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Ch 9 -- Glossary

Microsoft® Access 97 Quick Reference



This glossary contains the terms that appear italicized throughout this book. Look them up as you go along or scan for any terms that you might not be familiar with.


action query A query that updates a table (such as deleting records, updating records, creating a new table, or appending records to an existing table).

Active Web Shared by all Microsoft Office 97 programs, this feature is used to author and browse documents on an intranet or on the Web.

ActiveX Controls Additional dialog objects that you insert on a form to help data input or viewing. These include the calendar control and spinner control and are supplied from files with an OCX extension.

add-in A wizard (such as the Report Wizard) or a builder (such as the Expression Builder) that helps users perform a potentially complex operation.

aggregate functions Functions you use to summarize data on a query, report, or form. These include Sum(), Avg(), Min(), Max(), and Count().

alias When you use a self-join, a temporary name assigned to a table to help differentiate one table joined to itself.

arguments Inputs used to calculate functions and procedures. Arguments are enclosed in parentheses. Arguments passed to procedures are also called parameters.

AutoFormat An Access feature that applies a set of predefined formatting choices to reports and forms.

AutoNumber An Access data type that automatically increments by one for every new record. This data type replaced Counter in Access 1.x and 2.0. AutoNumber fields are usually mostly for primary keys.


bound On a form or report, data is bound to a control when the data is linked to an underlying query or table. Thus, for every record, the value in the control changes.

Briefcase replication A Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 feature implemented in Access that creates more than one copy of a database (on a network and laptop, for example) where changes in any copy can be updated to other copies.

builder A help feature that provides assistance in creating expressions for formulas and properties. The Expression Builder is an example.


caption The text that appears in the title bar of a window. The caption property of a field in table design becomes the label associated with a text box or other control. The label itself has a caption property that is the text that appears on the form.

cascade delete When referential integrity is set in a relationship, the property that causes records on the many side of a relationship to delete when the related record is deleted.

cascade update When referential integrity is set in a relationship, the property that causes the related key on the many side of a relationship to change to the new value on the related record.

Chart Wizard An Access feature that automates the creation of a chart.

check box On a form or dialog box, a small square that the user can click to turn on or off. A check box is usually associated with a Yes/No field.

child Data or an element that is related to another object but lower in hierarchical level than the related (parent) object. An Access subform is related to an Access form. The Link Child Fields property indicates the field that links the Child to the master (Parent) form (which is related to the Link Master Fields property field).

code The text you enter in a program to create your application. In Access, you enter code in modules.

combo box On a form or dialog box, a combination of a text box and a list box where the user can type a value or choose one from a list.

command button On a form or dialog box, a rectangular object that a user can click that confirms the choices, cancels the choices, or causes another action. The most common command buttons are OK and Cancel.

compile To translate text programming into something the machine can read. In Access, when you click the Compile Loaded Modules button, you will check for some errors in your programming.

concatenation Combining text, numbers, or dates within a text box. In Access, you use the ampersand (&) symbol to join the contents of multiple cells.

controls Data-entry objects commonly used in Access forms, such as text boxes, combo boxes, and check boxes.

criteria The basis for selection in a query, established by entering it on a line in the Query Design grid.


data type A description on a field that determines what kind of information you can enter in the field. Field data types include Text, Memo, and Number.

data source Where an object gets its information. The data source for a form or report is called the record source. The data source for a text box or other control is called the control source.

database A set of related tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules. In Access, the database is a single file indicated by a MDB extension.

Database window The primary window visible in Access where you can view or design all objects such as tables, queries, and other objects. To view the Database window, press F11.

Datasheet View A row and column view of a table, query, or form where you can generally input data.

Debug window A window that enables you to test code statements and expressions as well as check on the values of variables within your procedures.

Design View The view of table, query, form, and macro objects that enables you to create or change the object.

dialog box A form within the Windows application or created in Access that accepts input from the user. Also called a dialog, this form is usually modal, which means it stays in front of other objects until it is closed.

dynaset Short for dynamic set of data. A dynaset is the datasheet (row and column) view of a query that you can edit.


embedded object A document (the source) stored inside of another document (the container). For example, a Word document could be stored in an OLE field of the Access database. The information is actually stored in the container rather than pointing to a linked document somewhere else on a disk.

empty A VBA variable that has been declared but has not yet received a value. Empty is not the same as null or a zero-length string.

encryption The process of rendering a file unreadable without the use of a key to decrypt the file.

event An action taken by a user such as a mouse click or keystroke that is recognized by one of Access' event properties such as On Click or On DblClick. Events can also be triggered by the program such as when a form opens or the Timer Interval is reached.

expression A combination of field or variable names and arithmetic or other operators used to perform a calculation, manipulate characters, or test data. For example, =Date(), [Price]*[Quantity], and =[FirstName] & " " & [LastName] are expressions.


field The information in one column of a list or database. Also, a single item of information in a record.

filter To show only certain records from a table. A filter in Access can also include sorting information. A filter is not stored in the Database window while a query is.

flow control Programming expressions that direct the execution of a procedure. If, Then, Else, End If is a flow control statement.

focus The capability of a control, form, or dialog box to receive keyboard or mouse input. Only one object, such as a text box, can have the focus at a time.

foreign key A field (or fields) on the many side of a one-to-many relationship between tables that relates to the primary key of the other table. Foreign keys do not need to be unique within the table.

form An organized and formatted document that facilitates data entry.

Form View The view of a form where users can input data. This is opposed to Design View where you can create and modify the form.

front-end The visible, user entry part of an application. Access can act as a front-end with the forms, reports, and queries attached to a back-end database on another system such as SQL Server.

function A predefined formula that performs a specific operation in Access. Sum() is the most used function in both Access and Excel.


global When dealing with procedures and variables, those that any other part of Access can use. VBA uses the reserved word Public to refer to global variables.

grid On a form, a set of non-printing lines that aides the user in aligning objects such as text boxes and other controls. In Design View, Access shows the grid as a series of dots.

gridlines On a datasheet, the lines that indicate the rows and columns. On a chart, the lines that start at and are perpendicular to the category and value axes.

group In an Access report, one or more records that are combined together and identified with a group header and summarized with a group footer.


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) The underlying code of Web pages.

hyperlink A link in an Access field that enables you to quickly jump to Internet or intranet sites, or to other Access or Office documents.


index In an Access table, the property that will speed up searches and sorts. One or more fields can be part of an index.

inner join In an Access query, the link between two related tables, that only returns related fields that are common in both tables.

input mask An input aid that adds characters such as dashes for social security numbers or parentheses for phone numbers. An input mask can also force the user to input text or numeric characters.

integer A number with no decimal places. Access integer data types include integers that can be numbers +/- 32,000 or long integers that can be +/- 2 billion.


join Connect two tables together in a query on a common field. The field is usually a primary key in one table and a foreign key in the second table.


key or key field A field that identifies a record. Tables are indexed and sorted on key fields. Within a sort, the fields that determine sort order.


label Text on a form or report that appears for every record. A label can be a title on the top of the form or attached to a control such as a text box identifying the contents of the control. Last Name: is an example of a label.

linked table Within a database a table whose data originates in another file. The file could be another Access file or a file from a different database application.

list box On a form or dialog box, a rectangular area that enables the user to choose one from a choice of many values. When the list of values is larger than the space provided, Access and Windows provide a scroll bar to see more of the values.

lookup column A combo box within a field of a table. By choosing Lookup Wizard in the Data Type column in Table Design View, you create a lookup column for the field.


macro A stored list of commands that are automatically executed by Access.

mail merge The process of combining a list (usually of addresses) into another document (usually a letter or envelope).

master In Access, the main form or report. The subform becomes the child form. In the subform's properties, the Link Master Fields property is a field from the main form that links to the subform's field mentioned in the Link Child Fields property.

memo An Access data type that can hold a great deal of text (up to 64,000 characters).

merge field Used to identify which category of data source information will be printed in its location.

modal A form (or dialog box) that keeps the focus until it is closed.

modeless A form (or dialog box) that can be minimized or can lose the focus to another form or dialog box. A pop-up modeless form remains on top of other forms yet allows you to input in the other forms.

module A collection of stored procedures. Modules are named on the Modules tab in the Database window. However, forms and reports also have modules associated with them. Form and report modules are also called class modules.


null A field with no value. This is not the same as a 0 or a zero-length string. Use Is Null in the criteria grid of a query to find fields without an entry.


object On one level in Access, the specific tables, queries, forms, and any other items listed in the Database window. On another level, anything that can be manipulated in Access including controls, procedures, and the database itself.

Office Assistant An on-screen, interactive program that provides tips and Help information, and also interprets what Help you might need based on your current actions.

operator A mathematical symbol (such as +) or logical keyword (such as AND) that is a part of an expressions.

optimization The process of improving the application's performance.

option button On a form or dialog box, a small circle that the user can click to turn on. Also called a radio button. A check box is usually associated with an option group but can also represent a Yes/No value.

option group On a form or dialog box, a group of controls where only one of them can be selected at once. Usually the controls inside an option group are option buttons but they can also be toggle buttons or check boxes.

outer join In an Access query, the link between two related tables, that returns all the records from one table and records from related fields that are common in both tables.


parameters In an Access query, prompts for user input. In an Access procedure, variables that are supplied to the procedure from outside the procedure.

permissions In Access security, authority given to perform operations (such as read or modify) on a database object.

pivot table A feature that enables you to summarize and analyze data in lists and tables. Pivot tables are called such because you can quickly rearrange the position of pivot table fields to give you a different view of the table.

PivotTable Wizard An Access and Excel feature that automates the creation of a pivot table.

primary key The field (or fields) that uniquely identify a record in a table. You cannot have duplicate primary keys within a table.

property An attribute or characteristic of an object. Properties can define the appearance of an object (such as color) or what happens when the user performs an action on the object (such as click).


query In Access, an object that chooses and sorts selected records and fields from another query or table. A query can also modify a table (see action query).


record The information in one row of a list or database.

record locking In a multiuser system, when one person is modifying a record, you can set the record locking properties to lock other users out of the record or to verify changes made when two users edit the same record at the same time.

referential integrity Rules between primary and foreign keys of tables. Referential integrity requires that every foreign key must have a related field in the primary table. Access accomplishes this through cascade delete and cascade update. If these properties are not set in the relationship window, Access will not allow deletions or updates of primary keys who have related records in a foreign table.

relationship Between two tables, the common field (or fields) that identify how they are connected.

replication The process of copying a database in more than one location. After the two (or more) databases are updated, changes can be propagated to both databases.

report An Access object used for printed output that details or summarizes records in a table or query.


sections Divisions in a form or report that each have their own properties. Sections include the form or report header and footer, page header and footer, details, and in reports group headers and footers.

self-join In a query, a table that is related to itself by two different fields. For example, an employee table can include the ID of a manager who is also in the same table.

SQL (Structured Query Language) Pronounced "sequel." A standard computer language used by many programs, including mainframes and client/server databases. The SQL used in Access is a subset of the available language. To see a SQL statement, choose SQL View on the View button while you are in Design View of a query.

string A data type used in programming that accepts text values.

subform A form that is inside a main form. Usually the subform displays in Datasheet View and many records can be related to the one in the main form.

subprocedure A procedure called from within another procedure.

subqueries A query that is used within another query. This can be where the second query was created using the first as the data source or where a SQL statement is typed in a criteria cell.

subreport A report that is inside another report.

syntax The rules for writing functions or programming statements. For example, you need to include parentheses with the Sum function and include a field name in the parentheses. If the field name includes a space, you must surround the field name with brackets.


tab order The order of the fields on a form accessed when you press Tab or Enter.

table The primary building block within a database where data is actually stored. You must have at least one table before you can create a query, form, or report.

text box On a form or dialog box, a rectangular area where the user can type an entry.

toggle button On a form or dialog box, a rectangular button that appears pressed or unpressed. A toggle button usually is attached to a Yes/No field or is part of an option group.

Toolbox In form and report design, a toolbar that contains buttons for adding controls such as check boxes, combo boxes and text boxes to the design.


unbound On a form or report, data that is not connected to a particular record in a table. The most common unbound control is a label but you can also have graphics such as a logo on your form or report as well.

union query A query that combines two tables with multiple common field names. The union query is most often used with a history table and a current table where the field names correspond to each other. The two tables remain in separate locations but the Datasheet View of the union query shows the records from one table below the other.


validation A rule for correct data entry within a series or range of acceptable values. If a field's Validation Rule is broken, the Validation Text appears in a message box to the user.

variable The name given to a symbol that represents a value that can be a string, number, or Access object. The value of a variable can change during program execution.

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) The programming language provided with Access, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.


wild card A symbol that can represent one or more characters. You use the * wild card to represent multiple characters in the criteria row of a query.

workgroup In Access, a group of users that are part of the same security file who share database files. The names of the users and their passwords are stored in the workgroup file (the default is SYSTEM.MDW).


Yes/No field A field data type that can accept one of two responses such as Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off.


zero length string Also called empty string, a zero length string indicates no data and is entered with two double quotes with no space between them(""). A zero length string generally represents that you know that there is no value for the field. This is contrasted with the null value where the value could be unknown.

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