value) || `bytes' "Memory"
FROM v$sesstat, v$statname
WHERE name = `session memory'
AND v$sesstat.statistic# = v$statname.statistic#;
This tells you how much memory you are using. Dividing this by the number of connections
tells you the amount of memory per session. You can determine from this how much
memory you'll need in the shared pool for all the sessions you'll be supporting.
If you think the shared-pool size might be too small, you can increase it by tuning
the parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE. Remember, the shared pool is also used for
the library cache and the data dictionary. Learn to tune these on Day 20, "Effectively
Tuning and Optimizing the Database."
The number of dispatchers per protocol is determined by the initialization parameter
MTS_DISPATCHERS. If you increase this number, each session will potentially
see greater performance because it will not have to wait on a dispatcher to become
available. Here is an example of how you would set five dispatcher processes for
the TCP/IP protocol:
Each network protocol is set separately. For protocols with fewer users, set the
number lower. The more concurrent sessions per dispatcher, the greater the possibility
you'll have to wait for a dispatcher when you need one.
Other parameters related to the multithreaded server are
- MTS_MAX_DISPATCHERS--The maximum number of dispatcher processes that
can be created in the instance. This includes the dispatchers for all protocols combined.
- MTS_SERVER--The initial number of shared server processes. If this value
is set to 0, Oracle will not use shared server processes. The number of
shared server processes will increase dynamically to meet the needs of the system.
- MTS_MAX_SERVER--This value specifies the maximum number of shared server
The number of dispatcher processes and the minimum number of shared server processes
can be changed dynamically with the ALTER SYSTEM parameter.
The Oracle Parallel Query Option
The Oracle Parallel Query option is by far my favorite enhancement that Oracle
has made in the last few years. By using the Parallel Query option, you can greatly
improve the performance of some database operations.
The Oracle Parallel Query option makes it possible for some Oracle functions to
be processed by multiple streams of execution. These functions include some queries,
index creation, data loading, and recovery. In each of these functions, the general
principle is the same: Keep the CPUs busy while Oracle is waiting for I/O.
For most queries, the time spent waiting for the data to be retrieved from disk
usually overshadows the amount of time spent processing the results. With the Parallel
Query option, you can compensate for this by using several server processes to execute
the query. While one process is waiting for I/Os to complete, other processes can
be executing.
Many processes working together can simultaneously process a single SQL statement,
a situation known as parallel query processing. The other functions are known as
parallel index creation, parallel loading, and parallel recovery, each of which is
discussed in the following sections.
Parallel Query Processing
Parallel query processing allows certain Oracle statements to be run in parallel.
The Oracle server can process the following statements in parallel:
- SELECT statements
- Subqueries in UPDATE and DELETE statements
- CREATE TABLEtablename as SELECT statements
- CREATE INDE statements
Parallel queries are effective on large operations such as table scans and sorts.
Parallel Query Operation
With traditional queries such as table scans, the server process reads the data
sequentially, as shown in Figure 11.8. Much of the time spent in this query is spent
waiting for I/Os to complete.
Figure 11.8.
A table scan without parallel query.
New Term: A parallel query divides
the query into several different pieces, each processed by a different server process.
These processes are called query servers. The query servers are dispatched
by a process known as the query coordinator. The query coordinator dispatches
the query servers and coordinates the results from all the servers to send back to
the user. The result of this arrangement is that many smaller table scans take place
under the hood (transparent to the user). From the user's standpoint, it is simply
a much faster table scan. Figure 11.9 shows a parallel query.
Figure 11.9.
A parallel query table scan.
The query coordinator is given a SQL statement and a degree of parallelism, and
is responsible for dividing the query among the query servers and integrating the
individual results into one result. The degree of parallelism is the number of query
servers assigned to the particular query.
The Oracle server can make parallel the following operations:
Each of these operations has requirements that determine how the query is parallelized.
The performance achieved by the parallel query is determined by the amount of data
to be accessed and the degree of parallelism achieved.
How the query is parallelized (if at all) is determined by the query coordinator.
The decision is made in this order:
- 1. The optimizer determines the execution plan of the statement.
2. The query coordinator determines which operations can be performed in
3. The query coordinator determines how many query servers to enlist.
4. The query coordinator enlists query servers that perform the query.
5. The query coordinator reassembles the resulting data and passes it back
to the user.
The degree of parallelism is determined using the following precedence:
- 1. Query hints--User-defined hints included in the SQL statement have
the highest precedence.
2. Table definition--The default degree of parallelism defined for the
table has second precedence.
3. Initialization parameters--The Oracle initialization parameters are
Regardless of how these values are set, the number of query servers cannot exceed
the number of query servers available in the query server pool. This number is specified
by the Oracle initialization parameter PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS.
Hints for the degree of parallelism are set within a comment string in the SQL
The Syntax for Parallelism in a Comment String
The syntax of this comment is as follows:
PARALLEL ( alias_or_tablename , [ integer/DEFAULT ] [ , integer/DEFAULT ] )
The parallel hint specifies the table or alias being scanned, followed by a value
for the number of query servers to be used (or the default). The final optional value
specifies how the table is to be split among different instances of a parallel server.
Here is an example of using hints:
SELECT /*+ FULL(emp) PARALLEL(emp, 4) */
FROM emp;
If you add the FULL and PARALLEL hints to this statement, the
Oracle optimizer will create an execution plan that uses a full-table scan. Furthermore,
this table scan will be executed with a parallel degree of 4 if the query
servers are available. This statement overrides both the degree of parallelism specified
in the table definition and the default Oracle initialization parameters.
The hint NOPARALLEL disables parallel scanning of a table and overrides
the specified degree of parallelism.
The Syntax for the NOPARALLEL Hint
The NOPARALLEL hint has the following syntax:
NOPARALLEL ( alias_or_tablename )
Parallel Query Tuning
Parallel query operations can be very effective on multiprocessor or parallel-processing
computers; they can also be effective on uniprocessor systems where much of the time
is spent waiting for I/O operations to complete. Systems with sufficient I/O bandwidth--and
especially systems with disk arrays--benefit from parallel query operations.
If your system is typically processing at 100% of its CPU utilization and you
have a small number of disk drives, you probably won't benefit from parallel query
operations. If your system is extremely memory limited, you also will probably not
benefit from parallel query operations.
The two areas that can be tuned for parallel queries are I/O and parallel servers.
By properly configuring your datafiles, you can help parallel queries be more effective.
I/O Configuration
The function of a parallel query is to split up query operations so they more
effectively use the system. One of the ways a parallel query does this is by allowing
the processing of the query to continue while pieces of the query operation are stalled
waiting for I/Os to complete. Parallel queries are not effective if the entire table
is limited to one disk drive.
By striping the table across many drives, I/Os can be distributed and a higher
level of parallelism can occur. Striping can be done with OS striping, with Oracle
striping, or (better yet) with a hardware disk array.
Large contiguous extents can also help performance in parallel query operations.
During scan operations, the query coordinator splits contiguous ranges of blocks
into large, medium, and small groups. Each query server is given a large group of
blocks to start with, progressively working its way down to the small group of blocks
until the scan is completed. This is done in an attempt to balance the load performed
by each query server. If there are several large extents in a table, the query coordinator
can find blocks to dispatch to the query servers much more easily.
TIP: Remember to compose your temporary
tablespace of several large extents on a striped volume. This arrangement helps sorting
Degree of Parallelism
Properly distributing I/Os and the degree of parallelism are the two most important
things to tune in the Parallel Query option. Tuning the degree of parallelism is
partially trial and error and partially analysis. It is very important to take notes
when you are experimenting with the degree of parallelism. Your first iteration should
be based on the following factors:
- The CPU capacity of your system--the number and capacity of CPUs has an effect
on the number of query processes you should run.
- The capacity of the system to handle large numbers of processes--some operating
systems can handle many simultaneous threads; others are more limited.
- The system load--if the system is already running at 100% capacity, the degree
of parallelism doesn't have much effect. If you are running at 90%, too many query
processes can overload the system.
- The amount of query processing on the system--if most operations are updates
but there are a few critical queries, you might want many query processes.
- The I/O capacity of the system--if your disks are striped or if you are using
a disk array, you should be able to handle a large number of parallel queries.
- The types of operations--are you performing a large number of full-table scans
or sorts? These operations benefit greatly from parallel query servers.
All these parameters should have some influence on the degree of parallelism you
set up for your system. Remember that the preceding points are just guidelines to
help with your best attempt at a starting point. Here are a few other suggestions:
- CPU-intensive operations such as sorts should indicate a lower degree of parallelism.
CPU-bound tasks are already taking advantage of the CPUs and tend not to be waiting
on I/O.
- Disk-intensive operations such as full-table scans should indicate a higher degree
of parallelism. The more operations waiting on I/O, the more the system can benefit
from another query server.
- Table size is very important. A small table does not need parallel queries. Reserve
this for larger tables.
- Many concurrent processes should indicate a lower degree of parallelism. Too
many processes can overload the system.
Once you determine your starting point, you can monitor your system by querying
the dynamic performance table, V$PQ_SYSSTAT. This can be done with the query
shown in Listing 11.1.
Listing 11.1. Monitoring a parallel query from V$SYSSTAT.
SQL> select * from v$pq_sysstat;
------------------------------ ----------
Servers Busy 0
Servers Idle 12
Servers Highwater 16
Server Sessions 380
Servers Started 4
Servers Shutdown 4
Servers Cleaned Up 0
Queries Initiated 21
DFO Trees 77
Local Msgs Sent 2459361
Distr Msgs Sent 0
Local Msgs Recv'd 2459318
Distr Msgs Recv'd 0
13 rows selected.
When looking at this query, the following statistics are quite useful.
- Servers Busy--This is the number of servers busy at any one time. Check
this statistic several times to get a good idea of the average value. If the value
is equal to the initialization parameter PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS, you have
probably configured too many query servers.
- Servers Idl--This is the number of servers idle at any one time. If
you always have many idle servers, consider reducing PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS.
- Servers Starte--This is the number of query servers that have started
up in this instance. If the value for Servers Busy is low but you see a
large number in Servers Started, you might be using query servers sporadically.
- Servers Shutdow--This is the number of query servers that have been
shut down because they are idle. This value is most likely similar to the Servers
Started value.
After you determine your degree of parallelism, begin testing; evaluate the information
you get from V$PQ_SYSSTAT and from your operating-system-monitoring facilities.
Keep an eye out for CPU usage and excessive waiting on I/O. If the CPU usage is too
high, try reducing the degree of parallelism. If the CPU usage is too low and there
is significant waiting for I/O, try increasing the degree of parallelism.
Remember that the degree of parallelism is determined by SQL hints, table definitions,
and initialization parameters. The total number of query servers is determined by
the initialization parameter PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS; the number started up
initially is determined by the initialization parameter PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS.
The total number of query servers in use is the number of queries executed in
parallel multiplied by their degree of parallelism. If you try to use more than PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS,
you won't be able to parallelize your query.
Direct Write Sorts
You can use the Direct Write Sort option with the Parallel Query option and have
the query servers each perform their own direct writes.
As you saw earlier, using direct writes causes the server processes to write the
output of sort operations directly to disk, bypassing the buffer cache. The effect
of direct writes is that for sort operations, large amounts of block buffers are
not ejected from the buffer cache. This leaves the buffer cache available for normal
queries and updates. When using direct write sorts with the Parallel Query option,
each query server gets its own set of direct write buffers.
NOTE: Direct write sorts take more memory
than normal sorts. The amount of memory they use with the Parallel Query option can
be determined with the following formula:
Direct write sort memory =
(number of query servers) * (SORT_WRITE_BUFFERS) * (SORT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE)
Only use direct write sorts if you have sufficient memory and temporary disk space.
The temporary disk space should have a sufficient space and I/O bandwidth to handle
the load.
Parallel Index Creation
Another feature of the Parallel Query option is its capability to create indexes
in parallel. With the parallel index creation feature, the time it takes to create
an index can be greatly reduced.
As in parallel query processing, a coordinator process dispatches two sets of
query servers. One set scans the table to be indexed to obtain the ROWIDs
and column values needed for the index. Another set performs the sorting on those
values and passes the results to the coordinator process. The coordinator process
then puts together the B*-tree index from these sorted items.
When creating an index, the degree of parallelism follows the same precedence
as it does in parallel query processing. The first value is an optional PARALLEL
clause in the CREATE INDEX statement, followed by the table definition and
finally the initialization parameters.
Creating an index in parallel can be several times faster than creating an index
by normal means. The same conditions apply for index creation as were given for parallel
query processing. A system that has been configured to take advantage of parallel
query processing will also see good performance from parallel index creation.
Parallel Data Loading
Loading can be done in parallel by having multiple concurrent sessions perform
a direct path load into the same table. Depending on the configuration of the system,
you can see excellent load performance by loading in parallel. Because loading is
both CPU and I/O intensive, you should see good results in an SMP or MPP environment
with a high-bandwidth, I/O subsystem.
Parallel loads are performed by multiple, direct-loader processes, each using
the PARALLEL=TRUE and DIRECT=TRUE options. When you specify PARALLEL=TRUE,
the loader does not place an exclusive lock on the table being loaded as it would
otherwise. During the parallel load, the loader creates temporary segments for each
of the concurrent processes and merges them together on completion.
Although parallel loading performs best when each temporary file is located on
a separate disk, the increased performance of the load does not usually justify the
complexity of the manual striping needed to do this. I still recommend striping the
tables on an OS level or preferably on a hardware disk array. Performance can be
improved by putting each of the input files on a separate volume to take advantage
of the sequential nature of the reads.
Parallel loading can be beneficial, especially if load time is critical in your
environment. By putting each of the input files on separate disk volumes, you can
increase performance. Overall, the general tuning principles used in parallel query
processing are valid in parallel loading also.
Parallel Recovery
Having multiple concurrent sessions perform a recovery is probably my favorite
feature of the Parallel Query option. When benchmarking Oracle and testing hardware
and software, it is often necessary to intentionally crash the system to prove recoverability.
With the Parallel Recovery option, the time it takes to perform an instance recovery
can be dramatically reduced.
Recovery time is significantly reduced when the system being recovered has many
disks and supports asynchronous I/O. For a small system that has few drives or for
an operating system that does not support asynchronous I/O, it might not be wise
to enable parallel recovery.
In traditional recovery, one process reads from the redo log files and applies
changes to the datafiles, as shown in Figure 11.10. This operation can take a significant
amount of time because the recovery process must wait for disk I/Os to complete.
Figure 11.10.
Recovery without parallel recovery.
With the Parallel Recovery option, one process is responsible for reading and
dispatching redo entries from the redo log files and passing those entries on to
the recovery processes that apply the changes to the datafiles, as shown in Figure
Figure 11.11.
Parallel recovery.
Because the recovery process reads sequentially from the redo log files, the I/O
performance is much higher than that of the recovery processes that are writing random
data throughout the datafiles. Because writing the data is very seek intensive, it
is a good idea to have one or two recovery processes for each data disk in the system.
By having more recovery processes, you can have more outstanding I/Os and thus
simultaneously use all the data drives. Because recovery is done at instance startup,
this arrangement reduces dead time when no other database processing can be done.
The number of concurrent recovery processes is set with the initialization parameter
RECOVERY_PARALLEL. The value of this parameter cannot exceed the value specified
in the initialization parameter PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS.
By specifying a sufficient number of recovery servers, you'll see an immediate
improvement in instance recovery time. Do not use parallel recovery if your system
does not support asynchronous I/O or if you are limited to a small number of disk
drives. If your I/O subsystem is fast enough and your data is properly striped across
these drives (either through software or hardware RAID), you should see very good
In summary, the Parallel Query option is useful in distributing processing loads
so that CPUs are kept busy processing while other processes are waiting for I/Os
to complete. With multiprocessor machines, the Parallel Query option can be quite
beneficial; this is not to say that the option is not beneficial on uniprocessor
machines as well.
NOTE: As larger and larger disks are produced
at lower and lower prices, many installations end up with I/O problems caused by
not having the required I/O bandwidth. Two disk drives are faster than one disk drive
if your I/O is balanced.
The Parallel Query option can help only in systems where I/O is not a bottleneck.
When I/O is not a problem, you'll see significant gains from parallel queries.
Monitoring Processes
The processes or threads used by Oracle can be monitored via the OS facilities
of your operating system or from within the Oracle instance itself. Each of these
has its own advantages and disadvantages. By looking at the processes from within
Oracle, you can gain more insight as to what these processes are actually doing,
but you cannot determine exactly how many resources they are currently consuming.
It takes a combination of external and internal monitoring to get the complete picture.
Let's look at some of the ways you can monitor these processes and resources.
Monitoring Processes from the NT Task Manager
The NT Task Manager is an ideal tool to get a quick view of what is happening
in your system. It is not a very complex tool, nor does it give you a great deal
of information, but for a quick look it is very useful. To invoke the Task Manager,
right-click the NT 4.0 toolbar and select Task Manager, as shown in Figure 11.12.
Figure 11.12.
Select Task Manager from the context menu.
Once the Task Manager is running, you'll see the performance screen (see Figure
11.13). This screen shows the CPU and memory usage in the system. In the lower part
of the screen, you'll see numerical information relating to thread and process statistics
and memory usage.
Figure 11.13.
Viewing performance.
By clicking the Processes tab, you can view the Processes screen. From here you
can see CPU, physical memory, and virtual memory used by the various processes in
the system. The Processes screen is shown in Figure 11.14.
Figure 11.14.
Viewing processes.
This information is quite useful and easy to get to, but it is quite coarse. As
you can see, Oracle shows up as one process named oracle80.exe. This monitor
gives you no information on the individual threads that make up this process.
Monitoring Processes from perfmon
The NT Performance Monitor (perfmon) can also be used to monitor threads,
but as with the Task Manager, not much useful information can be gleaned from this.
Once the Performance Monitor is invoked, you can select thread information, as shown
in Figure 11.15. This information can be in terms of CPU time, context switches per
second, and so on. This information has some use, but without knowing what session
it is, it is not worth much.
Figure 11.15.
An example of the perfmon.
For viewing process and thread information, I think the NT Performance Monitor
is of little use. However, as you'll see on Day 20, the NT Performance Monitor is
great for viewing I/O and CPU information.
Monitoring Sessions with the Instance Manager
The Instance Manager has some fundamental information that you can view about
sessions. This information essentially concerns connections and activities. Open
the Instance Manager and click the Sessions icon. Here you'll see the Sessions screen,
which is shown in Figure 11.16.
You can glean a lot of information from this screen. The right portion of the
screen provides the following session information:
- Session ID--The session's internal ID number
- Status--Whether the session is active
- Username--The Oracle user ID
- Schema Name--The schema to which the user is attached
- OS User--The OS user account that is connected
- Terminal--The connection name (if applicable)
- Machine Name--The machine on which this user is running
- Program--The program that is connected to the instance
Figure 11.16.
Viewing sessions with the Instance Manager.
This information can be quite useful if you are looking for a particular session.
It is also possible to disconnect a session from the instance using the Instance
Manager. Right-click the session and select Disconnect, as shown in Figure 11.17.
This disconnects that session from the Oracle instance.
Figure 11.17.
Disconnecting a session.
Monitoring Oracle Processes from the Command Line
You can gather a huge amount of information about the Oracle processes by querying
the internal performance tables using the V$ views. These views, predefined
by Oracle, look into the dynamic performance tables. This information can be quite
useful. Some V$ views that are of most interest when you are monitoring
processes are as follows:
- V$CIRCUIT--Contains information about virtual circuits that are created
through the dispatcher and server processes
- V$DISPATCHE--Contains dispatcher information
- V$QUEU--Contains information pertaining to the multithreaded message
- V$SESS_I--Contains I/O information for each session
- V$SHARED_SERVE--Contains shared server information
- V$SYSSTA--Contains miscellaneous system statistics
If you want more information about the dynamic performance tables or performance
in general, I suggest you read my first book, Oracle Performance Tuning and Optimization
(Sams Publishing), in which I go into this and more in great detail.
Today you were introduced to two types of processes: user processes (also known
as the shadow or server processes) and Oracle processes (also known as background
processes). In some operating systems, such as Windows NT, these processes are actually
As you saw, it is only through the server or shadow processes that the user communicates
with the database. The user process manipulates the user's input and communicates
with the Oracle server process through the Oracle program interface. The user process
is also used to display the information requested by the user and, if necessary,
can process this information into a more useful form. As you saw, this can happen
on a one-to-one basis with the dedicated server process, or on a shared basis with
the multithreaded server.
What's Next?
Day 12, "Working with Tables, Views, and Synonyms," introduces the Oracle
schema. The next three days cover the various schema objects such as tables, views,
clusters, and indexes. The partitioned table, which is new in Oracle8, is covered
tomorrow. Also new in Oracle8 is the index only table, which is covered in the next
three lessons.
The Oracle schema is a very important concept to both the Oracle DBA and to the
application developer. The next three chapters finish the basics on building an Oracle
- Q What are the server processes?
A The server processes are the background processes or threads that perform
tasks on behalf of Oracle. They consist of the following: DBWR, LGWR, PMON, SMON,
RECO, ARCH, CKPT, LCKn, and Dnnn.
Q What is a dedicated server process?
A A dedicated server process has a one-to-one correlation between the user
process and the server process. Each user process gets one server process.
Q What is a shared server process?
A The shared server process handles more than one user process. The dispatcher
queues the job and the shared server process executes it.
Q What is the Parallel Query option?
A The Parallel Query option is an Oracle option that allows large database
operations to be parallelized and run simultaneously.
The workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of
the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using what you've
learned. Find the answers in Appendix A, "Answers."
- 1. What is the DBWR process used for?
2. What is the LGWR process used for?
3. What is the CKPT process used for?
4. Under what circumstances will the LCKn process be used?
5. What type of system includes a Transaction Monitor (TM)?
6. What component is usually the limiting factor in your system?
7. What is the order of precedence (that is, parameters, hints, table definitions,
and so on) for Oracle choosing the degree of parallelism?
8. Does the Parallel Query option help you only if you have multiple processors?
9. With Oracle on NT, does the Oracle server use processes or threads?
10. Where does the multithreaded server get its memory from?
- 1. Use the Instance Manager to see how many sessions are active in your
2. Using perfmon, look at the Oracle8 threads.
3. Try running a table scan both with and without the Parallel Query option.
4. Compare the disk activity with and without the Parallel Query option.
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