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Microsoft® Access 97 Quick Reference8

Microsoft® Access 97 Quick Reference


To my sons Danny and Jimmy. You give me joy and an incentive to work.

About the Author

Rick Winter is a Senior Partner at PRW Computer Training and Services. Rick is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Certified Professional for Access and has trained thousands of adults on personal computers. He is lead author of Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 97 and Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Professional for Windows 95; co-author of Que's Excel for Windows SureSteps, Look Your Best with Excel and Q&A QueCards. He has also contributed to over 20 books for Que. Rick is the revision script writer for Video Professor Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2.2 and 3.0 Level I and Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2.2 and 3.0 Level II, and script writer for Video Professor Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2.2 and 3.0 Level III. Rick is past president and currently involved with Information Systems Trainers, a professional training organization based in Denver, Colorado (http://www.istrn.org). Rick has a B.A. from Colorado College and an M.A. from University of Colorado at Denver.


Thank you to Joyce Nielsen for providing fast responses to my questions and for surviving one of the other books in this series (the Excel 97 Quick Reference). Thank you to my sister and fellow author, Patty Winter, for providing backup when I was swamped with this book and for giving me a head start by creating the Word book in this series.

I would also like to thank the folks at Que and Verly & Nelson Associates. Special thanks especially go to Dana Coe, Angie Wethington, Brian Sweany, Lisa Gebken, Donna Nelson, and Darlin Verly for giving me the opportunity to write this book, for catching my mistakes, and for making the book much better than it would have been without their help.

One last special thanks, to my wife (and our bookkeeper) Karen. She keeps my life organized and is supportive, even when I'm working late nights to meet a deadline and the office/house is dishelveled by another Que book.

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The Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference is the latest in a series of comprehensive, task-oriented references and details how to use the features and functionality of Access 97. Compiled for the intermediate-to-advanced user who wants a concise, comprehensive reference, the Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference is loaded with detailed instructions outlining important tasks you need to complete.

The Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference presents the tasks and functions most often sought by users of Access 97. The book also includes a comprehensive glossary with many terms and definitions that refer to the newest features in Access 97.

New Ways of Working

Que's Quick References help the reader cover the most ground with the least amount of hassle, and in a minimum of time! Tasks include steps that the reader can complete--usually no more than five steps to any task.

The goal of the author is to help you get your work done in the least amount of time, with a minimum of reading and learning. The author knows that your time is valuable, and that you might not need to use some of the included tasks very often. That's why each task in this book is written with economy in mind. The reader should be able to recognize a need, take this book off the shelf and complete a task within minutes; then put the book back on the shelf for future reference. It just doesn't get any faster or easier.

Expanded Coverage

Unlike other low-cost references, Que's Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference covers every major functional element of Access 97. More importantly, each element is covered separately, in its own dedicated section in this book. You can be confident that this book covers a lot of ground. The Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference even includes the reference to Access functions that are the most useful.

Who Should Read This Book?

The Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference is written for casual to advanced computer users who need a fast reference to Access 97 tasks, functions, and features. It is an ideal companion to Que's Special Edition Using Microsoft Access 97. The Quick Reference size makes it ideal for travel.

If you are upgrading from Access 95 or Access 2, you will find this reference useful for finding new features and looking up new ways of getting a job done. If you are converting from other field data types--for example, dBASE, Paradox, or Btrieve--this Quick Reference might be the right amount of instruction you need to transfer your know-how investment to new products.

As a reference, this book is not intended to tutor learners. If you are just starting to use Access software for the first time, or are a very casual user, you might want to consider Que's User-Friendly Using Microsoft Access 97 or The Complete Idiot's Guide to Microsoft Access 97 as a book to get you up to speed. For beginner or very casual task reference, check out Que's Easy Microsoft Access 97. If you want the most complete reference as well as tutorial and foundation information, then you need Que's Special Edition Using Microsoft Access 97. This Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference makes an ideal companion to the comprehensive Special Edition.

Features of the Access 97 Quick Reference

If you take a moment to glance over the table of contents, you'll note that each logical part of the Access 97 product has its own dedicated section in this book. Topics are organized into working groups under each logical part of Access, with related tasks sorted under each topic in alphabetical order. In some cases, tasks have been specially sorted by the author when task grouping, sequencing, or relationships indicate the order.

Content Tuned to Your Needs

You can't be expected to know everything; and yet, you don't have to be told everything either. That's why the Quick References author has been given wide latitude in determining what extra information you might find valuable to complete a task. By tuning the presentation to your needs, you can spend less time sifting through background information or cross- referencing related information just to be sure you're using a task appropriately. For example, the author often indicates which conditions must exist in order to complete a task. The author explains why one task is best to use over another--all in very succinct text. Where it is obvious to you what conditions must exist or which task is best, you won't be slowed by text telling you what you already know.

Expert Advice

Our expert author knows when a specific task is appropriate and when that task should be avoided. For example, there is no point in making a bulleted list if only one list item exists. This book tells you when a task is in order, and when you should avoid using a task when it's out of context or is not appropriate at a specific location in your document, database, or presentation. This expertise of the author transfers directly to your work through this approach.

Navigation and Steps

Author expertise can also help keep tasks simple by including or eliminating steps that guide you to where you enter information or perform an action. Tasks in this book that do detail how to get where you're going do so because the author believes that getting there is confusing for the reader.

In other cases, where your starting point is not relevant or where you are likely to know where a menu or dialog box is located, the author keeps it simple by not adding the navigational detail. The same assumptions apply where individual actions can be compounded into a step. Beginners often need "baby steps" to avoid confusion. The need for such care soon passes for most, and the user is better able to work with a step that is a logical group of actions. The result is a more readable set of steps.

The author has limited the length of commands and steps to just the words you need to read to complete each task in a minimum of time. Intermediate users of Windows-based applications rarely need to be told when to click the OK button!

Expert Mentoring

You also get background information, when appropriate, to the topic or task. Tasks are often introduced so that your understanding of the real purpose of the task is clarified. Although mentoring is best done through the full Special Edition Using series, there are times when a little mentoring before a task greatly enhances the understanding of that task or function. The author keeps this in mind while using his extensive user experience to determine when to provide that reinforcing conceptual information.

A Comprehensive Glossary

With the Internet awareness of the Microsoft Access 97 product comes a lot of jargon that will be new to you. This book has a glossary of terms specific to who you are and what you're doing. These terms are contained in various sections of the book as italicized words. Look them up as you go along or scan for any terms that might not be familiar. Ever wonder what concatenation is? You don't have to complete a task to find out. You can check out such terms or definitions in the glossary.

Task Reference

This Quick Reference is divided into sections, all dedicated to Access 97 functional areas. In each section, you will find an alphabetical listing of topics that are detailed with tasks.

To find all tasks that Access' online Help system, for example, go to the "Database Essentials" section, find the task topic "Help," and then turn to the tasks that cover activities in that topic area. Tasks follow one another and are sorted in alphabetical order, unless there is special value in completing multiple tasks in order.

When a prerequisite task must be read to understand the task you are reading, a cross reference will let you know: (See "Help: Help Contents and Index," "Help: Searching for Topics," or "Help: Office Assistant" before you complete this task). When other tasks might be more useful, or might be used instead of the task you are viewing, a cross reference will let you know where to find it: (See also "Width of Column" in the Database Essentials part of this book). And when other related tasks might be useful after completing a task, a cross reference at the end of the task will direct you to their location: (For formatting numbers, see also "Query: Format Field" in the Queries and Filters part of this book, and "Format: Numbers and Dates" in the Forms and Reports part of the book).

Conventions Used in This Book

This book uses certain conventions in order to guide you through the various tasks. Special typefaces in this Quick Reference include the following:
Type Meaning
italic Terms or phrases that might be found in the Glossary; required function variables that must be entered.
underline Menu and dialog box options that appear underlined on-screen.
boldface Information you are asked to type.
italic boldface Optional function variables that can be entered.
special type Direct quotations of words that appear on-screen or in a figure.

Elements printed in uppercase include functions, such as SUM(), and file names.

When a direction is given to "click," this means click the left side of the mouse control for those mice with alternate keys. When it is necessary for the right or alternate side of the mouse to be used, the direction "right-click" will be given.

In most cases, keys are represented as they appear on the keyboard. The arrow keys usually are represented by name (for example, the up-arrow key). The Print Screen key is abbreviated PrtSc; Page Up is PgUp; Insert is Ins; and so on. On your keyboard, these key names might be spelled out or abbreviated differently.

When two keys appear together with a plus sign, such as Shift+Ins, press and hold the first key as you press the second key. When two keys appear together without a plus sign, such as End Home, press and release the first key before you press the second key.

Various toolbar buttons, such as the one next to this paragraph, are used throughout the steps and are identified with a visual icon next to the appropriate step. These icons resemble the on-screen toolbar button and make it easier for you to find them quickly.

Many tasks include warnings, cautions, notes, and tips. These are described in-depth in this section.

The author has gone to great lengths to protect you from disaster, often warning you of impending, often irreversible danger before you get in over your head. Warnings are just one way this Quick Reference will inform you when you need to know.

WARNING: AutoRecover does not save your documents--only certain recovery information! Be sure to save all documents you are working on at frequent intervals.

The completion of some tasks might change several aspects of a document or the way your MS Access package works in the future. Cautions inform the reader about unforeseen events that might not occur as expected. Cautions are not as severe as warnings, but you will want to read cautionary information.

CAUTION: Do not turn the power off before exiting Access. You could damage your database. If you need to repair a damaged database, there is a repair procedure that might (or might not) work.

Notes often advise and direct you while you complete a task. Expect to find pieces of great wisdom while you complete tasks.

NOTE: Only controls that have Control Source properties can take an expression with a calculated result. Expressions can be any valid Access function or operator, values, fields, or identifiers, and must start with an equal sign.

Tips offer expert input from those who really know the software. Tips often include time-saving solutions and ways to shortcut your way to success. If you're looking for a shortcut key, tips are where you'll find them!

TIP: To change additional options for a specific pivot table field, double-click the field button. Choose the options you want in the PivotTable Field dialog box; then choose OK.

All tasks in this book are not for everyone. In some tasks, if you are not already familiar with the instances of use of a task, we might direct you to a Special Edition Using book. A Special Edition Using is the most complete core tutorial reference on the topic and can provide you with both background information and tutorial style learning that will help you to understand the topic more thoroughly.

NOTE: This feature's task requires understanding of a complex subject. If you are not familiar with this feature, you will probably want to become acquainted with it by reading Special Edition Using Microsoft Access 97 for a complete tutorial coverage.

Related Books

No one book can cover all of the needs of every user. Que offers a complete line of Office 97-related titles. Look for Quick References on each of the Office 97 components as well as Windows 95. Special Edition Using Microsoft Access 97 is the most complete tutorial and reference volume available for Access 97, and answers end-user questions with clear, concise, and comprehensive authority. Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 97 Professional is the most complete tutorial and reference volume available for Office 97, and Que's Net Savvy Office 97 concentrates its content on getting the most of Office 97's extensive Internet and intranet features. Ask your bookseller for the availability of other Que titles.

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